The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  G.E. Mueller papers, 1876-2012
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Family Papers, 1876-1983 (continued)
Subject File, 1876-1983 (continued)
Richard Hudnut Salon, DuBarry success course, New York, N.Y., circa 1944
(5 folders)
Rosenbaum, William Christian (father-in-law), 1971
Selective Service System, 1944
Travel, 1955, undated
University of California, principles of education course, 1959
Writings, undated
BOX 16-17 University of Missouri, 1935-1939
Address lists, awards, class notes, correspondence, drawings, grade reports, invitations, laboratory notes, photographs, programs, song sheets, stride and slope scales, tests, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 16 Address lists, undated
American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1938
Awards, 1937-1939
Class and laboratory notes, 1939, undated
Class schedules, 1935-1938, undated
Columbia, Mo., cyclotron, undated
Commencement, 1939
Sept. 1936-June 1939
(2 folders)
BOX 17 July-Aug. 1939, undated
Drawings, MEG-47, undated
Federal Communications Commission, 1935, undated
Grade reports, 1939, undated
Invitations, 1938-1939
Kansas City, Mo., Philharmonic Orchestra, 1936
Varsity football, 1936
Song sheet, undated
Stride and slope scales, undated
Tests, undated
Yearbooks, 1936-1937
(2 vols.)
BOX 17-18 Purdue University, 1939-1940
Class schedules, correspondence, directories, grade reports, laboratory notebooks, photographs, programs, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 17 Class schedule, 1940
Commencement, 1940
Correspondence, 1939-1940, undated
Final oral examination, 1940
Grade report, 1940
Laboratory notebook, 1940
(2 folders)
BOX 18 Staff directory, 1939-1940
BOX 18-19 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1888-1946
Address lists, bibliographies, correspondence, laboratory notes, lists, photographs, printed matter, reports, writings, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 18 Address lists, undated
Set no. 1
Set no. 2
Set no. 3
Set no. 4
Set no. 5
"A Bibliography on Metallic Rectifiers of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers," 1946
Ultra short wave progress, 1915, 1925-1937, undated
Caruthers, R. S., "Copper Oxide Modulators in Carrier Telephone Systems," 1939
Correspondence, 1940
Esso Research Center, Linden, N.J., undated
Gray, Frank, "A Survey of Variable Conductors," 1944
(3 folders)
Intermediate frequency transformers, 1941 See also Classified
K/z and Z magnetrons, 1940-1946, undated
Laboratory notes
circa 1942-1946
(3 folders)
BOX 19 Undated
(2 folders)
List of contributors, undated
Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. See same container, University of Missouri
Murray Hill facility, New Providence, N.J., undated
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1945-1946
Photographs, 1940, undated
Postgraduate study plan, 1945, undated
Riverside Church, New York, N.Y., 1931, 1941-1943, undated
Rust, Arthur, Electricity: Theoretically and Practically Considered by the Aid of Thermo-electricity, 1888
Thermistors (thermally sensitive resistors), 1941, undated
University of Missouri, Rolla, Mo., 1945
Wave filters, high pass and low pass, 1943-1944, undated
(2 folders)
Weather measuring devices, 1945
"Propagation of Six Millimeter Waves," 1944-1946, undated See also Classified
(3 folders)
"Uni-Velocity Electron Stream," 1940, undated
BOX 19-26 Ohio State University, 1931-1958
Bibliographies, class notes, correspondence, directories, employment records, laboratory notes, magazine articles, membership records, newspaper articles, patent records, photographs, poetry, printed matter, programs, reports, speeches, writings, and other material.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically.
Able 3 satellite, undated
Advanced guidance program, 1957 See also Classified
"Advanced Network Theory," undated
BOX 20 Advisory group on electron tubes, 1958
Alexander, T. E., 1956
Audio equipment, 1939-1952 See also Oversize
Bardeen, John, et al., "The Transistor and Related Experiments," 1948
Becker, J. A., et al., "Transistors," 1949
Bell Laboratories Record, 1949
Bibliographies, circa 1955
Brooks, Jack E., 1956
Business cards, undated
Carter, Clarence J., "Limitations on the Maximum Frequency of the Retarding-Field Oscillator," 1953
(2 folders)
Class and laboratory notes
Corn culture, course IV lessons, 1951-1952
(2 folders)
Electrical engineering courses
603, 1946
634, 1949-1957, undated See also Container 26, "Introduction to Non-Linear Circuits"
(5 folders)
665, 1949-1953, undated
707, 1952-1956, undated
(1 folder)
BOX 21 (1 folder)
743, undated
781, 1947
801, 1948
834, 1948-1953, undated
(2 folders)
Math course 721, undated
Ph.D. general examination, 1946-1950, undated
(2 folders)
Physics courses
436, 1947
727, 1948, undated
(3 folders)
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