The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Reid family papers, 1795-2003
Part I: Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912) Papers, 1795-1961 (continued)
Additional Papers, 1863-1961 (continued)
Simplex Motor Co.
Skillman, E. A.
Slawson & Hobbs
Smith, Elroy
Smith, F. G.
Snively, S. E.
Snyder, Charles R.
Société Italo-Francaise d'Automobiles
Spencer, W. E.
Spiers Brothers
Spoor, E. H.
Standard Plunger Elevator Co.
Stanton, J. O.
Sterling, J. C.
Stevens, George T.
Stillman, James A.
Stone, William
Stuart, D. G.
Studley, G. B.
Sturgis, Thomas C.
Swaim, D. G.
Swain, H. C.
Swan Electric Engraving Co.
Sweeney & Gray
Symons, T. W.
System, the Magazine of Business
BOX I:A363 Talbot, C. W.
Taylor, George M.
Temple Press Cutting Offices
Thomas Agnew & Sons
Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Thompson, O. T.
Thouvard, Louis
Throne and Country
Tiffany, Lyman
Tiffany & Co.
Times Book Club
Tobrirer, Leon
Townshend, R. W.
Tregaskis, James
The Tribune
Troy White Granite Co.
Tuckerman, Lucius
Tuthill, J. G.
Vanderveer, H. S.
Vanity Fair
Van Winkle, Edward
Vermont Farm Machine Co.
Wadsworth, Craig
Walker, Emery
Wall Safe Co.
Wallace, A. V. D.
Walser, G.
Walsh, W.
Warburton, Frank J.
Watney, Charles
Wead, Charles K.
Weber, George W.
Wells, C. H.
Whipple, William C.
White, Benjamin
White, E. W.
White, Thomas R.
Whiting, George B.
Whitney, W. C.
Whiton-Stuart, J. P.
Wilkins, Beriah
Willard, E. M.
Willis, W. B.
Wilson, John C.
Wilson, Nathaniel
Wilson, Thomas
Wimer, J. B.
Woodward, Susie K.
World's Graphic Press
Worthington, A. S.
Wray, F. A.
Wynter, Andrew Ellis
Wyse, William S.
Young, James R.
BOX I:A364 Articles and speeches
“The Battles of Gettysburg,” 1863
“Some Consequences of the Last Treaty of Paris,” 1899
1879, “Some Newspaper Tendencies”
1892, untitled
1899, “Later Aspects of Our New Duties”
“A Continental Union; Civil Service for the Islands”
“Our New Interests”
1901, “University Tendencies in America”
“The Monroe Doctrine, the Polk Doctrine, and the Doctrine of Anarchism”
“The Thing to Do”
“How the U.S. Faced Its Educational Problem”
“The Rise of the U.S.”
“Scientific and Technological Education in the United States”
“The Practical Side of American Education; John Bright and the Civil War”
“Our Foremost Friend in Great Britain”
“The Story of San Francisco for English Ears”
1908-1909, remarks by the American ambassador
BOX I:A365 1910
“Colossal Philanthropy”
1911, “The Scot in America and the Ulster Scot”
1912, “One Welshman”
An Ambassador's Prints
Camp Wild Air
Hyde, Herbert Mortimer
List of names to whom speeches were sent
Mergenthaler Printing Co., receipts
Ophir Farm
Political campaign card
Tribune Building, New York, N.Y.
Whitelaw Reid Memorial Section of The Fourth Estate
Newspaper clippings concerning speeches of Whitelaw Reid
Xenia Daily Gazette, Whitelaw Reid extra
BOX I:B1-B55 Part I: Elisabeth Mills Reid Papers, 1880-1931
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