The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  William O. Douglas papers, 1801-1980
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BOX 17-21 Part I: Special Correspondence, 1934-1939
Congratulatory letters received and carbon copies of acknowledgments re Douglas's appointments to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Supreme Court.
Arranged by appointment and alphabetically therein.
BOX 17 Congratulatory letters
Appointment to Securities and Exchange Commission, 1934
(2 folders)
Appointment as chairman of Securities and Exchange Commission, 1937
(5 folders)
BOX 18 Q-Z
(2 folders)
Appointment to Supreme Court, 1939
(3 folders)
BOX 19 D-J
(7 folders)
BOX 20 K-P
(7 folders)
BOX 21 Q-Z
(10 folders)
BOX 22-34 Part I: Subject File, 1925-1939
Correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, office files, and printed matter relating primarily to Douglas's association with Yale University and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX 22 Annuities by United States government
Biographical sketches
Blackman house, Conn.
Boonton, N.J., Elks Lodge
Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
Committee on Accounting Principles
Cooperative Committee/Cooperative Forum
Democratic committees
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Business School-Yale Law School Combined Law, business course
Bates, George Eugene
Clark, Charles Edward
Other correspondence and papers
Tercentenary celebration
BOX 23 Howland, John, article on Sections 77 and 77B of the Bankruptcy Act
Judiciary, Franklin D. Roosevelt plan for reorganization, 1937
Lake Wentworth, Wolfeboro Falls, N.H.
New York Law Society
(2 folders)
New York Stock Exchange Institute
1938 political campaigns, congratulatory letters to candidates
Personal recreation
Securities and Exchange Commission
Appointment schedule, trips and speaking engagements, 1936-1938
Bankruptcy laws, 1937-1938
BOX 24 Capital markets study
Chronological correspondence file, July-Sept. 1935
Commissioner's press conferences
Community Chest
Confidential file of William O. Douglas
Draft legislation
Capital issues banking system
Credit facilities for small independent businesses
Federal Investment Bank Act of 1939
Frauds, prevention of
Industrial Expansion and Coordination Act
Power Defense Act of 1939
Duke University Law Quarterly, articles by staff
Emergency Program
Foreign transactions in American securities
(2 folders)
BOX 25 Greer case
H.R. 8940
Industrial banks study
(3 folders)
Industrial Finance Act, memorandum for the president
Investment trusts
Report, Part 3, Chapter 5
(2 folders)
BOX 26 Kennedy, E.D., memoranda on corporate bigness
Kruger and Toll
Memoranda to and from staff
Pegging and stablizing rules
Petty cash
Protective Committee Study
American Amortization Co.
American Bond and Mortgage Co.
Appointment of Douglas as director
Associated Gas and Electric Co.
British Labour Party program
California Commission
Chicago, Ill., real estate
Chicago Title & Trust Co.
BOX 27 Confidential file
Corporate trustees
Deposit agreements
Analysis form
Real estate
Douglas's record copy file
(2 folders)
Foreign bonds
Guaranteed mortgages, N.Y.
Internal Revenue Service
Legal aspects and cases
BOX 28 Miscellaneous
Missouri Pacific Railroad Co.
New York Mortgage Commission
Chicago Title & Trust Co.
Corporate trustee
R. Hoe & Co.
Real estate
Names of people to be sent copies
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