| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX I:450-466 |
Part I: Book File, 1890-1965
Drafts, galley proofs, notes, research material, correspondence, and inquiries.
Books are arranged in chronological order of publication. Research notes for
Biography of an Idea are arranged alphabetically by subject. |
BOX I:450 |
Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) |
Propaganda (1928) |
Speak Up for Democracy (1940) |
Take Your Place at the Peace Table (1945) |
BOX I:451 |
Public Relations (1952) |
Engineering of Consent (1955) |
BOX I:452 |
Crystallizing Public Opinion (1961 edition) |
BOX I:453 |
Biography of an Idea: Memoirs of Public Relations Counsel Edward L. Bernays (1965) |
Final draft with corrections |
pp. 1-806 |
BOX I:454 |
pp. 807-1746 |
BOX I:455 |
Preliminary drafts |
Sections |
Nos. I-V |
BOX I:456 |
Nos. VI-VIII |
BOX I:457 |
Research notes |
Alphabetical file |
Adler, Cyrus |
Aeolian Co. |
Akins, Zoe |
Allerton House Corp. |
Allied Chemical & Dye
Corp. |
American Safety Razor Corp. |
American Tobacco Co. |
Ansco Photo Products |
Appleby, Paul |
Art Lamp Manufacturing Co. |
Backer, George |
Bank of America |
Bara, Theda |
Barnum, P. T. |
Beck, Thomas |
Bern, Paul |
Blumenthal, Sidney |
Bok, Edward W. |
Bolton, Francis Payne
Bingham |
Boni & Liveright |
Bookman, Judith |
Boomer, Lucius |
Bourjois, Inc. |
Bridges, Harry |
Broun, Heywood Campbell |
Brown Durell Co. |
Burchell, Frederick D. |
Byoir, Carl |
Cartier, Pierre |
Cheney Brothers |
Clark, Frederick G. |
Coburn, Charles |
Coolidge, Calvin |
Cooper, Mrs. Kent |
Copeland, Royal S. |
Corcoran, Thomas G. |
Cornwall, Anne |
Curtis Publishing Co. |
BOX I:458 |
Dewey, Thomas E. |
Dodge Brothers |
Donovan, William J. |
Dort Motor Co. |
Duncan, Isadora |
Edison, Thomas A. |
Elliott, James W. |
Elman, Mischa |
Epstein, Henry |
Ernst, Morris L. |
Farley, James A. |
Fidelity and Deposit Co. of
Maryland |
Filene, E. A. |
Flynn, John T. |
Freud, Sigmund |
Gest, Morris |
Giannini, Amadeo Peter |
Grant, Jane |
Green, Belle A. |
Hammerslaag, Sylvia |
Hand, Charles A. |
Harmsworth, Alfred C. |
Harriman, William A. |
Hart, Schaffner & Marx |
Hays, Will |
Henderson, Leon |
Hershey, Burnet |
Heyman, David |
Hill, George W. |
Hotel Association of New
York |
Ingersoll, Ralph M. |
Inter City Radio Communications
Service |
Johns, Orricks |
Jones, Robert E. |
Kahn, Otto Hermann |
Kaltenborn, H. V. |
Kelly, Grace |
Kerensky, Alexander |
Kingsley, Walter J. |
Klaw, Joseph and Alonzo |
Kreuger, Ivar |
LaGuardia, Fiorello |
Leslie Banks & Co. |
Little Opera Co. of America |
Liveright, Horace |
Lorimer, George H. |
Lowell, Joan |
Lucy Stone League |
Macfadden, Bernarr |
McGrady, Edward F. |
Manassas Industrial School for Colored,
Manassas, Va. |
Marsh, Reginald |
Masaryk, Thomas |
Merritt-Chapman & Scott |
Miller, Gilbert |
Moller, Helen |
Moskowitz, Belle |
Murray, Virginia |
BOX I:459 |
New Jersey Telephone Co. |
Obolensky, Serge |
O'Keefe, Georgia |
Paley, William S. |
Pearson, Drew |
Phelps, George H. |
Procter & Gamble Co. |
Ramsdell, Sayre |
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