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Thomas G. Corcoran papers, 1792-1982

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General Correspondence, 1927-1982 (continued)
Kelly, Edward J., 1941-1949
BOX 68 Kelsey, Irving J., 1959-1966
Kennedy, Joseph P., 1944-1959
Killion, George, 1945-1980
King, David S., 1961-1970
Kingsley, Francis G., 1944-1981
Kirbo, Charles, 1969-1978
Kirkpatrick, Lyman B., 1956-1980
Kittrell, William H., 1943-1963
Knight, Frances G., 1955-1977
Kostelanetz, Boris, 1950-1980
"K" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 69 (4 folders)
Lafferty, A. W., 1941-1961
(2 folders)
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 1941-1947
Laine, Linda N., 1968-1977
Laird, Melvin R., 1969-1981
BOX 70 Landis, James McCauley, 1941-1965
Landreth, Edward S., 1947-1977
Lane, John D., 1952-1980
Langer, William L., 1953-1959
Lavery, Emmet, 1944-1976
Lee, Duncan, 1952-1972
Lee, Josh, 1943-1956
Lemann, Monte, 1948-1959
Lockett, Edward, 1945-1961
Long, Gillis W., 1964-1981
Louchheim, Walter C., 1948-1952
Love, Spencer, 1944-1962
Luckman, Charles, 1946-1948
"L" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 71 (6 folders)
McClintock, John C., 1947-1974
McConnaughey, Marianne, 1966-1981
McCormack, John W., 1941-1980
(2 folders)
BOX 72 McCormick, Maryland, 1963-1979
McGrath, J. Howard, 1945-1958
McKee, Fred C., 1949-1956
McKinney, Coryell, 1955-1973
McLendon, Gay N., 1969-1981
McNulty, George A., 1941-1964
Mahon, William J., 1941-1958
Mandell, Joseph L., 1941-1957
Mara, Nicholas V., 1956-1977
Maverick, Maury, 1941-1950
Meiklejohn, Alexander, 1959-1965
Mellett, Lowell, 1947-1960
Mermey, Maurice, 1941-1964
Milliken, Roger, 1944-1980
Mitchell, Stephen A., 1944-1960
Mogelever, Jacob H., 1942-1967
BOX 73 Monro, C. Bedell, 1944-1955
Monroe, J. Blanc, 1941-1943
Monroe, Jules Raburn, 1941-1961
Monroe, Malcolm L., 1941-1971
Monroe, Rose, 1962-1974
Monroney, A. S. ("Mike"), 1952-1968
Montgomery, Joseph W., 1944-1972
Moody, A. E. Blair (1902-1954), 1951-1952
Moore, Edward R., 1942
Moran, Richard P., 1945-1969
Morey, Albert A., 1955-1971
Morrissey, Daniel H., 1950-1954
Morse, Wayne, 1948-1974
Murchison, Charles H., 1941-1980
Muskie, Edmund S., 1967-1980
"M" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 74 (8 folders)
BOX 75 (3 folders)
Neuberger, Richard, 1941-1960
Newhard, Chapin S., 1953-1969
Noble, Edward J., 1941-1954
Noe, James A., 1956-1976
Norton, Vernon C., 1945-1950
Nottebohm, Carlos H., 1953-1980
Nugent, Luci Baines Johnson, 1966-1981
"N" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
BOX 76 O'Brian, John Lord, 1948-1973
Olds, Leland, 1951-1960
Orr, Douglas M., 1956-1971
"O" miscellaneous
(3 folders)
Palmer, Dwight R. G., 1941-1955
Palmer, Margaret F., 1962-1967
Panuch, J. Anthony, 1943-1968
Parlin, Charles C., 1945-1976
Parrott, Forrest, 1944-1945
Patman, Wright, 1945-1974
Patterson, Richard C. (1886-1966), 1941-1949
Paull, John R., 1942-1951
BOX 77 Payer, Harry F., 1941-1948
Pearson, Drew, 1944-1969
Pell, Claiborne, 1959-1980
Pepper, Claude, 1941-1981
(2 folders)
Perkins, Fred B., 1959-1969
Perkins, Milo R., 1944-1975
Perry, Robert X., 1954-1980
Peterson, Raymond N., 1945-1979
Pfeiffer, Edward J., 1976-1979
Pierson, Warren, 1947-1978
Place, Edward R., 1959-1978
Plimpton, Francis T. P., 1947-1976
Pound, Roscoe, 1950-1964
Poynter, Nelson P., 1941-1973
BOX 78 Prichard, Edward F., 1941-1980
Pulling, Albert S., 1941-1974
(2 folders)
Pulling, Barton S., 1949-1980
(6 folders)
"P" miscellaneous
(6 folders)
"Q" miscellaneous
BOX 79 Rafferty, James F., 1953-1973
Ragland, James F., 1949-1956
Rather, Mary, 1960-1980
Rauh, Joseph L., 1941-1971
Rayburn, Sam, 1941-1961
Reed, Stanley F., 1941-1980
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