| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Criminal Case File, 1861-1992
(continued) |
Newspaper and magazine articles and
related material, 1881-1916, 1923, 1931, undated |
Notes, undated |
Wanted posters, 1900, 1914 |
Bank sneak thefts |
Correspondence and photograph, 1888,
1948 |
Essays and notes, undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles and
related material, 1878-1905, undated |
BOX 138 |
Burglaries, notes, undated |
Gangs, newspaper and magazine articles, 1889,
1932-1941, undated |
Jewel thefts |
Newspaper and magazine articles and
related material, 1886-1897, 1915-1940, undated |
Reward notices and notes, 1902-1905,
undated |
Murders |
Ballard, Roy, 1922, undated |
Gill, Emma, 1898, undated |
Neil, Joseph M., 1906-1907,
undated |
Other cases, 1883-1887, 1925,
1940 |
Selleck, Dann, 1906, undated |
Train robberies, 1877, 1903-1906,
undated |
BOX 139 |
Miscellaneous newspaper and magazine
clippings |
American Weekly
Correspondence and notes, 1943-1946,
undated |
Newspaper articles, 1943-1951 |
(2 folders) |
Boston Sunday Post, 1943 |
Chicago Tribune, 1947-1950 |
New York Daily Mirror, 1951 |
BOX 140 |
New York World Telegram
Newspaper and magazine articles,
1949-1951 |
Reports, undated |
Saturday Evening Post, 1943 |
True Detective Magazine, 1940-1950, undated |
(4 folders) |
Molly Maguires |
Correspondence |
General, including transcripts, 1873-1878,
1909, 1914-1915, 1936-1941, 1948-1951 |
True Detective Mysteries, 1938-1941, undated |
Essays, 1941-1942, undated |
BOX 141 |
Legal documents, 1876, undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles and related
material, 1867, 1875-1877, 1881-1910, 1916-1921, 1929-1952, undated |
(4 folders) |
BOX 142 |
Notebook extracts, copy, Robert J. Linden,
office superintendent, Philadelphia, Pa., 1875-1879 |
Notes, 1951, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
and illustrations, 1925, undated |
Report, 1875 |
Wanted posters, circa 1875-1879 |
Morris, Sherman W., crimes |
Correspondence, 1893-1923, 1931-1935, 1944,
undated |
(3 folders) |
BOX 143 |
Essays, 1907, undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles and related
material |
1891-1918 |
(6 folders) |
BOX 144 |
1922-1929, 1956, undated |
Notes, 1892-1903, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1886-1918, undated |
Reports, 1893, 1908-1918, undated |
Moore, Langdon, gang |
Correspondence, 1886, 1892,
1898-1901 |
Essays, 1880, 1907, undated |
Legal documents, including copies, 1865-1866,
1888-1890 |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1885-1897,
1913, 1940, undated |
(3 folders) |
BOX 145 |
Notes, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1881-1913, undated |
(3 folders) |
Morse, William, crimes |
Correspondence, 1894-1896, 1909,
1944 |
Essays and notes, 1895, 1942,
undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1895, 1909
Photographs, 1886, 1909, undated |
Reports, 1893-1911 |
Mowry, Mildred, murder of |
Correspondence, 1929, 1941 |
BOX 146 |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1929-1936,
1941, 1949-1950 |
(2 folders) |
Photograph, undated |
Reports, 1929 |
(6 folders) |
Mudgett, Herman
See Container 149, Pitezel, Benjamin, murder
Munn Bank, Portage, Ohio, robbery |
Correspondence, 1912-1915, 1950-1951 |
(6 folders) |
BOX 147 |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1912-1913 |
(2 folders) |
Reports, 1912-1914 |
(4 folders) |
Reward notices and wanted posters, 1912-1913,
1919 |
National Village Bank, Bowdionham, Maine,
robbery, 1866, 1948, undated |
Noble, Dan, gang, 1886-1893, 1907,
undated |
North Dakota state lottery investigation,
reports and transcripts, 1890, 1922 |
Northampton National Bank,
Northampton, Mass., robbery
See also Container 168, Scott-Dunlap gang
Correspondence, 1888-1893 |
(5 folders) |
BOX 148 |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1876-1880,
1886-1897, 1913, 1939-1940, undated |
(5 folders) |
Notes, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
undated |
Reports, 1889-1893, undated |
Reward notices, 1876-1878 |
O'Brien, William, gang, 1880, 1886-1893,
undated |
Parker, Robert “George” Leroy
See Container 89, Cassidy, Butch
Perry, Oliver, gang |
Correspondence, 1891-1895, 1908,
1951 |
Essays and notes, undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles and related
material, 1891-1895, 1901, 1907, 1913, undated |
(2 folders) |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1895, undated |
Reward notices, 1895, undated |
Pettis, F. Spencer, gang |
Correspondence and notes, 1888,
undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1874-1886,
1893-1895, undated |
(2 folders) |
BOX 149 |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1908, undated |
Piper, E. S., crimes, 1937-1939,
undated |
Pitezel, Benjamin,
murder |
Correspondence, 1894, 1940-1943,
1950 |
Essays and notes, 1940, 1950,
undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles, 1894-1895,
1910, 1928-1929, 1936-1941, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and negatives,
1891, undated |
(2 folders) |
Potter, Ida, murder, 1908, undated |
BOX 150 |
Proctor, George H., crimes |
Correspondence, 1893-1896 |
Essays and notes, 1893, undated |
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