The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  G.E. Mueller papers, 1876-2012
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International Academy of Astronautics, 1962-1995 (continued)
Subject File, 1962-1995 (continued)
General, 1986-1994
Theodore von Kármán award
BOX 254 1984-1991, undated
Battelle Corp., Columbus, Ohio, 1987
Biennales Internationales de Poesie, Brussels, Belgium, 1987-1988
Board of trustees
May 1982-Apr. 1984
(5 folders)
BOX 255 Oct. 1984-Apr. 1987
(9 folders)
BOX 256 Oct. 1987-July 1990
(9 folders)
BOX 257 Oct. 1990-July 1994, undated
(6 folders)
British Interplanetary Society, 1983-1989
Bylaws, 1983-1987, 1995, undated
BOX 258 California Museum Foundation, Los Angeles, Calif., 1985-1994, undated
(2 folders)
Centre National d'Études Spatiales, Toulouse, France, 1986-1987
Columbus symposia, 1987-1991
Academy Development, 1983
Ad Hoc Committee on Assessment of IAF/IAA Technical/Scientific Structure, 1985-1990
Ad Hoc Return to the Moon, 1985-1988
Arts and Literature, 1992
Awards and Membership, 1986-1990
Committee on Space Research and International Astronautical Federation Joint Program Planning See Containers 260-261, World Space Congress Joint Program
Economics in Space Operations, 1988-1993
Extravehicular Activity Protocols and Operations, 1992-1993
Finance, 1984-1992
Future Space Systems Evolution, 1985
BOX 259 General, 1983-1993, undated
(2 folders)
History of Astronautics, 1985, 1992-1993, undated
International Affairs, undated
International Exploration of Mars, 1987-1994
(2 folders)
International Program See Containers 260-261, World Space Congress Joint Program
International Space Plans and Policies, 1992-1995
Interstellar Space Exploration, 1992-1993
Life Sciences, 1992-1993, undated
Lunar Development, 1987-1994
Man in Space Studies, 1985, undated
Multilingual Terminology, 1986, 1992
BOX 260 1988-1989, undated
Publications, 1985-1992
Safety, Rescue, and Quality, 1990-1993
Scientific Programs, 1984-1993
(2 folders)
Scientific-Legal Liaison, 1992
Small Satellites, 1993
Space Activities and Society, 1989-1993
Space Programs Quality, 1991-1992
Space Propulsion Technology, 1995
Space Safety and Rescue Studies, 1984-1985
Space Science, 1989-1992
Symposium Program, 1989
Terms of Reference, 1983-1988
World Space Congress Joint Program
BOX 261 1990-1991
(3 folders)
Congresses, 1983-1994
(4 folders)
Cosmic studies, 1985-1990, undated
Environmental study potential finding analysis, 1990
Financial records
(3 folders)
BOX 262 1987-1995
(5 folders)
International Biennial of Poetry, Brussels, Belgium See Container 254, Biennales Internationales de Poesie
International Conference on Low-cost Planetary Missions, Laurel, Md., 1994
International Congress of Space and Aeronautics in Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, 1992
International cooperation in space science, 1984
International lunar base, 1984-1992
International Space Exploration Institute
Apr. 1987-June 1992
(3 folders)
BOX 263 July 1992-Nov. 1994, undated
(5 folders)
International Space Hall of Fame, Alamogordo, N.Mex., 1984
International Space Year, 1987-1992
International Symposium on Benefits of Space Activities, Beijing, China, 1992
International Symposium on Space Physics, Beijing, China, 1986
Logs, mail and telephone, 1983-1992
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Tex., 1989
Lunar exploration
BOX 264 1987-1988, undated
Man in Space symposia, 1962-1967, 1975, 1981-1995
(6 folders)
Mars cosmic study See Container 259, International Exploration of Mars
Marshall, John M., "The Mobile Concept and Automated Checkout of Apollo/Saturn V Space Vehicle," 1989
Membership and elections
(3 folders)
BOX 265 1984-1986
(8 folders)
BOX 266 1987-1992, undated
(4 folders)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., 1987
Orbital debris, 1988-1991
Photographs, 1985-1993, undated
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
BOX 267 1988-1992
(2 folders)
Presentation, undated
Press releases, 1982-1983
Prisnjakov, V. F., "To the History of Rocket-Space Technique Development in Ukraine," undated
Publications, 1985-1992
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, 1982-1995
(6 folders)
1. Basic sciences, 1984-1986, undated
3. Life sciences, 1983
4. Social sciences, 1986-1993
BOX 268 Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, 1984
Space Agency Forum, 1992-1993, undated
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