The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Hedrick Smith papers, 1923-2010
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Part II: Television Productions, 1986-2009 (continued)
"Making Schools Work," 1999-2006 (continued)
BOX 398 "Success for All," Centennial Elementary School, Mount Vernon, Wash., 2005
(1 folder)
BOX 399 (1 folder)
BOX 399 Work plans and schedules, 2005
BOX 399-401 Miscellaneous Productions, 1990-2006
The Miscellaneous Productions subseries contains publicity files, shoot books, production bibles, interview transcripts, and other production files related to assorted films and projects, for which few records exist. Many of Smith’s documentaries about Gorbachev and the USSR after the fall of the Berlin Wall are located in this subseries and include After Gorbachev’s USSR, Guns, Tanks, and Gorbachev, and Soviets. Smaller projects for which Smith served as a consultant or correspondent, such as stories for the PBS NewsHour, are also included.
Arranged alphabetically by documentary or project title.
BOX 399 After Gorbachev's USSR, 1991-1992
(3 folders)
BOX 399 Guns, Tanks, and Gorbachev, 1990, 1998
(2 folders)
BOX 399 Mission Retirement (Employee Benefit Research Institute)
BOX 399 Contract and budget, 2006
BOX 399 General, 2006
BOX 399 Production bible, 2006
BOX 400 Scripts, 2006
BOX 400 Shoot books, 2006
BOX 400 PBS NewsHour
BOX 400 Austin, Tex., technology
BOX 400 Interview transcripts, 1998
(3 folders)
BOX 400 Production bible, 1998
(2 folders)
DF Production bible, digital files, 1998
Digital ID: mss62065_198_521
Digital ID: mss62065_198_522
BOX 401 Shoot books, 1998
(3 folders)
BOX 401 LTV Corporation (steelworkers), 2006
DF LTV Corporation (steelworkers), digital files, 2006
Digital ID: mss62065_198_523
BOX 401 Russia for Sale, 1992
BOX 401 Soviets, 1990-1993
(2 folders)
BOX 401-421 "The People and the Power Game," 1995-1996
"The People and the Power Game" was a documentary series made in conjunction with PBS’s Democracy Now project in the leadup to the 1996 presidential election. The documentary is divided into two segments, “The Unelected: The Lobbies and Media” and “The Elected: The Presidency and Congress.” The media portion of “The Unelected” segment focuses on print and network news and their coverage of politics in the 1990s with a focus on tabloid-style news and ratings, such as the Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers story. News anchors Peter Jennings and Dan Rather are profiled in this segment. The lobbyist portion of the “The Unelected” details the relationships business and special interest groups have with the Republican-led Congress. The tobacco industry, United Parcel Service (UPS), and the health-care industry are profiled. Moving to the politicians themselves in “The Elected” segment of the series, Smith first takes a look at the American presidency and how much power the institution holds. Smith interviews Al Gore, Leon Panetta, and George Stephanopoulos, to understand the difficulties the Clinton administration had in passing its agenda despite controlling both houses of Congress. Moving from the presidency, Smith finally looks at the Republican-led Congress elected in 1994, and profiles Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Other congressmen interviewed include Robert Dole, Richard Gephardt, and Tom Daschle. This series also produced two companion pieces for The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer: "The Republican Freshman" and "Campaign Finance: Abuses and Reform." Material in this series includes production bibles, digital files, interview transcripts, research, and segment planning documents.
Arranged alphabetically by topic or material type.
BOX 401 Awards, 1996
BOX 401 Chyrons, 1996
BOX 401 Correspondence, 1995-1996
BOX 401 Credits, 1996
BOX 401 Digital files, 1996
Digital ID: mss62065_198_183
Digital ID: mss62065_198_201
BOX 401 Footage agreements, 1996
BOX 402 International distribution, 1996
BOX 402 Interview preparation and notes, 1995-1996
BOX 402 Interview transcripts
DF Digital files, 1995-1996
Digital ID: mss62065_198_043
Digital ID: mss62065_198_044
Digital ID: mss62065_198_173
Digital ID: mss62065_198_174
Digital ID: mss62065_198_175
Digital ID: mss62065_198_180
Digital ID: mss62065_198_181
Digital ID: mss62065_198_182
Digital ID: mss62065_198_190
Digital ID: mss62065_198_205
BOX 402 The Elected, 1995-1996
(5 folders)
BOX 403 (6 folders)
BOX 404 (4 folders)
BOX 404 The Unelected, 1995-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 405 (6 folders)
BOX 406 (6 folders)
BOX 406 Legal, 1996
BOX 406 Music, 1996
BOX 407 Outreach
BOX 407 Citizens guide, 1996
BOX 407 Dubbing, 1996
BOX 407 Educational use plan, 1996
BOX 407 Fundraising, 1995-1996
(3 folders)
BOX 407 Interactive learning, 1995-1996
BOX 407 Teachers guide, 1996
BOX 408 Website, 1996
(2 folders)
BOX 408 Photographs, 1996
(2 folders)
BOX 408 Production bibles
BOX 408 "The Elected," 1995-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 409 "The Unelected," 1995-1996
(3 folders)
BOX 409 Proposal, 1995
DF Proposal, digital files, 1995
Digital ID: mss62065_198_172
BOX 409 Publicity
BOX 409 Advertising, 1996
BOX 409 Devillier Communications, 1996
(2 folders)
BOX 410 General, 1996
BOX 410 Premiere screening, 1996
BOX 410 Press clippings, 1996
BOX 410 Press kit, 1996
BOX 410 Press releases, 1996
BOX 410 Promotional campaign booklet, 1996
(2 folders)
BOX 410 Radio tour, 1996
BOX 410 Ratings, 1996-1998
BOX 411 Research
BOX 411 Campaign finance reform, 1995-1996
BOX 411 Citizens for a Sound Economy, 1995
BOX 411 Clinton administration policy, 1995
(2 folders)
BOX 411 Healthcare, 1995-1996
BOX 411 Lobbies, 1995
(2 folders)
BOX 411 Lobbying reform, 1995-1996
BOX 412 Money and lobbyists, 1995-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 412 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1995-1996
BOX 412 Symbiotic connection, 1995-1996
BOX 412 "The Unelected" fact-checking, 1995
(2 folders)
BOX 412 Tobacco lobby, 1995-1996
(2 folders)
BOX 412 Roddy, Patrick, 1995-1996
BOX 413 Russert, Tim, 1996
BOX 413 Schedules, 1996
BOX 413 Scripts, 1996
(4 folders)
BOX 414 (2 folders)
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