| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Criminal Case File, 1861-1992
(continued) |
Pitezel, Benjamin,
murder |
Correspondence, 1894, 1940-1943,
1950 |
Essays and notes, 1940, 1950,
undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1894-1895,
1910, 1928-1929, 1936-1941, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1891, undated |
(2 folders) |
Potter, Ida, murder, 1908, undated |
BOX 150 |
Proctor, George H., crimes |
Correspondence, 1893-1896 |
Essays and notes, 1893, undated |
Legal documents, 1885
See also Oversize
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1885-1909,
1940-1943 |
(2 folders) |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1895, undated |
Racehorse doping |
Correspondence, 1939 |
Legal documents, 1939-1940 |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1923-1932,
1939-1947 |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1939-1941, undated |
Reports, 1938-1941 |
Racehorse ringers |
Correspondence, 1905-1906, 1914, 1926-1932,
1938-1947, undated |
(2 folders) |
BOX 151 |
Essays and notes, undated |
Legal documents, 1905, 1928-1931 |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1903-1911,
1926-1951 |
(5 folders) |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1905, 1927-1934, undated |
BOX 152 |
Reports, 1903-1914, 1921-1940 |
(9 folders) |
BOX 153 |
Reeves, Melville, crimes |
Correspondence, 1917-1923,
1932-1938 |
Newspaper and magazine articles and related
material, 1913-1938 |
Photographs, 1913-circa 1930 |
Reports, 1918-1935 |
Reno brothers gang |
Correspondence, including transcripts, 1869,
1888, 1897-1906, 1936-1950, undated |
Essays, 1897, 1907, 1950, undated |
Extradition records, copies, 1868,
1877 |
Newspaper and magazine articles and related
material, 1876-1907, 1939-1955, undated |
(2 folders) |
Notes, 1943, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1922, undated |
BOX 154 |
Reports and reward notices, 1868, 1878, 1905,
1943 |
Shields, Robert W. |
Book project |
Draft, circa 1944 |
(2 folders) |
Synopses, undated |
Correspondence, 1950-1952, undated
Illustrations and photographs, 1951,
undated |
(2 folders) |
BOX 155 |
Legal documents, 1948-1951 |
Research material, 1876, 1916, 1951,
undated |
Volland, Robert F., “The Reno Gang of
Seymour,” master's thesis, partial draft, 1948 |
(2 folders) |
Reszka-Auswaks gang |
Correspondence, 1938-1940 |
Newspaper and magazine articles and related
material, 1938-1943 |
(3 folders) |
Photographs, 1913, 1938, undated |
BOX 156 |
Police interrogations, transcripts, 1938-1939 |
(2 folders) |
Reports |
1938 |
(4 folders) |
1939 |
May-June |
(3 folders) |
BOX 157 |
July |
Rice, William Lowe, murder |
Correspondence |
General, 1910-1913, 1946, 1951 |
Sciarabba, Vincenza, taken as evidence,
1910, undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1910-1916,
1938-1941, undated |
(2 folders) |
Reports |
1910 |
Aug. |
(5 folders) |
BOX 158 |
Sept.-Oct. |
(9 folders) |
BOX 159 |
Nov.-Dec. |
(4 folders) |
1911 |
(10 folders) |
BOX 160 |
1912-1916, 1941, 1951 |
(3 folders) |
Reward notices, 1910 |
Testimony, transcripts, 1910, undated |
(2 folders) |
Robinson, Lawrence, crimes |
Correspondence, 1914-1915, 1941-1950 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 161 |
Essays and notes, 1946, undated |
Legal documents, 1915, undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1914-1916,
1936-1941, 1949, undated |
Photographs, 1911-1914 |
Reports, 1914-1915 |
(3 folders) |
Reward notice, 1914 |
Rosenauer gang, 1904-1905, undated |
Rosenthal, Charles, kidnapping |
Correspondence, 1931-1932 |
Essays, 1943, undated |
BOX 162 |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1931-1936,
undated |
(2 folders) |
Notes, 1933, 1942, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
undated |
Reports, 1931 |
(5 folders) |
Reward notice, 1931 |
Rosenthal, M., and Sons jewelry store, New York,
N.Y., robbery |
Correspondence, 1930-1933, 1942 |
Essays and notes, undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1930-1951,
undated |
(2 folders) |
BOX 163 |
Photographs, 1930-1934, undated |
Reports, 1923-1943 |
(9 folders) |
Reward notices and wanted posters, 1930-1934,
1947, undated |
Ross, Charley, kidnapping, 1874,
undated |
Saint Louis and San Francisco Railroad
robbery |
Correspondence, 1887, 1897,
1944-1945 |
Essays and notes, undated |
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