The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Edward L. Bernays papers, 1777-1994
Part I: Speech and Article File, 1919-1967 (continued)
BOX I:426 1937-1938
BOX I:427 1938-1940
BOX I:428 1940
BOX I:429 1940-1942
BOX I:430 1942-1944
BOX I:431 1944
BOX I:432 Apr.-June
BOX I:433 June-Dec.
BOX I:434 1945
BOX I:435 1945-1946
BOX I:436 1946-1947
BOX I:437 1947
BOX I:438 1948-1949
BOX I:439 1948-1950
BOX I:440 1951-1952
BOX I:441 1952-1953
BOX I:442 1953-1954
BOX I:443 1954-1956
BOX I:444 1956
BOX I:445 1956-1958
BOX I:446 1958
BOX I:447 1958-1961
BOX I:448 1961-1967
BOX I:449 Undated
BOX I:450-466 Part I: Book File, 1890-1965
Drafts, galley proofs, notes, research material, correspondence, and inquiries.
Books are arranged in chronological order of publication. Research notes for Biography of an Idea are arranged alphabetically by subject.
BOX I:450 Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923)
Propaganda (1928)
Speak Up for Democracy (1940)
Take Your Place at the Peace Table (1945)
BOX I:451 Public Relations (1952)
Engineering of Consent (1955)
BOX I:452 Crystallizing Public Opinion (1961 edition)
BOX I:453 Biography of an Idea: Memoirs of Public Relations Counsel Edward L. Bernays (1965)
Final draft with corrections
pp. 1-806
BOX I:454 pp. 807-1746
BOX I:455 Preliminary drafts
Nos. I-V
BOX I:456 Nos. VI-VIII
BOX I:457 Research notes
Alphabetical file
Adler, Cyrus
Aeolian Co.
Akins, Zoe
Allerton House Corp.
Allied Chemical & Dye Corp.
American Safety Razor Corp.
American Tobacco Co.
Ansco Photo Products
Appleby, Paul
Art Lamp Manufacturing Co.
Backer, George
Bank of America
Bara, Theda
Barnum, P. T.
Beck, Thomas
Bern, Paul
Blumenthal, Sidney
Bok, Edward W.
Bolton, Francis Payne Bingham
Boni & Liveright
Bookman, Judith
Boomer, Lucius
Bourjois, Inc.
Bridges, Harry
Broun, Heywood Campbell
Brown Durell Co.
Burchell, Frederick D.
Byoir, Carl
Cartier, Pierre
Cheney Brothers
Clark, Frederick G.
Coburn, Charles
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Mrs. Kent
Copeland, Royal S.
Corcoran, Thomas G.
Cornwall, Anne
Curtis Publishing Co.
BOX I:458 Dewey, Thomas E.
Dodge Brothers
Donovan, William J.
Dort Motor Co.
Duncan, Isadora
Edison, Thomas A.
Elliott, James W.
Elman, Mischa
Epstein, Henry
Ernst, Morris L.
Farley, James A.
Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland
Filene, E. A.
Flynn, John T.
Freud, Sigmund
Gest, Morris
Giannini, Amadeo Peter
Grant, Jane
Green, Belle A.
Hammerslaag, Sylvia
Hand, Charles A.
Harmsworth, Alfred C.
Harriman, William A.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Hays, Will
Henderson, Leon
Hershey, Burnet
Heyman, David
Hill, George W.
Hotel Association of New York
Ingersoll, Ralph M.
Inter City Radio Communications Service
Johns, Orricks
Jones, Robert E.
Kahn, Otto Hermann
Kaltenborn, H. V.
Kelly, Grace
Kerensky, Alexander
Kingsley, Walter J.
Klaw, Joseph and Alonzo
Kreuger, Ivar
LaGuardia, Fiorello
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