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Joseph C. Swidler papers, 1930-1997

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BOX 81-93 Addition, 1931-1997
Articles, an autobiography, correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports, speeches, and miscellaneous material.
Arranged in accordance with similar material in the main body of the collection and thereunder alphabetically by type of material or name of person, organization, or subject.
BOX 81 Tennessee Valley Authority
Article by Swidler, 1947
Board of directors, 1986
Conservation Authorities Act (1937), 1937
Contracts between TVA and municipalities for power, undated
Correspondence, 1993-1995
Joint Congressional Committee for an Investigation of the TVA, 1937-1938
Loyalty hearings
Correspondence requesting affidavits, 1951-1952
(2 folders)
List, undated
Not used, 1940, 1951-1952
Used, 1940-1951
(1 folder)
BOX 82 (2 folders)
Communist charge and reply, 1951
Communist party members employed at TVA, list, 1940, 1951
Federal Bureau of Investigation, interrogation, 1942
Federal personnel manual, statement re operation of loyalty review boards, 1949
House Committee on Un-American Activities, reports, 1950
Alber, Harry Francis, 1943-1952
Bolt, Lewis B., 1946-1947
Borah, Bernard, 1936-1937
Clapp, Gordon R., 1947
Henderson, Olen, 1947-1949
Lilienthal, David E., 1947, undated
Margold, Nathan R., 1940, undated
Remington, William W., 1948
Travel logs, 1935-1940
Witnesses, list, undated
Personal commendations, recommendations, and congratulations, 1934-1957
Songs about TVA, lyrics only, 1934, undated
Speeches, 1934-1949, undated
Sutherland, W. A., 1933
BOX 83 Federal Power Commission
Appointment to the commission
Letters of congratulation, 1961-1962
(4 folders)
Newspaper clippings, 1961
(2 folders)
Congressional hearings
(8 folders)
BOX 84 1963-1965
(20 folders)
Congressional Record, nomination and confirmation of Swidler, 1965
(2 folders)
BOX 85 Interview, 1963
Newspaper clippings
Miscellaneous, 1962-1969
(2 folders)
Northeast blackout, 1965-1966
Press conferences, 1963
Reappointment to the commission
Letters of congratulation on service and urging reappointment, 1965
(2 folders)
Newspaper clippings, 1965
(2 folders)
Report by James Landis on reorganization and internal reform during the John F. Kennedy administration, transcript of panel discussion by regulatory agencies, 1965
Resignation from the commission, 1965
Sept. 1961-June 1963
BOX 86 July 1963-Oct. 1965
List, 1961-1965
Nos. 1-40, 1961-1964
(4 folders)
BOX 87 Nos. 41-46, 1965
New York Public Service Commission
Congressional hearings, 1970-1973
(13 folders)
BOX 88 1971-1974
(3 folders)
BOX 89 Unbound, 1970-1973
(4 folders)
Law Practice
Booth & Swidler, articles, 1932-1933
David E. Lilienthal, law firm, article, 1931
Denney, Leftwich & Osborn, speech, 1958
Leva, Hawes, Symington, Martin & Oppenheimer
Congressional hearings, Senate subcommittee on Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, 1977
Bound, 1975-1980
Unbound, 1976-1980
BOX 90 Swidler & Berlin
Article by Swidler, 1991
Corey, Gordon R., 1992
Correspondence, 1992-1996
Interview, transcript, 1992
Letter to the editor, 1991
Mexico and the North Atlantic Free Trade Association, 1992-1993
(3 folders)
Speeches, unbound, 1982-1992
(3 folders)
BOX 91 “The World Bank: Indonesia,” report, 1989
Background material from Lyndon Baynes Johnson Presidential Library, Austin, Tex.
“The Federal Power Commission during the Administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson, November 1963 - January 1969, Vol. I. - Administrative History,” undated
Research files, 1961-1968
O'Connor, Lawrence J.
(2 folders)
Swidler, Joseph C.
(2 folders)
Outline, 1984-1990, undated
Unedited, 1997
(1 folder)
BOX 92 (4 folders)
Edited, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 93 (2 folders)
Biographical material, 1964
Interior Department, correspondence and memoranda, 1932-1934
Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, Austin, Tex., oral history transcripts, 1995
(2 folders)
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