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William O. Douglas papers, 1801-1980

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Part II: Financial Papers, 1921-1980 (continued)
Stetson Hat Shop, 1943-1962
Terminal Refrigerating and Warehouse Corp., 1944
Western Ranchmen Outfitters, 1944-1946
BOX 1758 Travel arrangements
Airlines, 1952-1979
Commonwealth Travel, 1966-1968
Travel Enterprises
Miscellany, 1921-1979
BOX 1758-1774 Part II: Miscellany, 1801-1980
Awards and certificates, club and committee membership records, school and college papers, medical and personal records, plans for social activities, and related correspondence.
Arranged by type of material.
BOX 1758 Douglas, William O.
Awards, celebrations, honors, tributes
Admission to bar of New York, 1926
Appointment to Supreme Court, 1939
(2 folders)
BOX 1759 Eightieth birthday (1978)
Douglas Honors College, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Wash., 1979
Longevity celebration, 1973-1974
(3 folders)
Press coverage
BOX 1760 Miscellany
Retirement, Nov. 12, 1975
(3 folders)
Twenty-fifth year on Court
(2 folders)
Thirtieth year on Court
Yakima, Wash., tribute, 1978
Biographical file
Articles on Douglas
Curt Matthews, St. Louis Post Dispatch, 1973
Emmett Watson, 1969
Miscellaneous, 1921-1980
BOX 1761 Biographical sketches, 1940-1974
Douglas of the Supreme Court by Vern Countryman
Christmas lists and messages, 1954-1980
Club memberships
Ampang Youth Club, Ampang, Malaysia, 1953
Circumnavigation Club, New York, N.Y., 1950-1954
Explorers Club, New York, N.Y., 1952-1974
Fractured Rib Club, Washington, D.C., 1962-1977
BOX 1762 Himalayan Club (American), 1954
Himalayan Club, Delhi, India, 1950-1970
Hoboes of America, Washington, D.C., 1939-1966
Mongolia Society, Bloomington, Ind., 1964-1972
Pen Club, New York, N.Y., 1952-1959
Sierra Club
(3 folders)
BOX 1763 1961-1965
(4 folders)
BOX 1764 1966-1971
(4 folders)
BOX 1765 1972, 1977
University Club, Washington, D.C., 1952-1973
Yale Club, New York, N.Y., 1952-1973
(2 folders)
BOX 1766 1964-1976
(3 folders)
Committees, membership on
(2 folders)
BOX 1767 Nov. 1955-June 1969
(5 folders)
BOX 1768 Aug. 1969- Oct. 1972
Dog pedigrees, 1945
Funeral arrangements, 1977-1980
Indexes to selected correspondence See Oversize
Licenses, permits, identification numbers
Luncheons, receptions, dinners
Dinner for Tom Clark, 27 Oct. 1945
Minister of Lebanon, 28 Feb. 1951
Illya Lopert party, 25 Nov. 1952
Dinner for Earl Warren, 24 Apr. 1954
Testimonial dinner for G. L. Mehta, 30 Apr. 1958
Israeli Ambassador's Ball, 16 June 1960, 19 June 1974
Dinner for Ivan Djordjevic, 28 May 1964
Luncheon for P.K. Bennerjee, 9 June 1964
Reception for Abe and Carol Fortas, 22 Oct. 1965
Dinner for Mary Douglas, Chicago, 14 Jan. 1966
Dinner for Arthur J. Goldberg, 30 Jan. 1966
Dinner, 20 May 1966 (house)
Dinner, 10 June 1966 (house)
Reception for William J. Brennan, 16 Oct. 1966
Nancy Douglas, wedding, 18-19 Nov. 1966
Cocktail party, 27 Dec. 1966
BOX 1769 Cocktail party, 30 Apr. 1967
Dinner for Law Watkins, 23 Nov. 1967
Lunch for B.K. Nehru, 28 Nov. 1967
Cocktail party, 20 Dec. 1967
Lunch for Ambassador Avraham Harman, 9 Feb. 1968
Dinner, 17 May 1968
Cocktail party, 11 Nov. 1968
Party, 30 Apr. 1970
Lunch for Clovis Maksoud, 24 Nov. 1970
New Year's Eve party, 31 Dec. 1970
William J. Brennan dinner, 16 Oct. 1972
Luncheon for Justice Javed Iqbal, 19 May 1973
Luncheon, 13 Dec. 1973
Dinner, 15 Mar. 1974
Publication of volume 1, Go East Young Man, 17 Apr. 1974
Luncheon, 18 Apr. 1974
Dinner party in honor of Betty Fletcher, 21 May 1974
Dinner, 14 June 1974
(2 folders)
BOX 1770 1962-1972
Medical file
1949, recuperation
1958, car
1956-1972, Walter Reed Hospital, Bethesda, Md.
Jan., Walter Reed Hospital
Apr., Rusk Clinic, New York, N.Y.
BOX 1771 Nov., Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Oreg.
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