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Pinkerton's National Detective Agency records, 1853-1999

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Criminal Case File, 1861-1992 (continued)
Correspondence, 1940
Essay drafts, undated
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1919-1921, 1927-1931, 1941-1943, 1950
(2 folders)
Photographs, positive prints and negatives, undated
Reports, 1921, 1936-1940
BOX 125 Kaltschmidt, Albert, suspected wartime agitator, 1916-1942, undated
Kern, James, gang, 1952, undated
Killoran, Joseph, gang
Bank and post office robberies
Austria, Vienna, 1905-1906, undated
Belgium, Antwerp and Brussels, 1903, undated
France, Paris, 1903
United States
Delaware, Wilmington, 1898, undated
Evanston, 1900-1901
Springfield, 1894-1903, undated
Indiana, New Albany, 1896
Iowa, Griswold, 1895-1896, undated
Cynthiana, 1891-1892, undated
Louisville, 1900
Michigan, Coldwater, 1883-1884, 1892, 1941-1945, undated
New Hampshire
Rochester, undated
Wolfboro, 1862
New Jersey
Hoboken, 1896, undated
Jamesburg, undated
Plainfield, 1895-1897, undated
New York
Hungersford, undated
Long Island, 1896, undated
Waterford, 1903, undated
Yonkers, 1897, undated
Ohio, Milan, 1895, undated
Easton, 1891-1903, undated
Lewisburg, 1891-1903, undated
Philadelphia, undated
Scranton, undated
Wellsboro, undated
Vermont, Barre, undated
Individuals associated
Allen, Charles
Correspondence, 1892-1915, 1937-1941, undated
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1894-1904, 1915, undated
Notes, undated
Reports, 1901-1906, undated
Reward notices and wanted posters, 1895, 1907
BOX 126 Brady, James, undated
Carson, George
Correspondence, 1895-1910, 1941
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1892-1901, 1907-1910, 1920, undated
Notes, 1896-1897, 1907-1910, undated
Reports, 1895-1901, 1907-1910, undated
Reward notices and wanted posters, 1895
Coleman, William
Correspondence, 1899-1910, 1918, 1937-1941, undated
Essays and notes, undated
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1903-1911
Reports, 1900-1903, 1910-1911, 1941, undated
Curley, Peter, 1906, undated
Dean, Charles, 1940
Dunlap, James, undated
Everhardt, Charles J., undated
Flannigan, Patrick
(3 folders)
BOX 127 1901-1906, 1912, 1937-1941, 1949, undated
(4 folders)
Essays and notes, 1894-1897, 1905-1907, undated
Legal documents, 1897-1899
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1897-1899
Reports, 1895-1904, undated
Hope, James, 1941, undated
Killoran, Dominic, 1903-1908
Killoran, Joseph
Correspondence, 1891-1906, 1913-1914, 1937-1941, undated
(2 folders)
Essays and notes, undated
BOX 128 Newspaper and magazine articles, 1895-1903, undated
Reports, 1891-1896, 1941, undated
Reward notices, 1895
Maher, William, 1895-1989, 1941, undated
Manning, Sidney B., 1895, 1941, undated
Marsh, Ike, 1886, undated
Mason, George, 1941, undated
McCormack, Thomas, undated
McNamara, John
Correspondence, 1900-1922, 1928-1933, undated
Essays and notes, 1921, undated
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1900-1913, 1923, 1933-1934, undated
Reports, 1922-1935, undated
Mullins, Thomas, undated
Murphy, Henry See same container, Russell, Harry
Perris, Sam, undated
Roberts, John, undated
Russell, Harry
Correspondence, 1895-1905, undated
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1895-1902
Notes, 1895-1900, 1921, undated
Reports, 1895-1896, undated
Reward notices and wanted posters, 1895
Scott, Robert, undated
White, George B., 1941, undated
Killoran gang
Correspondence, 1901, 1908, 1921, 1936
BOX 129 Essays and notes, undated
Newspaper and magazine articles and related material, 1895-1897, 1944-1950, undated
Photographs, positive prints and negatives, 1890-1907, 1928, undated
Prison escapes, 1895-1906, undated
Report, undated
Reward notices and wanted posters, 1890-1895
Kurtz, Michael, gang, 1885-1889, 1913, undated
LaLiberty, Eugene, gang
Correspondence, 1893-1894, 1945
Essays and notes, undated
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1886, 1893, 1950, undated
Photograph and negatives, 1893
Leonidas, George, gang
Correspondence, 1886-1895, 1944
Essays and notes, undated
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