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Part II: Speeches and Writings File, 1928-1979 (continued)
Mar., "Journey to Outer Mongolia," National Geographic Magazine See also Oversize
(2 folders)
BOX 867 (3 folders)
Apr., Introduction, Walden, by Henry David Thoreau
Apr., "Mr. Justice Whittaker"
Summer, "Karl N. Llewellyn," University of Chicago Law Review
BOX 868 July, "The People of Cades Cove," National Geographic Magazine
(4 folders)
13 Nov., "Christmas in Crisis," Look
Comments on Great World Atlas
BOX 869 Foreword to book by Ed Hudon
Introduction, The Brother Within, by Robert E. Thompson
"Lawyers of the Peace Corps"
"Society v. the Criminal"
Steelhead trout fishing, True
Jan., Foreword to Up from Slavery, by Booker T. Washington
Jan., Wilderness, The Patriot
Feb., American Weekly
Feb., Sports Afield
Mar., "Wesley A. Sturges"
Apr., Country Beautiful
May, Introduction to "Jurisprudence," Columbia Law Review, May 1963
June, Washington State Recreation Society Bulletin
BOX 870 July, "Why We Must Save the Allagash" Field and Stream
Aug., "The Society of the Dialogue"
Sept., "Forks, Washington--The Last Frontier"
(2 folders)
Oct., Charles Edward Clark, Yale Law Journal
BOX 871 Nov., "Bolivia-Latin America's Pacesetter,"
(5 folders)
Foreword to Current Disarmament Proposals
New York Times
Presbyterian Outlook
BOX 872 "Threats to Liberty"
Jan., Foreword to Among the Brave Men
22 Mar., "Our Natural Wonders," New York Times
May, "Banks Island: Eskimo Life on the Polar Sea," National Geographic Magazine
(3 folders)
May, Hiking, National Wildlife
May, "E. Barrett Prettyman," Georgetown Law Journal
BOX 873 July, "America's Vanishing Wilderness," Ladies' Home Journal
(2 folders)
July-Aug., "I'll Take the Back Roads," Think
12 Oct., Adolf Berle, Columbia Law Review
13 Oct., Cougar Lake for The Mountaineers
4 Nov., Water pollution for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
"Speaking Out" for Saturday Evening Post
"A Wilderness Bill of Rights," Britannica Book of the Year
(3 folders)
BOX 874 (5 folders)
BOX 875 (8 folders)
BOX 876 (6 folders)
Jan., "The Constitution, The Courts, The Citizen," Think
BOX 877 Jan., Reader's Digest
21 Mar., "Hiking," New York Times
Apr., "Running the Rio Grande," Venture
(3 folders)
May, "The Joys of Walking," Family Circle
May, "The Rule of Law in World Affairs," Kansas Law Review
Summer, "Phil S. Gibson," Law in Transition Quarterly
3 Aug., Seattle Post Intelligencer
Aug., "Across Siberia"
(2 folders)
BOX 878 (3 folders)
Oct., "North Cascades"
(2 folders)
BOX 879 (4 folders)
Foreword to phonograph album by Pete Seeger, Columbia Records
Foreword to Max Radin memorial volume
Foreword to Wild Cascades, by David Brower
19 Jan., Introduction to As Maine Goes
BOX 880 Feb., Comment on "North Cascades Study Team Report"
May, "The Need for Fundamental Education in the United States Constitutional System," Phi Delta Kappa
June, Foreword to Three Ways of Asian Wisdom
31 Aug., Foreword to book on Pacific states
Oct., "Free Press vs. A Fair Trial," Think
"Hiking in Scotland," proposed
"The Long Trail," McCall's
"Marvelous Minnesota," proposed
Jan., Bill of Rights, Think
Jan., Foreword to The Effectiveness of Accounting Communication by Abraham J. Briloff
BOX 881 5 Mar., Alaska, Los Angeles Times WEST Magazine
Apr., As Maine Goes, sent to Washington State Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
May, Foreword to the Golden Omnibus by Harry Golden
July, "The Afghan Bill of Rights," Afghan Student News
July, Biographical statement for Who's Who in America
July, "Democracy in India"
Aug., "Let's Save Our Natural Resources," Highlights for Children
Oct., "Civil Rights and Liberties, Encyclopedia International
Oct., Foreword to Oregon Law Review
Oct., Foreword to What The Devil Knoweth Not
Nov., Northern Cascades, American Forests
Dec., "The Attack on the Right to Privacy," Playboy
Winter, "Sociology and the Law," Sociological Forum, 1967
Family Weekly
Foreword to book on Olympic Wilderness Beach by Johsel Namkung
Foreword to Potomac Trails by Robert Shosteck
BOX 882 "Retreats from the Noise and Smog of Civilization," Lithopinion
Jan., Foreword to book about Vietnam by Gene A. Gregory
Feb., North Cascades for P. D. Goldsworthy
Feb., Recollections of Spencer Tracy for Donald Deschner
Feb., Women Lawyers Journal
Apr., Parks and Recreation Magazine
Apr., "The Problem Is Paranoia," Center Magazine
Apr., "Their Glory Is in Danger," Holiday
May, Foreword to Handbook of the Bill of Rights
June, "An Inquest on Our Lakes and Rivers," Playboy
BOX 883 July, Outlook for 1969, Pasadena Independent Star-News
Aug., Foreword to A Search for Beauty by David Birkner
Aug., Dedication to Earl Warren, Nebraska Law Review, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Aug., Admit 1 Magazine
Sept., Foreword to Univeristy of California at Los Angeles computer project
Sept., Foreword to Three Fifths of A Man by Floyd B. McKissick
(2 folders)
Sept., National Park Courier
Winter, "Living Under Our Bill of Rights," Soundings
Contribution to revision of the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Reference Encyclopedia
Introduction to "Ahmad Shah Bokhari: A Cosmopolitan at UN"
Symposium on world habeas corpus
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