The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joseph C. Swidler papers, 1930-1997
Some or all content stored offsite.
New York Public Service Commission, 1969-1974 (continued)
Subject File, 1969-1974 (continued)
Gas and electrical utilities executives meeting, New York, N.Y., 1972
Gas Division, 1970-1974
Gas Industry Supply Conference, Albany, N.Y., 1972
BOX 35 Gas Pipeline Safety Act, 1972
Gas restriction on electricity demand, 1972
Gas utilities executives meeting with secretary of the interior, 1970
(2 folders)
Gasoline rationing and allocation, 1974
General counsel's office, 1970-1973
General Electric Corp., 1972-1974
General Motors Corp., 1972
General services office, 1971-1974
General Telephone Co. of Upstate New York, 1971-1974
BOX 36 Governor's office
Appointments secretary, 1970-1971
Counsel, 1971-1974
General, 1970-1974
(4 folders)
BOX 37 Meetings, 1972-1973
(4 folders)
New York City governance
Draft reports, 1971
General, 1971-1972
Reports, 1970-1972
(2 folders)
Phosphorus pollution, 1973
BOX 38 Resource development policy, 1973
Water pollution, 1973
Secretary, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
Great Lakes Advisory Council, 1972-1973
"G" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
Health Department, 1971-1974
Hearing examiners office, 1971-1973
Hooker, Robert W., 1973
Hudson River Basin Research Needs Committee, 1972
Human Rights Interdepartmental Committee, 1970-1973
Hurd, T. Norman See Container 25, Budget office
General, 1971-1972
Meetings, 13 July 1972
BOX 39 "H" miscellaneous, 1971-1974
(2 folders)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 1974
Interdepartmental Fuel and Energy Committee
Ad hoc committee on energy efficiency in appliances and apparatus, 1972-1974, undated
(2 folders)
Ad hoc committee on energy efficiency in transportation, 1972
Correspondence, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 40 Fuel shortage crisis, 1973-1974
(6 folders)
BOX 41 Meetings, 1972-1974
(13 folders)
BOX 42 Interstate Oil Compact Commission, 1971
Iroquois Gas Corp., 1971-1974
"I" miscellaneous, 1972-1974
Jablon, Robert A. See Container 22, Assistant counsel in charge of staff proceedings
Jackson, Henry M., 1972-1973
Japan Productivity Center, 1971
Jerry, Harold A., 1973-1974
Joint Energy Committee, 1974
Joint Legislative Committee on the Energy Policy of the State of New York, 1973
Jones, William K., 1971-1974
(2 folders)
"J" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
Kaufman, Alvin See Container 29, Economic research office
Kissinger, Henry A., 1974
"K" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
BOX 43 Larkin, Edward P., 1972-1973
Lindsay, John V., 1970-1973
Liquid petroleum transportation, 1971
Long Island Lighting Co., 1972-1974
"L" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
Madison, Samuel R. See Container 52, Secretary of the commission
Marr, Carmel C., 1974
BOX 44 Mathusa, Parker D. See Container 49, Power division
McGowan Commission, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Media stories re Swidler, 1974
Metcalf, Lee, 1970-1973
"M" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
(3 folders)
National Academy of Engineering
Committee on Power Plant Siting See Container 50, Power plant siting, National Academy of Engineering
General, 1971-1972
BOX 45 Meetings, 1970-1971
(3 folders)
National Academy of Public Administration
General, 1973-1974
(2 folders)
Meetings, 1972-1974
(6 folders)
National Academy of Sciences, 1973
National Science Foundation, 1973-1974
New England River Basins Commission, 1970-1973
New York, N. Y.
Commission on State-City Relations (William J. van den Heuvel Commission), 1971-1972
BOX 46 Interdepartmental Committee on Public Utilities, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
New York Generation Study Group, 1974
New York Power Pool
Correspondence, 1971-1974
Environmental Committee
General, 1972-1973
Meetings, 1972
(2 folders)
Executive Committee
General, 1971-1973
Meetings, 1971-1973
(11 folders)
BOX 47 General meetings, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Load and capacity study, 1971-1972
Long range system development study, 1973
Photographs, 1974
New York Telephone Co., 1970-1974
Niagara Mohawk Power Co., 1972-1974
Nixon, Richard M., 1970-1974
Northeast Power Coordinating Council, 1971-1973
(2 folders)
Northeastern environmental education development, 1972
Nuclear power plant siting, 1970-1972
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