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W. Averell Harriman papers, 1869-2001

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Writings, 1922-1981 (continued)
Memoirs, 1941-1981 (continued)
Planning notes and outlines, 1965-1966
General, 1965
Potsdam Conference, 1968
BOX 872-874 Feis (Herbert) Files.
Manuscripts, correspondence, notes, Harriman reminiscences, and miscellaneous research data retained and compiled by Feis while working on an uncompleted project as Harriman's authorized biographer of his World War II activities.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material.
BOX 872 Manuscripts, undated
(6 folders)
Subject file
Administrative and financial correspondence, 1953-1958
Books ordered, 1953-1956
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y., documents, 1953
Harriman recollections, 1953-1954
(2 folders)
BOX 873 Index to papers, 1955
By Harriman, 1955
General, undated
Poland, undated
United States mission to Moscow, undated
Petty cash, 1953-1956
Research, 1953, undated
State Department records, 1953-1956
BOX 874 Weiss, Stan, 1954
Miscellany, 1953-1954
BOX 874-875 Miscellaneous
Correspondence, manuscripts, notes and jottings, transcripts of interviews, and other material pertaining to Harriman's memoirs.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, topic, or type of material.
BOX 874 Adams (Henry H.) file
Hopkins, Harry, memoir, undated
Manuscript, undated
Drafts and jottings of Dan Davidson, undated
General correspondence and reminiscences, 1962-1978, undated
(2 folders)
Interview, 1970
Inventories of Harriman papers, 1953-1954
BOX 875 Jottings by Harriman and staff, 1969-1976
(5 folders)
Loose and unidentified manuscripts, undated
Notes on reading Dean Acheson's Present at the Creation, undated
BOX 875-878 Other Books, 1959-1974
Manuscripts, correspondence, public relations material, and other data pertaining to publication by Harriman of two books on Soviet-American relations after World War II.
Arranged alphabetically by title of book and by topic or type of material therein.
BOX 875 America and Russia in a Changing World (1971)
Background data, undated
Doubleday & Co.
Appearances and interviews, 1971-1977
BOX 876 Foreign editions, 1971
General correspondence, 1970-1973
Gratis copies and autograph requests, 1971-1977
Drafts, 1970
Foreword by Arthur M. Schlesinger (1917- )
Chapters 1-2
(2 folders)
BOX 877 Chapter 3
Galleys, undated
(3 folders)
Public reaction, 1970-1974
Publicity/promotion, 1970-1971
BOX 878 Reviews, 1971
Peace with Russia? (1959)
General correspondence, 1960-1965
Gratis copies, 1959-1967
(3 folders)
Manuscripts, circa 1963
(2 folders)
Promotions and reviews, 1953
Simon & Schuster, inc., 1959-1960
BOX 879-895 Photographs, circa 1895-1983
BOX 879-880 Topical File
Photographs of Harriman and his family.
Arranged alphabetically by subject, occurrence, setting, or name of person.
BOX 879 Childhood and youth, circa 1895-1915 See also Oversize
Ancestors and collateral relatives
Arden Estate, Arden, N.Y. See also Oversize
Card views and miscellany
Children and descendants See also Oversize
Domestic scenes for public relations
Election campaign, 1958
Harriman, Marie Norton Whitney
BOX 880 Harriman, W. Averell, and Kathleen Lawrence Harriman Pool (first wife), 1916
Harriman, W. Averell, and Marie Norton Whitney Harriman See also Oversize
Parents and siblings See also Oversize
Pool, Kathleen Lawrence Harriman
Rumsey, Mary Harriman (sister)
Portraits of Harriman See also Oversize
(4 folders)
BOX 880-895 Chronological File
Photographs of Harriman and his family.
Arranged chronologically by year with subject designations sometimes given, especially during the World War II era.
BOX 880 1920s See also Oversize
1934 See also Oversize
Miscellany See also Oversize
Harriman Cup competition, Sun Valley, Idaho
(2 folders)
BOX 881 1939
1940 Apr., Business Advisory Council meeting, Arden House, Arden, N.Y.
1941 Oct., Harriman-Beaverbrook Mission to Moscow
1941-1946 (World War II and London albums)
Index, Mar. 1941-Sept. 1946
Vol. I
10 June-15 July 1941, Middle East trip (No. 1)
July 1941, Hopkins and Stalin, Moscow (No. 2)
8-12 Aug. 1941, Atlantic Conference (Nos. 3-17)
28 Aug.-18 Oct. 1941, Special Mission to the USSR (Nos. 18-26) See also Oversize
25 Feb. 1942, National Defense Public Interest Committee lunch, London (No. 27)
11 May 1942, Herbert V. Evatt of Australia, London (No. 28)
6 June 1942, Oliver Lyttelton's visit to Detroit (Nos. 29-35)
Vol. II
6-24 Aug. 1942, Churchill-Stalin meeting at Moscow (Nos. 1-16)
13-28 Jan. 1943, Casablanca Conference (Nos. 17-18)
31 Dec. 1941, Harriman Mission, London (Nos. 19-23)
Oct. 1943, Appointment as ambassador to USSR (Nos. 24-29)
BOX 882 18 Oct.-13 Nov. 1943, Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers (Nos. 30-43)
Vol. III
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