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Winn Newman papers, 1876-1995

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Legal File, 1876-1993 (continued)
General, 1962-1978
(3 folders)
BOX 75 Gleed, Dick, 1971-1976, 1986
(2 folders)
Setting process, 1973-1986
Survey cases, 1973-1981, undated
SCO Data Element Dictionary, undated
(2 folders)
BOX 76 Transcripts of file notes, 1958-1987
(3 folders)
Wage comparison, 1977, 1986, undated
Bill of costs, 1992
(3 folders)
BOX 77 G-H
(3 folders)
Case management, 1985-1986
(5 folders)
BOX 78 1986
(8 folders)
BOX 79 1987-1993
(4 folders)
Declarations in opposition to summary judgment, 1934-1987, undated
Vol. 1A
(3 folders)
BOX 80 Vols. 2A-3A
(7 folders)
Vol. 4A
(2 folders)
BOX 81 (4 folders)
Vol. 5A
(2 folders)
Defendant's reply brief, documents in support of, 1923-1925, 1934-1954, 1964-1987
Nos. 101-208
(5 folders)
BOX 82 Nos. 209-511
(8 folders)
Absher, Linda S., 1985
Allamano, Bernard, 1985
BOX 83 Crain, Bruce
Exhibits, 1969-1983
(3 folders)
General, 1986
(4 folders)
Hubbard, Patricia A., 1985
Jeffrey, Robert
Exhibits, 1978-1985, undated
General, 1985
(2 folders)
BOX 84 Judkins, Louise, 1986
Landes, Marion, and Lee Hasson, 1985
(2 folders)
Lloyd, George
Exhibits, 1979-1986, undated
General, 1986
Mock, Doug, Don Schleppman, and Jan Watt, 1985
Murch, Kenneth, 1985
(2 folders)
Pearman, Marilyn Ina, 1985
Peck, Jon, 1985
Scott, Marie, 1985
Shaw, Karen Louise, 1985
BOX 85 Shellenbarger, Carol, 1986
Steele, Terry, 1985
Taylor, Rolland D., 1985
Discovery plan, 1986
Evidence gathering and advanced training program, 1982-1985
Exhibits, 1981-1985
(7 folders)
BOX 86 General case material, 1982-1991, undated
(3 folders)
Job evaluation notebook, 1986
(2 folders)
Litigation strategy, 1985
Campbell, Patricia, 1984-1986
(3 folders)
BOX 87 Geddes, Maggie, 1986
Kim, Marlene, 1985-1986
(4 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1985-1988
Newell, Lisa, 1985-1988
(2 folders)
BOX 88 Newman, Winn, 1984-1988, undated
(3 folders)
Motion to dismiss, 1985
Plaintiffs' rule 56(f)
Declarations of opposition, 1986
Declarations of support, 1986
Campbell, Patricia
(2 folders)
BOX 89 Dayley, Melvin K.
(3 folders)
Spindell, Cyndi A.
(3 folders)
BOX 90 (1 folder)
Order denying, 1986
Notes, 1988, undated
Pleadings, 1984-1989
Nos. 1-21
(7 folders)
BOX 91 Nos. 22-58
(9 folders)
BOX 92 Nos. 59-107
(8 folders)
BOX 93 Nos. 108-112
(6 folders)
BOX 94 Nos. 113-156
(8 folders)
BOX 95 Nos. 157-182
(9 folders)
BOX 96 Nos. 183-219
(8 folders)
BOX 97 No. 220
(5 folders)
No. 221
(3 folders)
BOX 98 (2 folders)
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