The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  W. Averell Harriman papers, 1869-2001
Access restrictions apply.
Special Files: Public Service, 1918-1986 (continued)
World War II Files, 1941-1981 (continued)
Moscow Files. (continued)
Oktyabr, 1944-1945
Pionerskaya Pravda, 1944-1945
Propagandist, 1944-1945
Provincial press, 1944
Slavyane, 1944-1945
Smena, 1944-1945
BOX 203 REEL 45-46 Sovetskaya Pedagogika, 1944-1945
Sovietskoye Iskusstvo ("Soviet Art"), 1944-1945
Sputnik Agitatora ("The Agitator's Vade Mecum"), 1944-1945
Uchitelskaya Gazeta ("Teachers' Journal"), 1944-1945
Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR ("Academy of Sciences Bulletin"), 1944-1945
Voina I Rabochi Klass ("War and the Working Class"), 1944
Zhurnal Moskovskoi Patriarkhii ("Moscow Patriarchate"), 1944-1945
Znamya ("Banner"), 1944
Miscellaneous, 1944-1945
USIS Confidential Survey, 1944-1946
Progress reports on United Kingdom stock position of imported materials, 1944-1945
(1 folder)
BOX 204
(1 folder)
Willette, E. F., "Dialectical Materialism and Russian Objectives," Jan. 1946
Personal miscellany
Appointment as ambassador
British press clippings, 1943
Congratulations, 1943
Autograph items (Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, and others), 1943-1944, undated
Cables, 1943
Christmas greetings, 1943-1945
(3 folders)
BOX 205 REEL 46-47 Commissary bills, 1944-1946
Crank mail, 1943-1946
Financial oddments, 1943-1946
Gift from Stalin, horses, 1945-1949
Humor file, 1945
Independence Day reception, 4 July 1945
Job applications, 1943-1946
Liquor, 1943-1946
(4 folders)
Medal for Merit award, 1946
New York office memoranda (Lillian A. Koons), 1943-1945
BOX 206 REEL 47-48 Passports, passes, certificates, and other documents, 1943-1945, undated
Programs, 1944
Resignation, 1946
Souvenirs, German war mementos from Potsdam Conference (Hitler memorabilia), 1944-1945
Printed matter
Clippings, 1943-1946
Foreign Service lists, 1944-1945
Lend-Lease reports, 1944
Russian newspapers
Moscow News
Mar.-Dec. 1944
BOX 207 REEL 48-49 Jan. 1945-Jan. 1946
(4 folders)
BOX 208 REEL 49-50 Miscellaneous Russian language, 1941-1945
Russian periodicals
New Times, June 1945-Jan. 1946
The War and the Working Class, Jan.-May 1945
BOX 209-212 REEL 50-53 Meiklejohn (Robert P.) Files
Personal files of Robert P. Meiklejohn, Harriman's administrative assistant during the war, including Meiklejohn's diary, his report on the Harriman Mission, and an index he compiled of Harriman's World War II papers.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.
BOX 209 REEL 50-51 Correspondence and miscellany, 1946-1981
Chronological index and reference guide to Harriman's activities and papers
Feb.1941-June 1944
(5 folders)
BOX 210 REEL 51 July 1944-Dec. 1947
(4 folders)
BOX 211 REEL 52 Diary, 1941-1946
(2 vols.)
BOX 212 REEL 53 Harriman papers, shipment and organization, 1943-1953
Lists, notes, itineraries, and miscellaneous research data, 1941-1946
"Missions Delegated to Harriman Mission," circa 1945
Photographs, correspondence, and lists, 1947
"Report on the Harriman Mission" (with reference citations), 1946
(4 folders)
"Report on Trip to Middle East," June-July, 1941
BOX 212-225 Truman Administration: London Files (Ambassador to Great Britain), 1946
BOX 212-213 General Correspondence.
Letters sent and received with enclosed and related matter.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or name of person or organization and chronologically therein.
BOX 212 A
BOX 213 B-Z
(7 folders)
BOX 214-219 Paris Conference.
Official documents, reports, agendas, press releases, printed proceedings, and miscellaneous matter from the conference.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 214 Administrative
Agenda (plenary sessions)
Council of Foreign Ministers
Documents: Amendments, Tomes I-II
(2 folders)
Documents submitted to plenary session
Draft treaty with Italy
Economic Commission for the Balkan Countries and Finland
(1 folder)
BOX 215 (1 folder)
Economic Commission for Italy
(3 folders)
Journal (summary of proceedings)
Legal and Drafting Commission
BOX 216 Military and Air Subcommittee
Notes of service issued by the secretariat
Observations by the Italian delegation
Orders of the day
Political and territorial commissions
BOX 217 Hungary
(3 folders)
BOX 218 (1 folder)
(3 folders)
Press releases
BOX 219 Publication of treaties and draft treaties
Soviet Ukraine-Trieste
Summary records of decisions taken at the Committee of Procedure
Verbatim records of plenary sessions
(2 folders)
BOX 220-225 Subject File.
Appointment calendar, correspondence, reports, notes, memoranda, cables, invitations, private financial and social material, printed matter, and other personal and official material.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and chronologically therein.
BOX 220 Appointment calendar
Appointment to office
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