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Marian S. Carson collection of manuscripts, 1656-1995

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Political History, 1755-1988 (continued)
Other family members, 1861-1862, undated
Stacey, Davis Bevan
Family, 1863, undated
General, 1823, 1861
Letters of introduction and recommendation, 1820-1822, 1841
Miscellany, 1830-1832, 1868
Stacey, May H., 1860-1865, undated
Unidentified correspondents, 1860-1863
Stewart, Robert
Family, letters exchanged with James Stewart (brother), 1861-1864, undated
General, 1864-1866
Medical certificate, 1863
General passes and vouchers, 1863-1864
Instructions, orders, and regulations, 1861-1865
Letters and documents, 1822, 1834, 1841, 1848-1872, 1878-1892, 1898-1903, undated
(2 folders)
Medical papers
Letters and documents, 1861-1866
Miscellany, 1862-1865, undated
U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1861-1864, undated See also Container 49, Great Central Fair
Miscellany, 1861-1870, undated
BOX 53-55 Historical Letters and Manuscripts, 1747-1934
Historically important letters and manuscripts of significant interest and rarity.
Organized by type of material. Letters and related documents are further arranged alphabetically by name of writer and broadsides and other manuscripts chronologically.
BOX 53 Autograph letters and documents
Indexes, undated
Abbot, Joel, to Andrew H. Foote, 1853
Abbott, Jacob, 1874
Arthur, Chester Alan, 1883
Ashmead, John, to Robert Morris, includes John Hancock autograph note, 1777
Bartlett, Josiah, 1777-1782
Bingham, William, 1791
Bonaparte, Joseph, 1824
Buchanan, James, 1847, 1858, 1868
Breckinridge, 1815
Cabot, George, 1793
Carroll, Charles, 1801
Carson, Joseph, 1778
Chaloner, John, 1778, undated
Chase, Samuel, 1811
Cleveland, Grover, 1885
BOX 54 Darlington, William, 1846
Dickinson, John, 1782-1784
Duane, James, 1793
Edison, Thomas A., 1899, undated
Erikson, John, 1853
Eustis, William, 1823
Evans, Oliver, 1803
Ewing, James, 1790
Fitzsimons, Thomas, 1794
Gallatin, Albert, undated
Glen, Henry, 1776
Graydon, Alexander, 1813-1817, undated
Grayson, Benjamin, to James Madison, 1801
Habersham, John, 1798
Hamilton, Alexander, 1779, 1790-1794
Harper, Robert Goodloe, 1786
Hay, John, 1873, 1899
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1878
Heath, William, 1775
Hill, Henry, 1778
Hilligor, M., 1777
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841-1935), 1914, 1923-1925
Hooper, William, Jr., 1791
Hopkinson, Francis (1737-1791), 1770, 1787
Hopkinson, Francis, 1832
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1928
Humphrey, Charles, 1762-1763
Huntington, Samuel, 1780
Ingersoll, Jared, 1761
Jay, John, 1799
Jefferson, Thomas, 1788
Johnson, Richard M., 1835
Kinnersley, Ebenezer, 1778
Lee, Henry, 1793-1794
Lincoln, Abraham, 1865
Livingston, Edward, 1802
Livingston, Walter, 1785
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924), 1918
Logan, James, 1747
Macomb, Alexander, 1825-1827, 1843, undated
Madison, James, 1810
Marshall, John, 1801, 1925-1928, 1934, undated
Martin, Luther, 1778, 1815
Mason, Charles, 1853
Mathews, Charles, undated
McHenry, James, 1799
Mifflin, Thomas, 1788
Monroe, James, 1814
Morris, Robert, 1783, 1791-1798, undated
Moultrie, Alexander, 1799
Nicholson, John, 1788, 1795
Niles, W. Ogden, 1844
Nixon, John, 1794
Ogilby, John, 1785
Perkins, Jacob, 1829
Pickering, Timothy, 1779, 1799
Pinkney, William, undated
Polk, James K., undated
Read, George, and family, 1778, 1784-1790, 1802
Reed, Joseph, 1781, undated
Ridgely, Charles, and Caesar Rodney, 1768
Rodney, Daniel, 1789
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1932
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1896, 1907
Scott, Gustavus, to John Nicholson, 1797
Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin, Baron von, 1793
Stockton, Richard, 1826, undated
BOX 55 Taft, William H., 1891-1892, 1916-1928, undated
Tallmadge, Benjamin, 1818
Trist, Elizabeth, 1819
Tusten, Benjamin, 1779
Van Buren, Martin, 1817
Washington, George, 1782
Weedon, George, 1786
White, Edward D., to Hampton L. Carson, 1894
Williams, J., 1808
Wilson, James, 1785, 1796
Wilson, Woodrow, 1902, 1917
Unidentified correspondent to Richard B. Sheridan, 1797
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