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Marian S. Carson collection of manuscripts, 1656-1995

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Oversize, 1682-1902 (continued)
New York Daily Graphic, 1875 (Container 51)
1784-1809, post-revolutionary and constitutional period
Asylum Co. and North American Land Co., 1795-1797 (Container 52)
1861-1865, Civil War
Confederate States of America
Muster rolls, vouchers, and other forms, 1862-1864 (Container 52)
Family and personal papers
Hoffman, J. William, 1872 (Container 53)
BOX OV 26 Historical Letters and Manuscripts
Broadsides and manuscripts
1773, June 16, To the Freemen, Citizens of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., broadside (Container 55)
1782, Apr., inspection of troops commanded by William Irvine (Container 55)
1789, July 16, William Paterson's speech on the separation of powers in the federal government (Container 55)
1793, Mar. 2, An Act to Establish the Judicial Courts of the United States, signed by Thomas Jefferson (Container 55)
BOX OV 27 1794
June 20, field return report of the Legion of the United States commanded by Anthony Wayne (Container 55)
June 25, Robert Morris, John Nicholson, and James Greenleaf confer power of attorney to Sylvanus Bourne (Container 55)
Dec. 29, Congressional testimonial by John Beckley in honor of Anthony Wayne (Container 55)
1798, Dec. 3, petition to James Booth and James Riddle "...respecting measures to be adopted to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases" (Container 55)
1815, Feb. 20, military commission of John Suter, signed by James Madison and James Monroe (Container 55)

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