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James Rudolph Garfield papers, 1879-1950

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Letters sent and received.
Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and chronologically thereunder.
BOX 109 Adriance, Harris E., 1886-1892
Baker, Newton D., 1899-1922
Baldwin, Arthur D., 1911-1925
Boardman, Mabel, 1921-1923
Bryan, William Jennings, 1913
Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1911-1926
Bulkley, Robert J., 1912-1914
Burton, Theodore, E., 1912-1913
Cable and Cable, Lima, Ohio, 1914-1925
Carter, Franklin, 1887-1906
Casement, Dan D., 1905-1919
Chandler, F.M., 1904-1908
Chentung Tiang-Cheng, 1904-1908
Churchill, Winston (1871-1947), 1912
BOX 110 Cooley, Alford W., 1911-1912
Coolidge, Calvin, 1919-1925
Cortissoz, Royal, 1914-1915
Croly, Herbert, 1910
Curry, George, 1907-1909
Dalby, Z. Lewis, 1903-1910
Dawes, Charles G., 1902, 1924
Evans, Mary, 1902-1909
Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C., 1934
Foulke, William Dudley, 1902-1910
Frear, W. F., 1909-1910
Gallaudet, Edward M., 1902-1908
Garfield, A. H., 1905-1910
Garfield, A. S., 1904-1905
Garfield, Abram, 1896-1925
Garfield, Edward W., 1917-1925
Garfield, George A., 1906
BOX 111 Garfield Harry A., 1895-1926
BOX 112 Garfield, Helen Newell (correspondence with secretaries), 1903-1910
Garfield, Irvin McDowell, 1898-1925
Garfield, James, 1906-1910
Garfield, James A., 1912-1919
Garfield, James R. (correspondence with secretaries), 1903-1924
Garfield, Lucretia, 1907-1910
BOX 113 Garfield, Mary C., 1908-1910
Garfield, Mary W., 1906
Garfield, Susan Dewey, undated
Garford, Arthur L., 1912-1924
Glenn, Edwin F., 1918-1923
Hale, Nathan, Memorial, 1915
Harber, Giles B., 1880-1918
Harding, Warren G., 1920-1922
Hawkes, William H., 1881-1888
Hay, Clara S., 1907-1908
Henry, Charles E., 1904-1905
Henry, Frederick A., 1902-1910
Holmes, Samuel V. V., 1884-1925
BOX 114 Hoover, Herbert, 1917-1932
Hopkins, Archibald, 1903-1910
Hopkins, Henry, 1902-1909
Howe, Frederic C., 1900-1924
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1916-1925
BOX 115 Hunt, Gaillard, 1881-1925
Ickes, Harold L., 1916-1923
Isham, George S., 1911-1925
Judson, A. L., 1912
Jusserand, Jean Jules, 1904-1932
Kellogg, Frank B., 1925
Killits, John M., 1912-1915
Knox, Philander C., 1911-1913
BOX 116 La Follette, Robert M., 1911
Lambert, Richard S., 1911-1914
Lane, Franklin K., 1913-1918
Library of Congress, 1928-1950
Longworth, Nicholas, 1913
MacGregor, John, Jr., 1918-1921
Manning Robert A., 1911
Matz, Rudolph, 1911-1918
McAdoo, William G., 1913
McCoy, Frank R., 1913-1914
McIlhenny, John, 1911-1917
McKinley, William, 1887-1901
McLaren, William A., 1911-1925
BOX 117 Newberry, Truman H., 1911-1925
Newell, Anna, 1914-1925
Newell, Ashbel B., 1911-1925
Newell, F. H., 1911-1925
Newell, John E., 1913-1925
Perkins, George W., 1917-1918
Pinchot, Amos R. E., 1909-1917
Pinchot, Gifford
BOX 118 1914-1925
Pinchot, Mary E., 1910-1911
Pullman, Raymond W., 1914-1916
Putnam, Herbert, 1910-1916
Rockwell, Arthur C., 1917-1918
Rockwell, Camden O., 1893-1898
Rockwell, Donnell, 1880-1915
Rockwell, Lulu, 1881
BOX 119 Roosevelt, Edith Kermit, and family, 1912-1941
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1923
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1896-1918
BOX 120 Root, Elihu, 1923
Rudolph, Adelaide, 1913-1915
Rudolph, Joseph, 1914-1925
Scott, Hugh L., 1915-1917
Smith, Herbert Knox, 1911-1917
Smith, Theodore Clarke, 1913-1917
Sothern, Julia Marlow, undated
Stanley-Brown, Joseph
BOX 121 1918-1925
Taft, Charles P., 1898
Taft, Horace D., 1907-1921
Taft, William H., 1897, 1908
Timken, H. H., 1914-1917
Tod, David, 1911
Wallace, Henry and Henry C., 1911-1917
Warren, Bentley W.
BOX 122 1890-1921
Washington, Booker T., 1913-1914
Welch, George A., 1912-1917
White, William Allen, 1912-1917
Wilson, Francis, 1914-1926
Wilson, Woodrow, 1913-1917
Wood, Leonard, 1903-1925
Wright, Nathaniel C., 1911-1916
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