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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Part II: Speeches and Writings File, 1928-1979 (continued) | |||||||||||||
May, "The Rule of Law in World Affairs," Kansas Law Review | |||||||||||||
Summer, "Phil S. Gibson," Law in Transition Quarterly | |||||||||||||
3 Aug., Seattle Post Intelligencer | |||||||||||||
Aug., "Across Siberia" | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 878 | (3 folders) | ||||||||||||
Oct., "North Cascades" | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 879 | (4 folders) | ||||||||||||
Foreword to phonograph album by Pete Seeger, Columbia Records | |||||||||||||
Foreword to Max Radin memorial volume | |||||||||||||
Foreword to Wild Cascades, by David Brower | |||||||||||||
1966 | |||||||||||||
19 Jan., Introduction to As Maine Goes | |||||||||||||
BOX 880 | Feb., Comment on "North Cascades Study Team Report" | ||||||||||||
May, "The Need for Fundamental Education in the United States Constitutional System," Phi Delta Kappa | |||||||||||||
June, Foreword to Three Ways of Asian Wisdom | |||||||||||||
31 Aug., Foreword to book on Pacific states | |||||||||||||
Oct., "Free Press vs. A Fair Trial," Think | |||||||||||||
"Hiking in Scotland," proposed | |||||||||||||
"The Long Trail," McCall's | |||||||||||||
"Marvelous Minnesota," proposed | |||||||||||||
1967 | |||||||||||||
Jan., Bill of Rights, Think | |||||||||||||
Jan., Foreword to The Effectiveness of Accounting Communication by Abraham J. Briloff | |||||||||||||
BOX 881 | 5 Mar., Alaska, Los Angeles Times WEST Magazine | ||||||||||||
Apr., As Maine Goes, sent to Washington State Museum, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. | |||||||||||||
May, Foreword to the Golden Omnibus by Harry Golden | |||||||||||||
July, "The Afghan Bill of Rights," Afghan Student News | |||||||||||||
July, Biographical statement for Who's Who in America | |||||||||||||
July, "Democracy in India" | |||||||||||||
Aug., "Let's Save Our Natural Resources," Highlights for Children | |||||||||||||
Oct., "Civil Rights and Liberties, Encyclopedia International | |||||||||||||
Oct., Foreword to Oregon Law Review | |||||||||||||
Oct., Foreword to What The Devil Knoweth Not | |||||||||||||
Nov., Northern Cascades, American Forests | |||||||||||||
Dec., "The Attack on the Right to Privacy," Playboy | |||||||||||||
Winter, "Sociology and the Law," Sociological Forum, 1967 | |||||||||||||
Family Weekly | |||||||||||||
Foreword to book on Olympic Wilderness Beach by Johsel Namkung | |||||||||||||
Foreword to Potomac Trails by Robert Shosteck | |||||||||||||
BOX 882 | "Retreats from the Noise and Smog of Civilization," Lithopinion | ||||||||||||
1968 | |||||||||||||
Jan., Foreword to book about Vietnam by Gene A. Gregory | |||||||||||||
Feb., North Cascades for P. D. Goldsworthy | |||||||||||||
Feb., Recollections of Spencer Tracy for Donald Deschner | |||||||||||||
Feb., Women Lawyers Journal | |||||||||||||
Apr., Parks and Recreation Magazine | |||||||||||||
Apr., "The Problem Is Paranoia," Center Magazine | |||||||||||||
Apr., "Their Glory Is in Danger," Holiday | |||||||||||||
May, Foreword to Handbook of the Bill of Rights | |||||||||||||
June, "An Inquest on Our Lakes and Rivers," Playboy | |||||||||||||
BOX 883 | July, Outlook for 1969, Pasadena Independent Star-News | ||||||||||||
Aug., Foreword to A Search for Beauty by David Birkner | |||||||||||||
Aug., Dedication to Earl Warren, Nebraska Law Review, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. | |||||||||||||
Aug., Admit 1 Magazine | |||||||||||||
Sept., Foreword to Univeristy of California at Los Angeles computer project | |||||||||||||
Sept., Foreword to Three Fifths of A Man by Floyd B. McKissick | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Sept., National Park Courier | |||||||||||||
Winter, "Living Under Our Bill of Rights," Soundings | |||||||||||||
Contribution to revision of the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Reference Encyclopedia | |||||||||||||
Introduction to "Ahmad Shah Bokhari: A Cosmopolitan at UN" | |||||||||||||
Symposium on world habeas corpus | |||||||||||||
1969 | |||||||||||||
Jan., "Civil Liberties: The Crucial Issue," Playboy | |||||||||||||
BOX 884 | Mar., "The Appeal of Folk Singing: A Landmark Opinion," Avant Garde | ||||||||||||
Mar., Foreword to Campfires Along the Appalachian Trail by Raymomd Baker | |||||||||||||
Spring, "Federal Courts and the Democratic System," Alabama Law Review | |||||||||||||
May, C & O Canal, National Parks Magazine | |||||||||||||
May, "The Little Tennessee," True, written in 1965 for National Geographic Magazine | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 885 | (4 folders) | ||||||||||||
BOX 886 | July, "The Public Be Damned," Playboy | ||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
Dec., Tribute to Earl Warren, California Law Review | |||||||||||||
Comment on Conservation: Now or Never by Nicholas Roosevelt | |||||||||||||
Exponent | |||||||||||||
"Law and Force," Playboy, unpublished | |||||||||||||
Prefatory essay, The Sacco-Vanzetti Case, A Transcript | |||||||||||||
(1 folder) | |||||||||||||
BOX 887 | (1 folder) | ||||||||||||
1970 | |||||||||||||
Jan., "Points of Rebellion," Playboy | |||||||||||||
Jan., Comment on The House Keepers by Linda Grover | |||||||||||||
Feb., Comments on Jurisprudence and Law | |||||||||||||
Mar., Comment on Prescription for Living | |||||||||||||
Spring, "The Press and First Amendment Rights," Idaho Law Review | |||||||||||||
Comment on Nameless Valleys, Shining Mountains | |||||||||||||
Comment on The Greening of America by Charles Reich | |||||||||||||
Foreword to These Splendored Isles | |||||||||||||
Introduction to The Beautiful Land | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
"Nuclear Energy," Playboy | |||||||||||||
BOX 888 | "One Luncheon: Two Assassinations" | ||||||||||||
Preface to Falling Water by Jack Lewis | |||||||||||||
"A Task Force for Ecology," Playboy, unpublished | |||||||||||||
(3 folders) | |||||||||||||
BOX 889 | (2 folders) | ||||||||||||
1971 | |||||||||||||
Jan., Introduction to Potomac Trail Book | |||||||||||||
Spring, "Environmental Problems of the Oceans: The Need for International Controls," Environmental Law | |||||||||||||
Apr., "Chief Judge Stanley H. Fuld," Columbia Law Review | |||||||||||||
Summer, Texas International Law Forum | |||||||||||||
Oct., Foreword to Faces of Wilderness by Harvey Broome | |||||||||||||
Dec., Preface to Southern California Law Review Symposium | |||||||||||||
Comment on America's Reign of Terror | |||||||||||||
Environmental Quality | |||||||||||||
Introduction to The Revolutionists | |||||||||||||
"Mr. Justice Black," The Progessive | |||||||||||||
BOX 890 | "The Right to Treatment," St. Louis University Law Journal | ||||||||||||
1972 | |||||||||||||
Feb., "Justice Brennan As a Jurist," Rutgers Camden Law Journal | |||||||||||||
Spring, "The Grand Design of the Constitution," Gonzaga Law Review | |||||||||||||
May, Appalachian Trail, unpublished | |||||||||||||
(2 folders) | |||||||||||||
May, Walking, Lifestyle | |||||||||||||
Oct., Introduction to Denver Law Journal | |||||||||||||
Winter, "Samuel M. Chapin," California Western Law Review | |||||||||||||
Comment on Hugo Black: The Alabama Years by Virgnia Van der meer Hamilton | |||||||||||||
Foreword to Environmental Law Symposium, Arizona Law Review | |||||||||||||
Introduction to "Science, Technology, and International Law," symposium, Indiana Legal Forum | |||||||||||||
1973 | |||||||||||||
Jan., Foreword to Towpath Guide | |||||||||||||
BOX 891 | Jan., "Toward Greater Vitality," Today's Health | ||||||||||||
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