The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Edward L. Bernays papers, 1777-1994
Part I: Client, Institution, and Organization File, 1916-1964 (continued)
BOX I:201 International Film Congress, 1926
International Library Bureau, 1933-1934
International Pediatrics Association, 1947
International Psycho-Analytical Press, 1920-1922
Isbrandtsen Steamship Lines, 1947
BOX I:202 Jewish Mental Health Society, 1928
Joint Council of New York State Psychologists on Legislation, New York, N.Y., 1954-1956
Junior Monthly Book Service, 1926-1927
BOX I:203 Kahn, Ely Jacques, 1930-1931
Kapp & Hoffenstein, 1925
Kastor, Robert N., 1922
King, Wilfred, 1933
Klaw, Joseph and Alonzo, 1920
BOX I:204 Klaw, Marc
French Leave, 1920
(9 folders)
BOX I:205 1921-1922
(2 folders)
J'Accuse, 1921
Sonya, 1921
BOX I:206 We Girls, 1921
Yellow Jacket, 1921
BOX I:207 Knickerbocker Village Committee, New York, N.Y., 1933-1934
BOX I:208 Knox Gelatin Co.
BOX I:209 1927-1928
BOX I:210 1927
BOX I:211 Nov.-Dec.
BOX I:212 1928, Feb.-Oct.
BOX I:213 1928-1929
BOX I:214 1929-1930
Kossuth, Egor, 1921
BOX I:215 Ladies' Home Journal
BOX I:216 1931-1932
BOX I:217 1932
BOX I:218 1932
BOX I:219 Feb.-Nov.
BOX I:220 Le Boutillier, 1921-1922
League of New York Theaters, 1949
Lehigh Portland Cement Co., 1925
Leinsdorf, Erich, 1944, 1952-1953
Lelong, Lucien, 1931
BOX I:221 Lewis, Mary, 1938
Life Extension Institute, 1921
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., 1927-1928
Lighthouse for the Blind, 1919-1921
BOX I:222 Light's Golden Jubilee
BOX I:223 1929
BOX I:224 1929
BOX I:225 1929
BOX I:226 Sept.-Dec.
BOX I:227 Lipton, Estelle L., 1922-1923
Lithuanian National Council, 1919-1921
Loft, Inc., 1935-1937
Lowell, Joan, 1929
Lowry, Helen Bullitt, 1922
Luce, Clare Boothe, 1945-1946
Lucy Stone League, 1922-1923
Luggage Information Service, 1927
BOX I:228 McAlpin Hotel, New York, N.Y., 1922
BOX I:229 1949
BOX I:230 Mar.-May
BOX I:231 Apr.-May
BOX I:232 May-Aug.
BOX I:233 June-Aug.
Macfadden Publications
BOX I:234 1927-1928
BOX I:235 McKey, Joseph V., 1933
McKinley, Barry, undated
Mack Trucks, Inc.
BOX I:236 1950
BOX I:237 1950-1951
BOX I:238 1950-1951
BOX I:239 1950
BOX I:240 Aug.-Oct.
BOX I:241 Nov.-Dec.
BOX I:242 Jan.-Apr.
BOX I:243 May-Sept.
BOX I:244 Sept.-Nov.
BOX I:245 Nov.-Dec.
BOX I:246 Feb.-June
BOX I:247 June-Dec.
BOX I:248 Macy & Co., 1922
Madison Square Garden Corp., 1935
Magazine of Wall Street, 1929-1930, 1936-1937
Malcoskey, Edna Walker, 1931-1932
Market Research Corp. of America, 1938
Mary Imogene Basset Hospital, Cooperstown, N.Y., 1929
Mayer & Associates, 1947
BOX I:249 Mayflower Associates, 1933-1936
Medalie, George Z., 1931-1932
BOX I:250 Medical Administration Services, 1941
Mendelsohn, Sigmund, 1926
Merchants' Association of New York, 1937
BOX I:251 Merritt-Chapman & Scott
BOX I:252 1955-1958
BOX I:253 1957-1959
BOX I:254 1957-1959
BOX I:255 1959
BOX I:256 1959
BOX I:257 1959-1960
BOX I:258 1959-1961
BOX I:259 1960
BOX I:260 1960
BOX I:261 1961
BOX I:262 Meter Service Corp., 1929
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