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Part II: Speeches and Writings File, 1928-1979 (continued)
22 June, U.S. News and World Report
June, Rotarian
14 Aug., Look
BOX 854 1952
13 Jan., "The Black Silence of Fear," New York Times Magazine
(7 folders)
5 Feb., "A Wedge of Freedom in a One Party State," The Reporter
25 Feb., "How We Can Win in Asia," Quick
25 Feb., "A Man Is Innocent Until He Is Proven Guilty," This Week
BOX 855 Feb., "Great Horse Squealer," short story
11 Mar., "We Have Become Victims of the Military Mind," Look
Mar., "What I Miss Most About Roosevelt," Look
Mar., Pacific Northwest article for American
(2 folders)
Mar., duck shooting article
28 Apr., "Power of Righteousness," New Republic
Apr., introduction to Fatemi's Diplomatic History of Persia
May., untitled short story using pseudonym William Grayson
July, Point IV, financial aid to foreign countries
July, "My Favorite Vacation Land," Adventure Magazine, correspondence
Aug., "Revolution Is Our Business," Philippine Review
21 Sept., Meaning of the Mountains," Oregon Journal
BOX 856 4 Nov., "The Man Who Saved the Philippines from Red Conquest," Look
16 Nov., "The Art of Conversation," This Week
18 Nov., "Jungle Treachery in Malaya," Look
2 Dec., "Revolution in Burma," Look
16 Dec., "Indo-China Near Disaster," Look
30 Dec., "The Choice in Korea," Look
Dec., "The Cougar Tasted Blood," Argosy
Look, miscellaneous correspondence
Mar., Sooner Magazine
BOX 857 Apr., World Student Federalists
Sept., "Arizona Lion Hunt," Outdoor Life Magazine
Apr., "The C & O Canal," Reader's Digest
Apr., "The Chiricahuas, Lions and Dogs," Argosy
June, Fun Magazine
19 Oct., Morocco, Look
BOX 858 26 Nov., "Jiberabu," Colliers
This Week
Jan., "The Four Mountain Ranges of the Pacific Northwest," Madamoisselle
10 June, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Nov., Look
(2 folders)
BOX 859 Nov., "Russia's Colonial Empire," Look
(2 folders)
Nov., "War or Peace," Look
(2 folders)
Look, fan mail
Dec., Buffalo Law Review
"Face of Asia"
BOX 860 1956
Jan., "Mr. Justice Black," Yale Law Journal
(4 folders)
Jan., "Shangri-La," This Week
Jan., "Australian Labor..," Harper's Magazine
19 Feb., "Steelheading with Justice Douglas," Sports Afield
Mar., Iowa Law Review
Aug., Foreword to Potomac Playlands, Interstate Commerce Commission on the Potomac River Basin
Aug., "The Middle Fork," Look See also Oversize
Collier's Magazine
Outdoor Adventure
"Famous People and Their Homes," Perfect Home Magazine
Foreword to Citizens of the World, by Stringfellow Barr
Apr., Foreword to Not Guilty, by Jerome Frank
BOX 861 May, "C & O Canal," Home and Highway
Introduction to Attorney for the Damned, edited to Arthur Weinberg
"Pendleton Roundup"
(2 folders)
"Middle East Journey," National Geographic Magazine
(2 folders)
BOX 862 Leica Photography
15 Mar., Dedicatory message, The Witchcraft of Salem Village, by Shirley Jackson
28 Apr., Sports Illustrated
May, "Travel in India," New York Times
June, editorial, Law and Order
July, "West from the Khyber Pass," National Geographic Magazine
Fall, "Olympic Beach Hike" by Mercedes H. Douglas, The Living Wilderness
Potomac Valley
Jan., National Geographic Magazine
Mar., "We Don't Make Our Journey Alone," Think
Mar., "What the Mountains Taught Me," This Week
30 July, foreword to Up from India
July, "Law in Theory" symposium, Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y.
Oct., Securities and Exchange Commission
Oct., "In Forma Pauperis Practice in the United States," published in New Hampshire Bar Journal
Dec., introduction to Jane Addams centennial
Brooks Range
BOX 863 1960
Oct., "Not Nine Feet Tall," Saturday Review
Nov., "Wallowas," National Parks Magazine
Dec., "The Attitude of the United States Toward Revolution"
Articles for Richard Howland
Foreword to History of Bigotry in the United States, by Gustavus Myers
Foreword to Continent We Live On by Ivan Terence Sanderson
Article for McCann-Erickson
July, "Speaking Out," Saturday Evening Post
Aug., White Mountain
(2 folders)
BOX 864 Drafts
(2 folders)
Aug., "Wilderness Bill of Rights," Mazamas
Oct., "Our Vanishing Wilderness Must Be Saved," True magazine
Dec., "From Wilderness to Wasteland," Country Beautiful Magazine
"The Newly Emerging Nations-The Case for Democracy," Great Ideas Today
(1 folder)
BOX 865 (11 folders)
BOX 866 "My Island," Saturday Evening Post
"The Wilderness Is a Friend," Redbook
Foreword to book by Hendrick C. Anderson and Lucia Howe
Preface to symposium, Minnesota Law Review
Sports Illustrated
"Communism Defeated in Iraq"
"The Adult Authority--A Modern Attempt To Rehabilitate the Criminal While Protecting Society"
Jan., Surendranath Law College Review
13 Feb., "An Afternoon with Tito," Look
Feb., "Wilderness Trail in the Wallowas," Ford Times
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