| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Administrative File, 1857-1999
(continued) |
United States Secret Service |
Correspondence, including copies and
transcripts, 1861-1864, 1894, 1902, 1951 |
Field report to army headquarters,
Washington, D.C., extracts, 1862
For additional material see Container 25,
Webster, Timothy
Newspaper and magazine articles and
related material, 1883, 1894-1919, 1928, 1939-1949, 1963,
undated |
BOX 25 |
Notes, undated |
Photographs, positive prints and
negatives, 1862-1863, undated |
Warne, Kate, 1951, undated |
Webster, Timothy
See also Container 33, same heading
Case notebook and field reports, including
transcripts, 1857-1861 |
Correspondence, including copies and
transcripts, 1861-1864, 1894, 1901-1914, 1928, 1940, 1950-1954 |
(2 folders) |
Essays and notes, 1906,
undated |
Newspaper and magazine articles and
related material, 1886, 1893, 1901-1913, 1923-1924, 1948, 1954, undated
Code names, operatives and
informants |
Books |
Vol. 1, 1904 |
BOX 26 |
Vols. 2-3, 1904, undated |
(2 folders) |
Lists, 1999, undated |
Criminal rosters |
Hotel prowlers and thieves,
undated |
Pickpockets, undated |
Directories of offices and managers, 1960,
undated |
Directors' motions, 1950 |
BOX 27 |
Employees |
Ahern, Philip K., 1892, 1900-1925 |
Bailey, Norman T., 1904-1912, 1921-1929,
undated |
Ballantine, Alexander, 1900-1907, 1931,
1940 |
Bangs, George D., 1903-1907, 1923,
undated |
Bangs, George H., 1883-1886, 1919-1923,
1942-1950 |
Bearce, H. W., undated |
Beck, Ira L., 1902-1903, 1916,
undated |
Beutler, Seymour, 1892, 1898-1912 |
Brady, Samuel, 1908-1927,
1934-1942 |
Burt, W. H., circa 1870s |
Bush, Nelson W., 1888, 1900-1908 |
Carver, Arthur E., 1900-1907,
1915-1925 |
Cary, H. Frank, 1899-1912 |
Cassidy, Marshall, 1940, undated |
Cavoroc, Pierre Charles, 1902-1909,
1925 |
Chambers, Benjamin F., undated |
Chambers, John A., 1909-1943 |
Charlesworth, George D., 1882, 1900,
1909-1910 |
Church, Jason R., 1911-1932 |
Cornish, John, 1880, 1897-1914, 1931,
undated |
Cowardin, A. S., 1902-1932 |
Davis, Frank H., 1901-1903, 1920-1921,
1933-1942 |
Diehl, Samuel B., 1881, 1898-1937 |
BOX 28 |
Dimaio, Francis P., 1888-1890, 1896,
1901-1958 |
(3 folders) |
Donnelly, Charles S., 1892, 1902-1905, 1919,
undated |
Dougherty, George S., 1888, 1896-1911, 1931,
1949, 1957, undated |
Dudley, Ralph, 1907, 1927, 1967 |
Duhain, Clovis E., 1902-1915, 1922,
1931-1938, 1947, undated |
Erb, Jesse, 1904, 1912-1922 |
Esten, Alfred A., 1912-1914, 1945-1950, 1966,
undated |
Fallon, James J., undated |
BOX 29 |
Field, William, undated |
Forsee, William F., 1888-1890, 1912, 1921,
undated |
Fox, Daniel William, 1922-1950, undated |
(3 folders) |
Franklin, Benjamin, 1887, undated |
Fraser, John C., 1880, 1886, 1901-1938,
undated |
Gaylor, Edward S., 1883, 1889, 1904-1921,
1942, undated |
Graham, George S., undated |
Green, D. T., undated |
Grogan, Edward F., 1941, undated |
Hanscom, Orinton M., 1894,
undated |
Harries, John A., 1905-1924 |
Hatfield, Oliver R., 1905-1917 |
Hawes, Frederick M., undated |
Hay, George, 1951 |
Hey, Charles D., 1942 |
Howes, Earl J., 1915-1926 |
Hunsdorfer, Frank, 1903 |
Irle, Andrew, 1894, 1902-1905, 1913,
undated |
Kemble, Benjamin F., 1889-1890,
1898-1917 |
Larkin, J. F., undated |
Laughlin, W. B., 1910 |
Lawlor, James J., undated |
BOX 30 |
Leith, George E., 1893, 1899-1920, 1926,
undated |
Littlejohn, Joseph, undated |
Linden, Robert J., undated |
Loughran, Edwin, 1892 |
McGinn, John, 1892 |
McInnes, William, undated |
McMahon, Philip B., 1893-1953, 1960-1961 |
(3 folders) |
McMullin, H. R., 1948, undated |
McParland, James |
1880, 1888-1919, 1928-1931, 1949,
1961 |
BOX 31 |
Undated |
(2 folders) |
Miscellaneous photographs, circa 1890, 1915,
undated |
Middleton, William H., undated |
Miller, Frank E., undated |
Minster, William H., 1900-1908 |
Mosher, Herbert S., 1902-1923, 1936-1938,
1947, 1953, 1961-1963 |
BOX 32 |
Murphy, Christopher C., 1886-1906, 1916-1920,
undated |
Murphy, John A., undated |
Murphy, Richard C., undated |
Murray, Frank, 1904, 1938,
undated |
Noble, A. F., undated |
Nugent, Howard W., 1947, undated |
O'Grady, Jerome V., undated |
Owen, A. E., undated |
Pender, John J., 1891, 1928, 1947 |
Robertson, David, undated |
Rogers, John W., undated |
Rosseter, Asher, 1887, 1896-1923, 1937,
1947-1959, undated |
Salmon, George H., undated |
Saville, John R., 1884, 1896, 1906-1908,
1912-1918 |
Schooley, R. W., undated |
Schumacher, Joseph H., 1883-1899, 1912, 1926,
1932, undated |
Sease, David N., 1903 |
Shoemack, William H., 1937 |
Solverson, W. A., 1952 |
Spence, Lowell, undated |
Stancliff, G. L., 1940-1946,
undated |
Stiles, Standish L., 1900-1916,
1930-1946 |
Thiel, George H., 1868 |
Thiele, S. C., 1915 |
BOX 33 |
Thornhill, David C., 1899-1950 |
Turrell, Orban C., 1904, 1912, 1933,
1938-1940, 1953, 1962-1963, undated |
Vallins, Thomas, 1897 |
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