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Marian S. Carson collection of manuscripts, 1656-1995

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Biography, 1681-1979 (continued)
Notebook of optical and scientific instruments, 1809-1865
BOX 36 McAllister, Thomas H., 1866, undated
McAllister, W. Mitchell, 1817, 1869-1873, undated See also Oversize
McAllister, William Young
Background and reference material, 1970
Advertisements and broadsides, undated See also Oversize
Correspondence, 1834-1843, 1853
James W. Queen & Co., 1853, 1881, 1888, undated See also Oversize
Miscellany, 1817, 1855-1857, undated
McLean, George, 1889
Myers family, 1799-1803, 1817-1818, 1827-1831
Penn family
Background and reference material, 1950, 1963, undated
Appointments, bonds, commissions, and other documents, 1701, 1725-1726, 1733-1763, 1771 See also Oversize
(2 folders)
Estate papers
Index, undated
1801, 1812-35, 1842, 1852, 1871 See also Oversize
(2 folders)
Financial and legal documents, 1681-1870, undated
Family members
Penn, John, 1736, 1743-1746, 1783 See also Oversize
Penn, Richard, 1785
Penn, Springett, 1756
Penn, Thomas, 1736
Penn, William
"Laws Made and Passed by William Penn, 1700-1709," undated See Oversize
Letter, transcribed copy, 1684
Proposed sale of Pennsylvania to England, 1711-1714 See also Oversize
BOX 37 Genealogy, 1871
Land grant to Thomas Mintz, 1687
Legal and legislative documents, 1705, 1726, 1732, 1738, 1750-1764, undated See also Oversize
Miscellany, 1767, 1821, undated
Penn v. Penn, 1718-1725
Politics, 1693-1701, 1764, undated See also Oversize
Pennypacker, Samuel W., 1902
Peyton, Balie, 1856
Powell, John H., 1969, undated
Richards family, 1865, undated
Rittenhouse, David
Financial account, 1776
Printed matter, 1796, 1809
Sholl, Peter, 1825-1831
Smith, William
Background and reference material, undated
Correspondence, 1755, 1763, 1791
"A State of the Province of Pennsylvania," 1755
Thomas family, 1785-1790, undated
Thomson, Charles
Background and reference material, 1953-1956, 1972, undated
Accounts and receipts, 1767, 1804, 1821
Act for the ordering and regulating of military service from Quakers in the province of Pennsylvania, undated
Colonial currency, 1769
Nonimportation resolution protesting Stamp Act, 1765
Note on Indian name, 1820
Prints and photographs, 1783, undated
Read, Thomas, letter, 1784
Secretary of the Continental Congress
Committee of Safety, purchase order, 1776
Correspondence, 1786-1789
Minutes of meetings and resolutions, 1776-1780, 1788
Strawberry mansion, bill for repairs, undated
Townsend family, 1870-1881, undated
Troup, Robert, 1782-1789, 1795-1799, 1818, 1823
Van Vleck, C. A., 1837-1846
Waln family
Background and reference material, undated
Account book, 1768-1769
Correspondents other than Waln family
Green family
BOX 38 1840-1843
Miscellaneous, 1797-1799, 1809, 1819-1857, 1865-1870, 1878, undated
(5 folders)
Wagner, William, 1824-1825, 1844
Family members
Miscellaneous, 1844
Waln, Nicholas, 1763-1764, 1783
Waln, Richard
Accounts and invoices, 1763, 1787, 1800
(6 folders)
BOX 39 1790-1792, 1804-1808, undated
Inventory book, 1775
Waln, Sarah, 1845-1863
List of articles needed for blacksmith shop, 1774
Printed matter
An Epistle to William Hogarth, 1763
The Budget Inscribed to the Man, Who Thinks Himself Minister, 1764
The Candidate, 1764
Wetherill family
Background and reference material, 1909, 1916, undated
Business papers, 1815-1828, 1860
Family members
Miscellaneous, 1808, 1816-1818, 1839-1847, 1872, undated
Wetherill, Samuel (1736-1816)
Background and reference material, undated
Accounts and receipts, 1783-1816, undated
Business papers
Accounts and receipts, 1761-1789, 1800-1812, undated
(3 folders)
Correspondence, 1789, 1808-1810, undated
Cannon, James, 1778-1780, 1787, 1799, undated
BOX 40 Correspondence
Family, 1784-1788, 1795-1802, 1812
Allen, Ruby, 1797-1800
De Brahm, John G. W., 1796-1799
De Brahm, Mary, 1796-1805
Fenwick, Selina, 1800, 1806-1807
Miscellaneous, 1793-1795, 1801-1811
Coxe, Tench, 1802
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