| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Pre-Judicial File, 1913-1996
(continued) |
Clippings, 1925-1932 |
Correspondence, 1925-1932 |
(5 folders) |
Dance cards, 1927-1932 |
Diploma, 1929 |
Financial papers, 1925-1932 |
Glee Club, 1926-1930 |
Grade reports and transcripts, 1926-1929,
1942 |
Law School |
Notebooks |
Agency, 1930-1931 |
Bills and notes,
1930-1931 |
BOX 2 |
Conflict of laws,
1931-1932 |
Constitutional law,
1931-1932 |
Contracts, 1929-1930 |
Corporations, 1931-1932 |
BOX 3 |
Criminal law, 1929-1930 |
Equity, 1930-1931 |
Evidence, 1930-1931 |
Mortgages, 1932 |
Overflow from other volumes,
1931 |
BOX 4 |
Procedure, 1929-1930 |
Property, 1930-1932 |
(3 folders) |
BOX 5 |
Public utilities,
1931-1932 |
Sales, 1930-1931 |
Suretyship and mortgages,
1931 |
Torts, 1929-1930 |
BOX 6 |
Trusts, 1930-1931 |
Papers, 1932, undated |
Miscellany, 1925-1937, 1996, undated |
(2 folders) |
Notes, 1928-1932, undated |
Programs, 1926-1931 |
(6 folders) |
Rowing crew, 1926-1929,
undated |
Thesis, 1929 |
BOX 7 |
Tickets and passes, 1925-1932 |
(2 folders) |
Mechanic Arts High School, St. Paul,
Minn. |
Autograph book, 1925 |
Clippings, 1924-1925 |
Diploma, 1925
See Oversize
Essays, 1925, undated |
Mechanical drawings, 1921-1925 |
(5 folders) |
Miscellany, 1923-1925, undated
See also Oversize
(2 folders) |
Report cards, 1922-1925 |
BOX 8 |
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn.,
geology notebook, 1933-1934 |
Van Buren Grade School, St. Paul, Minn.,
1916-1921 |
Appointment books |
1944-1951 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 9 |
1952-1959 |
(4 folders) |
BOX 10 |
Correspondence |
Family, 1925-1932, undated |
(18 folders) |
BOX 11 |
General, 1925-1952 |
(7 folders) |
Diaries |
1919-1934 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 12 |
1935-1937 |
(3 folders) |
Subject file |
Account book, 1931-1935 |
Burger, Warren E., 1924-1933, 1948-1959,
undated |
(9 folders) |
Clippings |
About Blackmun, 1928-1941, 1952-1959,
undated |
(2 folders) |
Miscellaneous, 1926-1936,
undated |
BOX 13 |
Conrad, James H., 1954 |
Eckman, James, 1954-1959 |
(5 folders) |
Family papers, 1913-1959, undated
For additional material see Container 14,
Reuter, Frederick W.
(2 folders) |
Haines, Samuel F., 1931-1959 |
(2 folders) |
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.,
tercentenary, 1936 |
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. |
1944-1959 |
(9 folders) |
BOX 14 |
1960-1969, undated |
(4 folders) |
Minnesota bar examination, 1932 |
Miscellany, 1921-1959, undated |
(3 folders) |
Montana bonds, 1934, undated |
Notes, 1927-1934, 1940, undated |
Poetry and lyrics, 1926-1938, undated |
(2 folders) |
Reuter, Frederick W.,
1958-1960 |
Speeches and speech material , 1954-1959,
undated |
Stuewe, Esther A., 1952-1953 |
United States Supreme Court, admission to the
bar, 1953-1956 |
Wedding of Blackmun and Dorothy E. Clark,
1941 |
(2 folders) |
Writings by Blackmun, 1951-1953 |
BOX 15-60 |
United States Court of Appeals, 1934-1998
BOX 15-18 |
Correspondence, 1959-1970
Correspondence and memoranda, including attachments, between Blackmun and
family, judges, friends, acquaintances, and the public relating to personal and
professional activities. |
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, or topic and therein
chronologically. |
BOX 15 |
"A-C" miscellaneous, 1960-1970 |
(6 folders) |
Decker, David J., 1965-1970 |
"D-H" miscellaneous, 1959-1970 |
(11 folders) |
BOX 16 |
“I-L” miscellaneous, 1960-1970 |
(6 folders) |
Mehaffy, Pat, 1964-1970 |
(2 folders) |
"M-N" miscellaneous, 1959-1970 |
(8 folders) |
BOX 17 |
“O-S” miscellaneous, 1959-1970 |
(18 folders) |
BOX 18 |
"T-U" miscellaneous, 1959-1970 |
(3 folders) |
Van Oosterhout, Martin D.,
1961-1970 |
Vogel, Charles J., 1961-1969 |
(2 folders) |
"V-Z" miscellaneous, 1960-1970 |
(4 folders) |
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