The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  W. Averell Harriman papers, 1869-2001
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Addition I: Special Files: Public Service. (continued)
Postgovernment, 1942-1986 (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX 1007 1983-1986
(3 folders)
Oral history, 1979-1983
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1974, 1982-1985
Hart, Gary, 1976-1984
Hartman, Arthur, 1983-1984
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Center for International Affairs, 1972-1982
General, 1969-1985
Oral histories, 1983
Russian Research Center, 1978-1985
(2 folders)
Helms, Richard, 1972-1984
BOX 1008 Henry's Fork Foundation, Island Park, Idaho, 1986
Hilsman, Roger, 1972-1983
Hofheinz, Paul, 1984-1985
Hogan, Michael, 1981-1982
Holbrooke, Richard, 1972-1983
Honorary positions, 1982-1984
L'Hôtel Talleyrand, Paris, France (United States embassy), 1984
"H" miscellaneous
(5 folders)
BOX 1009 1981-1986, undated
(3 folders)
Idaho, 1975-1981
Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., 1983
Institute of Public Administration, New York, N.Y., 1982
International Alliance of Atomic Veterans and Greenpeace U.S.A., endorsement, 1984
(2 folders)
International Churchill Society, 1981-1985
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 1982-1984
(2 folders)
BOX 1010 Interviews
Algonquin Round Table project, 1982
American Heritage Publishing Co., 1981-1982
Army historian's office, 1975-1982
Biaggi, Enzo, Italian television, 1982
Encounter article re Joseph Stalin, 1981
Esquire, 1982
Fasulo, Linda M., 1982-1985
Gaddis, John Lewis, re George F. Kennan, 1982
Gannon, Frank, re Joseph D. Keenan, 1982
General, 1975-1985
(3 folders)
"Good Morning America," 1982
Granada television, 1983
Hickey, Neil, TV Guide, 1982
Hofsommer, Don, 1982-1984
BOX 1011 Holland, Max, and Kai Bird, re John J. McCloy, 1982
Junior League Review, 1983
La Repubblica, 1982
Landa, Ron, 1982-1983
Newsweek, 1982
Pare, Jean, 1985
Pogue, Forrest C., re George C. Marshall biography, 1975
Salisbury, Harrison, 1983
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, study of the Vietnam War, 1984
Stefanovic, Momcilo, re Josip Tito, 1979-1983
"Today" show, Judy Woodruff, 1982
Voice of America's "Dateline" program, 1982
Weis, Bob, re Raoul Wallenberg, 1983
Yalta, 1982
Israel, 1978-1985
"I" miscellaneous, 1976-1985
(2 folders)
James S. Brady Presidential Foundation, 1982-1983
Jamestown Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1984-1985
John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Mass.
General, 1984-1986
Oral history permissions, 1982
Jottings by Harriman, undated
"J" miscellaneous
BOX 1012 1977-1986
(2 folders)
Kaiser, Philip M., 1972-1983
Kaiser, Robert G., 1970-1980
Katz, Milton, 1966
Kaysen, Carl, 1970-1978
Kennan, George F., 1972-1985 For additional material see Container 1010, Interviews, Gaddis, John Lewis, re George F. Kennan
(2 folders)
Kennedy, Edward M., 1975-1984
(2 folders)
BOX 1013 Kennedy, Ethel and family, 1968-1984
Kissinger, Henry A., 1969-1985
(4 folders)
Kollek, Theodore, 1973-1978
Kovler, Peter, 1981
Kozar, Paul, 1983-1984
Kraft, Joseph, 1969-1973, 1981-1982
Kuruc, Michele, 1985
"K" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 1014 1979-1986, undated
(3 folders)
Lanigan, James S., 1975-1984, undated
(4 folders)
Lasser, David, 1977-1985
Limited Test Ban Treaty, twentieth anniversary of ratification, 1963, 1983
BOX 1015 Loeb, Ben, test ban treaty book, 1963, 1980-1982
(2 folders)
Loeb, James I., 1974-1977
Lovett, Robert A., 1983-1984
Lovett, Sidney, 1977-1984
Lubin, Carol, 1977-1983
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin, Tex., 1972-1984
Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, Austin, Tex., 1974-1986
"L" miscellaneous
(2 folders)
BOX 1016 1980-1986, undated
(2 folders)
Maechling, Charles, 1982-1983
Maier, Charles, 1975-1985
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr., 1972-1986
Mayle, Paul D., 1985, undated
McCargar, James, 1983
McCarthy, Frank, 1976
McCullough, Elsie Merkel, 1983-1986
McGovern, George, 1969-1984
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