The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Harold H. Burton papers, 1792-1965
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Senate File, 1926-1947 (continued)
Correspondence, 1938-1945 (continued)
War Committee on Conventions, 1945
BOX 23 War Food Administration
Bakeries, 1945
Brewers, 1945
Miscellany, 1945
War Manpower Commission, 1945
War Production Board
American Crayon Co., 1945
Glass, packaging of, 1945
Individuals, 1944-1945
Industries, 1944-1945, undated
(2 folders)
Textile Order M-388, 1945
(3 folders)
Federal Communications Commission, radio frequencies and medical services, 1945
(2 folders)
BOX 24 Federal Power Commission, 1945
Federal Reserve System, 1945
Federal Security Agency
Miscellany, 1944-1945
Social Security Board, 1945
Federal Works Agency, 1945
General Accounting Office, 1944-1945
Interior Department
Fish and Wildlife Service, 1945
Miscellany, 1945
Justice Department
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1944-1945
Miscellany, 1945
Labor Department, 1945
Library of Congress
Journal of the Parliaments of the Empire, 1945
Miscellany, 1945
National Housing Agency
Federal Housing Administration, 1945
Federal Public Housing Authority, 1943-1945
Miscellany, 1945
Navy Department
Cleveland (light cruiser), 1941-1942
(2 folders)
Coast Guard, 1944-1945
Marine Corps, 1945
Miscellany, 1945
Personnel, 1945
BOX 25 H-Z
(2 folders)
Post Office Department, 1945
Reconstruction Finance Corp., 1945
Selective Service System, 1945
State Department
Italy, 1945
Miscellany, 1945
(2 folders)
Treasury Department, 1945
United States Tariff Commission, 1944-1945
War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Jacobs, Donald, 1944-1945
Miscellany, 1945
(7 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX 26 G-Z
(5 folders)
Stoll, Richard W., 1944-1945
Alaska and West Coast trip
Miscellany, 1942-1943
(2 folders)
Soldiers' letters, 1942-1943
(4 folders)
Army Air Forces, 1945
BOX 27 Army Service Forces
German prisoners of war, 1945
Miscellany, 1945
Office of the Judge Advocate General, court-martial of James M. Thompson, 1945
Office of the Provost Marshal General, 1945
Miscellany, 1945
Office of Dependency Benefits, 1944-1945
Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1945
Abney, Arvel, 1944-1945
American Automobile Association, 1945
American Bar Association, 1945
American Economic Foundation, 1943-1945
American Legion, 1941-1945
American Magazine, 1942-1945, undated
American Red Cross, 1941-1944
Andrews, Fletcher, 1945
Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1943-1945
Apartment House Owners Association, Cleveland, Ohio, 1941-1945
Archer, V. J., 1942-1945
“Ab-Am” miscellaneous, 1942-1945
(3 folders)
BOX 28 “An-Ax” miscellaneous, 1943-1945
(2 folders)
Baily, Harold J., 1941-1945
Ball, Joseph H., 1943-1944
Basore, A. K., 1942-1945
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1943-1945
Brainard, Henry S., 1942-1945
Bridges, Styles, 1943-1945
Brown, Katherine K., 1941-1945
Byrd, Harry Flood (1887-1966), 1941-1945
“Ba-Br” miscellaneous, 1944-1945
(8 folders)
BOX 29 “Bu” miscellaneous, 1945
Caldecott, Ernest, 1944-1945
Campbell, Willard D., 1944-1945
Capitol Page School, Washington, D.C., 1942-1945
(2 folders)
Children's Museum of Washington, D.C., 1944-1945
Citizens League of Cleveland, Ohio, 1941-1945
Clapp, Paul S., 1945
Clemens, Erwin L., 1945
Cleveland, Ohio, City Council, 1943-1945
Cleveland Aviation Club, Cleveland, Ohio, 1944-1945
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland, Ohio, 1944-1945
Cleveland Grays, Cleveland, Ohio, 1943-1945
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1941-1945
Coffin, Ogden W. L., 1942-1945
Cohn, Julius B., 1943-1945
Colegrove, Kenneth, 1943-1945
Commission on Ministerial Training, Methodist Church, Nashville, Tenn., 1944-1945
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