The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Reid family papers, 1795-2003
Part I: Helen Rogers Reid Papers, 1899-1970 (continued)
General Correspondence, 1903-1970 (continued)
Academy of American Poets-Culman, Howard S.
BOX I:D33 “D” miscellaneous-Pinchot, Cornelia Bryce
BOX I:D34 “R-Y” miscellaneous
“A” miscellaneous
BOX I:D35 Butler, Nicholas Murray-Lamont, Florence
BOX I:D36 “L” miscellaneous-“U” miscellaneous
BOX I:D37 “V-Y” miscellaneous
“A” miscellaneous-Cazalet, Victor
BOX I:D38 Dupont, Henry F.-Moses, Robert
BOX I:D39 Motion Pictures Greatest Year, Inc.-Willkie, Wendell L.
BOX I:D40 Wills, Helen-Ziegfeld, Billie Burke
“A” miscellaneous-Davis, Howard
BOX I:D41 Douglas, Donald W.-Luce, Clare Boothe
BOX I:D42 Luce, Henry R.-Roosevelt, Eleanor
BOX I:D43 Roosevelt, Sara Delano-“Y” miscellaneous
Ackerman, Carl W.-Barnes, Joseph
BOX I:D44 Barrows, Lewis O.-Hoag, Alden B.
BOX I:D45 Holmes, John Haynes-“N” miscellaneous
BOX I:D46 O'Brian, John Lord-Van Doren, Irita
BOX I:D47 Wheeler, Burton K.-Butler-Thwing, Minna
BOX I:D48 1941
“B” miscellaneous-Hurst, Fannie
BOX I:D49 “H” miscellaneous-Patterson, William A.
BOX I:D50 Patri, Angelo-Yutang, Lin
BOX I:D51 Yutang, Lin
Altschul, Frank-Dafoe, Allan R.
BOX I:D52 Dallas, C. Donald-Lasker, Albert D.
BOX I:D53 Latouche, John T.-Stimson, Henry L.
BOX I:D54 Straight, Beatrice-“Z” miscellaneous
Alfange, Dean-“A” miscellaneous
BOX I:D55 “A” miscellaneous-Dodge, Wendell Phillips
BOX I:D56 Dunn, Ganno-Mallet, Arthur
BOX I:D57 Manning, William T.-Swope, Herbert Bayard
BOX I:D58 “S” miscellaneous-Zamoyski, Stefan
Academy of American Poets
BOX I:D59 “A” miscellaneous-Cowles, Gardner (1903-1985)
BOX I:D60 Cowles, John-Kauffman, Reginald W.
BOX I:D61 Keller, Kaufman T.-Parsons, Geoffrey
BOX I:D62 Patterson, Robert P.-“V” miscellaneous
BOX I:D63 Warren, Earl-“Z” miscellaneous
Acheson, Dean-Beebe, Lucius
BOX I:D64 Bennett, William S.-Eisenhower, Dwight D.
BOX I:D65 Engel, Lehman-MacDonald, Malcolm
BOX I:D66 MacLeish, Archibald-Stettinius, Edward Reilly (1900-1949)
BOX I:D67 Stimson, Henry L.-Zamoyski, Stefan
Ackerman, Carl W.- Aldrich, Winthrop W.
BOX I:D68 Alemán, Miquel-Donovan, William J.
BOX I:D69 Douglas, Helen Gahagan-Luce, Henry R.
BOX I:D70 Lyons, Leonard-Stokes, Anson Phelps
BOX I:D71 Stout, Rex-“Z” miscellaneous
Academy of American Poets-Armbruster, Howard W.
BOX I:D72 Armstrong, Hamilton Fish-Bowles, Chester
BOX I:D73 Bracken, Brendon-Cooper, Kent
BOX I:D74 Cornish, George-Dodge, Wendell Phillips
BOX I:D75 Douglas, Helen Gahagan-Gamble, Ralph A.
BOX I:D76 Gandhi, Mahatma-“H” miscellaneous
BOX I:D77 “H” miscellaneous-Lamont, Thomas W.
BOX I:D78 Landis, James M.-Molyneux, Edward
BOX I:D79 Monnet, Jean-Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi
BOX I:D80 Paris, W. Francklyn-“Ra-Ri” miscellaneous
BOX I:D81 “Ro-Sp” miscellaneous
BOX I:D82 “Sq” miscellaneous-Welles, Sumner
BOX I:D83 Whalen, Grover-“Z” miscellaneous
List of correspondents re death of Ogden Mills Reid
Adams, Franklin P.-Allen, George V.
BOX I:D84 Alsop, Joseph-Cowles, John
BOX I:D85 Cripps, Isobel-“H” miscellaneous
BOX I:D86 Ickes, Harold L.-Nixon, Richard M.
BOX I:D87 “N-U” miscellaneous
BOX I:D88 “V-Z” miscellaneous
Abrams, Frank W.-“A” miscellaneous
BOX I:D89 “An-Co” miscellaneous
BOX I:D90 “Cr-Ho” miscellaneous
BOX I:D91 “Hu” miscellaneous-Nizer, Louis
BOX I:D92 “Na” miscellaneous-Thompson, Dorothy
BOX I:D93 Thornhill, Arthur-“Z” miscellaneous
Abrams, Frank W.-“A” miscellaneous
BOX I:D94 “A” miscellaneous-Dodge, M. Hartley
BOX I:D95 Donovan, William J.-King, William Lyon Mackenzie
BOX I:D96 Knopf, Alfred A.-“Na” miscellaneous
BOX I:D97 “Ne” miscellaneous-Symington, Stuart
BOX I:D98 “Sa-Wh” miscellaneous
BOX I:D99 “W” miscellaneous
Yim, Louise-“Z” miscellaneous
Alfange, Dean-“Ba” miscellaneous
BOX I:D100 “Be” miscellaneous-Gabrielson, Guy G.
BOX I:D101 Gannett, Lewis-Lehman, Herbert H.
BOX I:D102 Library of Congress-Pryor, Samuel F., Jr.
BOX I:D103 “Pa” miscellaneous-United States Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
BOX I:D104 “U” miscellaneous-“Z” miscellaneous
Adams, Franklin P.-“Al” miscellaneous
BOX I:D105 “Am” miscellaneous-Cook, Donald C.
BOX I:D106 Cooper, John Sherman-“Fi” miscellaneous
BOX I:D107 “Fl” miscellaneous-Knight, John S.
BOX I:D108 Knopf, Alfred A.-Pearson, Lester B.
BOX I:D109 Parsons, Geoffrey-United States Defense Dept.
BOX I:D110 United States Interior Dept.-“Y” miscellaneous
BOX I:D111 1953
Abrams, Frank W.-Cowles, Fleur
BOX I:D112 Cowles, Gardner-“Gi” miscellaneous
BOX I:D113 “Gl” miscellaneous-Lilienthal, David E.
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