The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Edward L. Bernays papers, 1777-1994
Part I: Client, Institution, and Organization File, 1916-1964 (continued)
National Board of Fire Underwriters
BOX I:277 1941
BOX I:278 National Committee for an Adequate Overseas Information Program
BOX I:279 1954-1958
BOX I:280 1955
BOX I:281 1955
BOX I:282 1955-1956
BOX I:283 1955-1958
BOX I:284 1956-1960
BOX I:285 National Committee for Mental Hygiene, 1948
National Cystic Fibrosis Association, 1960-1961
National Household Service, 1928
National Industrial Conference Board, 1938
National Macaroni Manufacturers Association, 1949
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 1954-1961
BOX I:286 National Pharmacy Committee
BOX I:287 1943
BOX I:288 1944
National Probation and Parole Association, 1956-1960
National Prosperity Bureau, 1922
National Recreation Association, 1960-1961
BOX I:289 National Starch Products, 1954
National Statistical Survey of Business Attitudes, 1934-1935
BOX I:290 National Sugar Refining Co., 1933-1934
National Surety Co., 1933-1934
Negbaur & Co.
BOX I:291 1960-1961
New Jersey Telephone Co., 1925
New Orleans Item, 1954-1955
New Republic, 1946
BOX I:292 New York City Anniversary Committee, 1952-1953
New York County Lawyers' Association
BOX I:293 1961
New York Infirmary for Women and Children, 1933
New York Merchants' Association, 1939
BOX I:294 New York Real Estate Securities Exchange
BOX I:295 1929
BOX I:296 Sept.-Dec.
BOX I:297 1929-1930
BOX I:298 New York Real Estate Securities Exchange
BOX I:299 New York State Bar Association, undated
New York State Optometric Association
BOX I:300 1944
New York State Psychologists Association, 1955
New York State Reconstruction Commission, 1920
Non-Partisan Fact Finding Committee for Herbert Hoover, 1932
BOX I:301 Norway, undated
O'Dwyer, William
BOX I:302 1940
Orvis, Ina Leland, 1930
BOX I:303 Park & Tilford, 1933
Patenotre, Jacqueline T., 1957
Patterson Brothers Tobacco Co., 1923
Pauley, Edwin W., 1935
Peabody, Ernest H., 1928
Pearl Associates, 1938-1939
BOX I:304 Pennsylvania, Ohio, & Colorado Miners' Relief Committee, 1928
Pennsylvania Optometric Association, 1942-1945
Philco Radio and Television Corp.
BOX I:305 1934-1935
BOX I:306 1934-1937
BOX I:307 1934-1937
BOX I:308 1935-1936
BOX I:309 Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York, N.Y., undated
Philipp, John, 1921-1922
Play-of-the-Month Guild, 1950-1951
Play Schools' Association, 1955
Posner Shoes, 1930
Postgraduate Medicine, 1948-1949
BOX I:310 Printers' Ink, 1953-1957
BOX I:311 Procter & Gamble Co.
BOX I:312 B-C
BOX I:313-314 C
BOX I:315 D-H
BOX I:316 H-M
BOX I:317 M
BOX I:318 M-P
BOX I:319-320 P
BOX I:321 Q-R
BOX I:322 R-S
BOX I:323-328 S
BOX I:329 S-W
BOX I:330 Propeller Club, 1951
Public Education and Child Labor Association, 1946
Public Education Association, 1938
Pullman Co., 1939
Queensboro Corp., 1923
Rabinowitz, Aaron, 1929
Racine, Wis., 1934
BOX I:331 Rezoning Protest Committee, 1939-1940
Roheim, Geza, 1928
BOX I:332 Russian Exposition, New York, N.Y., 1929
St. Dennis Offices Corp., 1921, 1927-1928
BOX I:333 St. George Hotel, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1937
Schenley Industries, 1935-1936
BOX I:334 Schicht Co., 1924-1927
BOX I:335 Schulte Stores
BOX I:336 1928-1929
Seligmann & Co.
BOX I:337 1927-1928
Senior Citizens' Committee
BOX I:338 1956
Sherry-Netherlands Hotel, New York, N.Y., 1949-1950
BOX I:339 Shubert, Milton I., 1930-1931
Smith, Carl A., 1946
BOX I:340 Social Science Research Council
BOX I:341 1935
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