| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
General Correspondence,
(continued) |
Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1903-1910 |
(2 folders) |
"C" miscellaneous |
1890-1916 |
(2 folders) |
BOX 4 |
1917-1926, undated |
D. Hay and Son, 1887-1899, undated |
Damman & Co., 1894-1896 |
De Vries, Hugo, 1903-1929 |
Doubleday, Page & Co., 1903-1918 |
"D" miscellaneous, 1889-1926, undated |
(2 folders) |
Empson, J. H., 1905-1921 |
"E" miscellaneous, 1888-1926, undated |
Fairchild, David G., 1899-1910 |
Firestone, Harvey S., 1917-1923 |
Ford, Henry, and Ford Motor Co., 1915-1928, undated |
"F" miscellaneous |
1891-1912 |
BOX 5 |
1913-1926, undated |
Gleason, Herbert W., 1908-1923, undated |
Grucy, Lucien (French war orphan and godson), 1919-1923, undated |
"G" miscellaneous, 1871-1927, undated |
(2 folders) |
Hobson, Richmond P., 1921-1922 |
Husbands, Jose D., 1905-1911, undated |
(2 folders) |
"H" miscellaneous |
1891-1906 |
BOX 6 |
1907-1926, undated |
(2 folders) |
Imai, G., 1920-1924 |
"I" miscellaneous, 1905-1924, undated |
Jordan, David Starr, 1901-1926 |
(4 folders) |
"J" miscellaneous, 1897-1925 |
Katakura & Co., 1920-1924
See same container, Imai, G.
Kellogg, John Harvey, 1917-1926 |
Kellogg, Vernon L., 1900-1915, undated |
BOX 7 |
Knudsen, H., 1898-1901, undated |
"K" miscellaneous, 1891-1926, undated |
Leib, S. F., 1896-1922 |
Lelong, B. M., 1890-1900 |
Lemmon, J. G., 1886-1904 |
de Longpré, Paul, 1899-1903, undated |
"L" miscellaneous, 1893-1926, undated |
(2 folders) |
Maxim, Hudson, 1911-1925 |
Mills, Susan L., 1907-1908 |
Morrow, W. W., 1904-1909 |
BOX 8 |
Miller, P. Francisco, 1918-1922 |
Muir, John, 1910 |
"M" miscellaneous, 1890-1926, undated |
(3 folders) |
"N" miscellaneous, 1891-1926 |
Osterhout, J. V., 1901-1904 |
"O" miscellaneous, 1901-1925, undated |
"P" miscellaneous |
1898-1908 |
BOX 9 |
1909-1926, undated |
(2 folders) |
"Q-R" miscellaneous, 1888-1926, undated |
(3 folders) |
Samu, Spiegel, 1893-1896 |
School children |
1901-1922 |
(2 folders) |
BOX 10 |
1923-1926, undated |
Schull, George H., 1908-1912 |
Scientific American, 1903-1926 |
Slater, Herbert W., 1917-1925, undated |
"S" miscellaneous, 1892-1926, undated |
(4 folders) |
"T" miscellaneous, 1891-1926, undated |
BOX 11 |
"U-V" miscellaneous, 1896-1926, undated |
Vachell, F. Harvey, 1903-1912 |
Van Deman, H. E., 1894-1905 |
Waugh, F. A., 1896-1901 |
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 1906-1914, undated |
White Crusaders, 1909 |
Woodward, Robert S.
See Container 3, Carnegie Institution of Washington
"W" miscellaneous, 1888-1926, undated |
(3 folders) |
BOX 12 |
"X-Y" miscellaneous, 1894-1925 |
Unidentified and anonymous, 1898-1927, undated |
BOX 12-18 |
Speeches and Writings File,
Holograph, typewritten, near-print, and printed copies of speeches, lectures, and writings. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of speech or author. Burbank's writings are listed in one category, those by others in another. |
BOX 12 |
By Burbank |
Catalog descriptions, 1906-1911 |
Bulbs |
Cactus |
Cereals and other farm crops |
Climbing vines, large |
Blackberries |
Deciduous trees |
Desert plants |
Evergreen trees (mostly conifers) |
Ferns and mosses |
Flowers |
(3 folders) |
Forage plants |
Fruits |
BOX 13 |
Fruits: vines and shrubs |
Giant ornamental grasses |
Gladioli |
Gourds |
Herbs, uncommon vegetables, and other economic plants |
Legumes |
Mistletoe, parasitic plants, etc. |
Nuts |
Nut trees and nuts |
Orchids |
Ornamental grasses and sedges |
Palms |
Plums |
Succulents |
Shrubs |
Shrubs, ornamental |
Solanums and physalis |
Textile plants |
Uncommon tropicals |
Vegetables |
Vegetables and garden plants |
Water and bog plants |
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