The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Reid family papers, 1795-2003
Part I: Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912) Papers, 1795-1961 (continued)
General Correspondence, 1853-1946 (continued)
BOX I:A110-113 REEL 154-156 “L” miscellaneous
BOX I:A114-122 REEL 157-161 “M” miscellaneous
BOX I:A123-125 REEL 161-162 “Nad-Oha” miscellaneous
BOX I:A126 REEL 163 “Oje-Owe” miscellaneous
BOX I:A127-133 REEL 163-167 “P” miscellaneous
BOX I:A134 REEL 167 “Qua-Ran” miscellaneous
BOX I:A135-148 REEL 168-177 “Ran-Ryo” miscellaneous
BOX I:A149-169 REEL 177-186 “S” miscellaneous
BOX I:A170-173 REEL 186-188 “T” miscellaneous
BOX I:A174 REEL 188 “Ubs-Vul” miscellaneous
BOX I:A175-183 REEL 189-192 “W” miscellaneous
BOX I:A184 REEL 193 “Yag-Zug” miscellaneous
BOX I:A185-A193 REEL 193-197 Special Correspondence, 1882-1912
Letters received and sent during Reid's ministry to France (1889-1892) and his activities as United States representative to Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee (1897), the coronation of Edward VII (1902), and ambassador to Great Britain (1905-1912). Additional correspondence during this period may also be found in the General Correspondence series.
Arranged chronologically.
BOX I:A185 REEL 193 1882-1898
BOX I:A186 REEL 194 Jan. 1899-Aug. 1905
BOX I:A187 Sept. 1905-Dec. 1907
BOX I:A188 REEL 195 1908
BOX I:A189 1909
BOX I:A190 REEL 196 Jan. 1910-Apr. 1911
BOX I:A191 May-Oct. 1911
BOX I:A192 REEL 197 Nov. 1911-Nov. 1912
BOX I:A193 Undated and miscellaneous
BOX I:A194-A206 REEL 198-207 Subject File, 1795-1912
Memoranda and data collected for speeches and articles; reports from boards of regents of universities, trust companies, the Associated Press, and charitable institutions; memorabilia; and newspaper clippings.
Arranged alphabetically by name of person, organization, or type of material.
BOX I:A194 REEL 198 Académie des Inscriptions & Belles Lettres, 1904
After the War, book review, circa 1865-1866
African and Middle East report, 1899
American Society in London, 1905-1912
Associated Press
BOX I:A195 REEL 199 1901-1903
BOX I:A196 REEL 200 1904-1905, undated
Atlantic Union, 1908
Auditors' reports on household accounts, 1907-1912
Bath, England, dedication of the Edmund Burke memorial, 1908
Belfast, Ireland, freedom of city, 1912
Birkbeck College, London, England, 1910
Board of Regents, University of the State of New York
BOX I:A197 REEL 201 1905
British and Foreign Bible Society, 1905
Bond-Blaine treaty, 1905
Boz Club, 1912
Cambridge and County School, Cambridgeshire, England, 1910
Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1902-1906
Carlyle's House Memorial Trust
Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, 1910
Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1902-1903
Chambers of Commerce
Liverpool, England, 1902
Luton, England, 1908
New York state, 1902-1904
Nottingham, England, 1907
BOX I:A198 REEL 201 Charing Cross Hospital, London, England, 1907-1908
Chauncy, Charles, 1907
China Emergency Appeal Committee, China Society, 1909
Church Army League, 1910
Cleveland, Grover, speeches, 1884-1888
Commercial treaty, draft
Commercial treaty, Liberia and Liberian Development Co., 1907
Congo Reform Association, 1906
Dante Society, 1907
Death of Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), 1912-1913, undated
Diplomatic engagements, 1905
Disarmament, memoranda, 1907
Documents, including awards, certificates, commissions, diplomatic honors, and honorary degrees, 1795, 1858-1912
Dudley Girls' High School, Dudley, England, 1910
Dundee lecture, Scotland, 1906
Edward VII, King of Great Britain (1841-1910) See Container I:A203, Prince of Wales, dinner, 1897
BOX I:A199 REEL 202 Encyclopedia Britannica, 1888-1910
Equitable Insurance Co., investigation and testimony, 1905
Extradition treaty with France, 1892-1909
Great Britain and the United States, 1890-1892
Forbes, Francis B., Federated Malay States, 1898
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1872-1889
Greeley, Horace, 1872-1875
Harrison, Benjamin, speech, 1888
Harvard House, Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1909
Hay, John, biographical sketch, 1905
Henry, Prince of Prussia, 1902
Home Arts and Industries Association, 1908
Homes for Little Boys, 1907-1908
Horace's odes, 1901
BOX I:A200 REEL 203 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England, 1910
International Society of Sculptors, Painters & Gravers, 1906
Invitations, 1912
John Bright Memorial School, Llandudno, Wales, 1907
John Harvard Memorial Chapel, London, England, 1905-1907
King James' English Bible, tercentenary, 1911
King's College Hospital, London, England, 1909
Laconia, launching of, 1911
Lincoln, Abraham, speech material, Birmingham, England, 1910
London Hospital and Medical College, London, England, 1911
Lotos Club, New York, N.Y., 1872
Mansion House Easter banquet, 1909
Memoranda, 1881-1909, undated
Mercantile Trust Co., 1905-1911
Metropolitan Trust Co., 1905-1909
Miami University, Miami, Ohio, 1899
Milton, John, tercentenary, 1908
Missions to seamen, 1911
Mix, James B., “The Biter Bit,” 1870
BOX I:A201 REEL 204 Navy League of the United States, 1905-1906
Newfoundland fishery question, 1906
Newspaper Press Fund, 1906
New York state education building, 1912
Ohio, Shiloh Monument Commission, report
Ohio, second geological district map
Peabody Donation Fund
BOX I:A202 REEL 204 1908-1912
Peace commission, United States and Spain, 1898
Philippine commissioners' banquet, 1900
"Philippine question," 1898
Reid, Marion Whitelaw
Reid, Whitelaw, 1909, undated
BOX I:A203 REEL 205 Poe, Edgar Allan, centenary
Presbyterian Church, Xenia, Ohio, 1909
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