The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  William O. Douglas papers, 1801-1980
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Part II: Correspondence, 1920-1980 (continued)
General, 1935-1980. (continued)
Hoover, J. Edgar, 1945-1971 (continued)
BOX 341 (3 folders)
Hopkins, Harry, 1941-1944
Horowitz, Charles, 1952-1975
Hoyt, Edwin Palmer, 1939-1975
(2 folders)
BOX 342 (2 folders)
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1939-1963
Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1939-1975
Ickes, Harold L., 1939-1956
Irish, Marion D., 1952-1959
BOX 343 Jackson, Henry, 1952-1979
Jackson, Maxine Kostler, 1948-1954
Jackson, Robert H. See Container 593, same heading
Jacobson, Helen, 1965-1974
Janeway, Eliot, 1940-1978
(3 folders)
BOX 344 (3 folders)
Time memoranda, 1945-1947
(1 folder)
BOX 345 (1 folder)
Jansen, Leonard, 1940-1977
(2 folders)
BOX 346 Jenkins, Richard and Nellie, 1950-1968
Johnson, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird, 1939-1977
(4 folders)
BOX 347 Jones, Nard, 1951-1970
Joy, Harper, 1939-1960
Kahn, Arthur, 1973-1976
Kays, Casey, 1968-1979
(2 folders)
Kazemi, M., 1960-1978
Keedick, Robert, 1956-1958
Kefauver, Estes, 1941-1963
Kendrick, Leo, 1974-1979
BOX 348 Kennedy, John F., 1954-1963
Kennedy, Joseph P. and family, 1939-1971
Kennedy, Robert F. and Ethel, 1949-1977
Kent, Roger, 1939-1976
(1 folder)
BOX 349 (1 folder)
Khan, Mohammed Zabfullah, 1954-1961
Killion, George, 1943-1968
Kintner, Robert, 1939-1974
Kirschten, Ernest, 1944-1975
Krock, Arthur, 1939-1968
La Follette, Robert and Philip, 1940-1956
Lantz, Robert, 1971-1979
(1 folder)
BOX 350 (4 folders)
Laski, Harold, 1939-1940
BOX 351 Latourette, Earl, 1940-1963
Lattimore, Owen, 1950-1964
Laurent-Christensen, Axel, 1953-1965
Leonardo, Elaine, 1965-1979
(2 folders)
BOX 352 (1 folder)
Leva, Marx, 1941-1947
Levi, Edward H., 1939-1960
Levy, William Turner, 1955-1975
Life Magazine, 1939-1972
Llewellyn, Karl N., 1940-1965
Look Magazine, 1952-1971
Lopert, Ilya, 1952-1953
Louchheim, Walter C. and Katie, 1941-1977
Lucas, Robert, 1968-1975
BOX 353 Luce, Henry, 1941-1949
Luckman, Charles, 1946-1950
Lyons, Leonard, 1941-1977
(2 folders)
Magnuson, Warren, 1939-1974
Maksoud, Clovis, 1949-1970
BOX 354 Maloney, Francis Thomas, 1939-1965
Manning, Howard, 1939-1965
Mansfield, Mike, 1945-1974
Marcy, William L., 1941-1960
Marlow, Polly, 1940-1972
Marsh, Eugene, 1942-1974
Marshall, W. M., 1939-1963
Martindell, Jackson, 1953-1963
Masters, John, 1950-1960
Maverick, Maury Sr., and Jr., 1940-1971
Maxey, Chester C., 1939-1971
Mayerson, Charlotte, 1974-1979
BOX 355 McClennen, Edward F., 1953-1961
McColloch, Claude M., 1940-1958
McConnaughey, Robert, 1943-1966
McElvenny, Ralph T., 1939-1958
McGurn, Barrett, 1974-1977
McKinney, William Neel, 1956-1967
Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1954-1972
Meneely, A. Howard, 1939-1961
(2 folders)
BOX 356 Milks, Harold K., 1951-1962
Miller, Justin, 1940-1954
Minton, Sherman and Gertrude, 1939-1966
Mitchell, Stephen, 1941-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 357 (2 folders)
Montague, Gilbert, 1939-1959
Moore, Margo, 1974
Moore, Underhill, 1939-1949
Morgenthau, Henry, 1939-1953
BOX 358 Morse, Wayne, 1941-1972
Moskovit, Harold R., 1940-1973
(2 folders)
Murie, Olaus and Margaret, 1952-1970
Murphy, Frank, 1939-1949
Murrah, Alfred, 1941-1971
Najafi, Najmeh, 1953-1969
BOX 359 National Assembly on Teaching the Principles of the Bill of Rights See Container 364, Peyser, Minna Post
National Geographic Society, 1957-1974
Navy Department, letters of endorsement, 1940-1945
Neale, Emery, 1941-1948
Nelson, Jack, 1949-1966
Neuberger, Richard Lewis, 1940-1973
(1 folder)
BOX 360 (3 folders)
BOX 361 Newton, James Q. and Quigg, 1939-1975
Nover, Barnet, 1942-1975
Oberteuffer, Delbert, 1939-1975
Oberwinder, John F., 1946-1962
O'Brien, Robert, 1945-1968
O'Connor, J.F.T., 1940-1948
Odegaard, Peter, 1945-1974
Oliver, W. Wayne, 1961-1963
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