The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joseph C. Swidler papers, 1930-1997
Some or all content stored offsite.
New York Public Service Commission, 1969-1974 (continued)
Subject File, 1969-1974 (continued)
Meetings, 1972-1973 (continued)
(4 folders)
New York City governance
Draft reports, 1971
General, 1971-1972
Reports, 1970-1972
(2 folders)
Phosphorus pollution, 1973
BOX 38 Resource development policy, 1973
Water pollution, 1973
Secretary, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
Great Lakes Advisory Council, 1972-1973
"G" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
Health Department, 1971-1974
Hearing examiners office, 1971-1973
Hooker, Robert W., 1973
Hudson River Basin Research Needs Committee, 1972
Human Rights Interdepartmental Committee, 1970-1973
Hurd, T. Norman See Container 25, Budget office
General, 1971-1972
Meetings, 13 July 1972
BOX 39 "H" miscellaneous, 1971-1974
(2 folders)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 1974
Interdepartmental Fuel and Energy Committee
Ad hoc committee on energy efficiency in appliances and apparatus, 1972-1974, undated
(2 folders)
Ad hoc committee on energy efficiency in transportation, 1972
Correspondence, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
BOX 40 Fuel shortage crisis, 1973-1974
(6 folders)
BOX 41 Meetings, 1972-1974
(13 folders)
BOX 42 Interstate Oil Compact Commission, 1971
Iroquois Gas Corp., 1971-1974
"I" miscellaneous, 1972-1974
Jablon, Robert A. See Container 22, Assistant counsel in charge of staff proceedings
Jackson, Henry M., 1972-1973
Japan Productivity Center, 1971
Jerry, Harold A., 1973-1974
Joint Energy Committee, 1974
Joint Legislative Committee on the Energy Policy of the State of New York, 1973
Jones, William K., 1971-1974
(2 folders)
"J" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
Kaufman, Alvin See Container 29, Economic research office
Kissinger, Henry A., 1974
"K" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
BOX 43 Larkin, Edward P., 1972-1973
Lindsay, John V., 1970-1973
Liquid petroleum transportation, 1971
Long Island Lighting Co., 1972-1974
"L" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
Madison, Samuel R. See Container 52, Secretary of the commission
Marr, Carmel C., 1974
BOX 44 Mathusa, Parker D. See Container 49, Power division
McGowan Commission, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Media stories re Swidler, 1974
Metcalf, Lee, 1970-1973
"M" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
(3 folders)
National Academy of Engineering
Committee on Power Plant Siting See Container 50, Power plant siting, National Academy of Engineering
General, 1971-1972
BOX 45 Meetings, 1970-1971
(3 folders)
National Academy of Public Administration
General, 1973-1974
(2 folders)
Meetings, 1972-1974
(6 folders)
National Academy of Sciences, 1973
National Science Foundation, 1973-1974
New England River Basins Commission, 1970-1973
New York, N. Y.
Commission on State-City Relations (William J. van den Heuvel Commission), 1971-1972
BOX 46 Interdepartmental Committee on Public Utilities, 1970-1974
(2 folders)
New York Generation Study Group, 1974
New York Power Pool
Correspondence, 1971-1974
Environmental Committee
General, 1972-1973
Meetings, 1972
(2 folders)
Executive Committee
General, 1971-1973
Meetings, 1971-1973
(11 folders)
BOX 47 General meetings, 1970-1971
(2 folders)
Load and capacity study, 1971-1972
Long range system development study, 1973
Photographs, 1974
New York Telephone Co., 1970-1974
Niagara Mohawk Power Co., 1972-1974
Nixon, Richard M., 1970-1974
Northeast Power Coordinating Council, 1971-1973
(2 folders)
Northeastern environmental education development, 1972
Nuclear power plant siting, 1970-1972
"N" miscellaneous, 1971-1974
BOX 48 Offshore Airport Center, 1971
Offshore drilling for oil
General, 1971-1973
Meeting with secretary of interior, 1972
Terminals, 1971-1972
Unloading platforms, 1971-1972
Oil imports, 1973
Ontario Energy Board, 1974
"O" miscellaneous, 1970-1974
Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. See Container 25, Busby, Jack K.
Personnel office
General, 1971-1974
(2 folders)
Moving expenses, 1973
Retirements, 1970-1972
Petroleum allocation and rationing, 1973
BOX 49 Power division, 1971-1974
(6 folders)
BOX 50 Power plant siting
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