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Gustav Davidson papers, 1909-1992

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Personal Name File, 1921-1992 (continued)
Chubb, Thomas Caldecot, 1960-1971, undated
Clare, Patricia, 1968-1971, undated
Comandini, Adele, 1956, 1968-1971, undated
Corrado, Anne, 1970-1979, undated
Cunningham, Basil (“Sterns”), 1963-1974, undated
Davidson, Mollie
1944, 1955-1985, 1992, undated
(4 folders)
Davidson family, 1940, 1961-1969, undated
Decker, Clarence Raymond, 1954-1969
BOX 4 Deford, Miriam Allen, 1958-1965
Dorn, Alfred, 1956-1980, 1987, undated
(3 folders)
Droutzkoy, Alexis, 1956-1969
Eastman, Max, and Eliena Krylenko, 1951-1962
Edgett, Edwin, 1938, undated
Elise, 1933
Fay, Alice, 1929, undated
Gaster, Theodor, 1956-1958
Gilbert-Read, Pat, 1962-1969
Ginsberg, Allen, 1958, 1965-1966, 1975
Ginsberg, Louis, 1943, 1965-1970, 1976, undated
Gogarty, Oliver St. John, 1953-1957, undated
Guli, Francesca, 1966-1971
Haberly, Loyd, 1965-1971, undated
Handley-Taylor, Geoffrey, 1959-1969, undated
(2 folders)
Hill, Hyacinthe, 1964-1974
Josten, Werner, 1936
Kay, Ernest, 1967-1972
BOX 5 Keith, Joseph Joel, 1948-1949, 1964
Larson, Frank and Muriel, 1969-1970
Lengyel, Cornel, 1967-1983, 1996, undated
(3 folders)
Lomer, Gerhard R., 1935, 1959-1967, undated
Marx, Anne, 1959-1976, undated
(2 folders)
Masefield, John, 1921-1924, 1930-1934, undated
Moore, Harry T., 1955-1957
Morris, Harry, 1958-1963, undated
Mullins, Helene, 1969-1976, undated
Nash, Ogden, 1960
Orlinsky, Harry Meyer
BOX 6 1955-1972, undated
(6 folders)
Palmer, Winthrop, 1958-1960, undated
Peardon, Patricia, 1968-1970, undated
Pearson, Norman Holmes, 1960-1964, 1980
Peirse, Juanita, 1952, 1970-1971, undated
Perry, J. Warren, 1965-1971
Roethke, Theodore, 1950, 1959
BOX 7 Romano, Liboria, 1961-1979
Salmi, Sylvia, and Herbert Solow, 1959, 1964-1971, undated
Scholem, Gershom G., 1958
Scovel, Myra, 1970-1974, undated
Solomos, George, 1959-1966, undated
Smith, Homer W., 1952-1956
Steinman, David B., 1956-1958
Stephens, Wade, 1968-1969
Tall, Grace, 1965-1980, undated
Trattner, Ernest R., 1954-1963, undated
(2 folders)
Tucker, Martin, 1970-1972
Untermeyer, Louis, 1956-1961, undated
Wagner, Charles A., 1945, 1957, 1969-1970, undated For additional material see Containers 19-21, Poetry Society of America
West, Robert H., 1950-1958, undated
Wheelock, John Hall, 1965, 1971
Yuzon, Amado M., 1966-1972, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 7-15 Writings, 1915-1981
Drafts, published copies, correspondence with publishers, publicity, and reviews of Davidson's articles, books, plays, poetry, reviews, and travel journals.
Arranged alphabetically by type of writing and chronologically therein
BOX 7 Articles
circa 1931-circa 1950
BOX 8 1960-1970, undated
(6 folders)
Published copies
1931-1932, 1939, 1946-1950, 1959-1964 For additional material see Containers 27 and OV 1, Scrapbooks
(3 folders)
BOX 9 1965-1970, undated
Book reviews
Drafts, 1946-1949, undated
Published copies, 1932, 1943-1950, 1970, undated For additional material see Containers 27 and OV 1, Scrapbooks
Ambushed by Angels
Correspondence with publisher, 1965
Miscellany, 1965-1969, undated
Published and annotated copy, 1965
A Dictionary of Angels
Correspondence with publishers, 1961-1979, undated
(3 folders)
Draft, 1961, undated
Introduction and A-E entries
(4 folders)
BOX 10 F-Z entries
(6 folders)
Miscellany, 1961, 1969, undated
Publicity and reviews, 1967-1981, undated
(3 folders)
BOX 11 Published and annotated copy, 1967
“A Dictionary of Symbols”
Correspondence with publisher, 1968-1971
Draft, 1968-1969, undated
“The Golden Saga: A Novel of the Time of Leif Ericsson, Discoverer of America,” 1952-1953, undated
(2 folders)
“El Gran Capitan: A Novel of the Time of Christopher Columbus, “ undated
Miscellaneous, 1926-1928, 1944-1951, 1970-1971, undated
BOX 12 “Principalities and Powers,” 1958, undated
“Root and Branch,” undated
The Thirst of the Antelope, draft, 1940, undated
Miscellany, circa 1940, 1959-1966, undated
Newspaper columns for The Daily Mirror
Book and music reviews, 1931-1932 See Containers 27 and OV 1, Scrapbooks
“The Curiosity Shop,” 1931
“Toasts,” 1930-1931
BOX 13 Plays, 1924, 1933-1947, 1955-1964, undated
(4 folders)
1918, 1938, 1949-1970, undated
(5 folders)
BOX 14 Published copies, 1915, 1927-1929, 1937-1971, undated
(4 folders)
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