| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Office Files, 1902-1911
(continued) |
Western Federation of Miners, 1904 (continued) |
(continued) |
28 |
Western Federation of Miners, 1904 |
29 |
Interstate Commerce Commission investigation,
1907-1909 |
30 |
Claim of James Rudolph Garfield,
1905 |
31 |
“Honestly Conducted Elections Directly by the
People,” report by Thomas D. Ingram, undated |
32 |
Government telegraphers, 1906 |
33 |
National Departmento f Health,
1906-1908 |
34 |
Government Printing Office,
1905-1908 |
35 |
Roosevelt, Theodore, letter, 1904 |
BOX 128 |
36 |
Departmental organization, 1903 |
37 |
Colgate, Sarah R., will, 1906 |
39 |
U. S. vs. Standard Oil Co., undated |
41 |
National incorporation, 1907 |
43 |
Proposed Treasury order to all depository banks,
1908 |
45 |
Amendment to the Sherman Law, 1908 |
46 |
Proposed treaty of arbitration, U. S. and Great
Britain, 1908 |
47 |
Employers' liability, 1908 |
48 |
Issue of securities by transportation companies,
1908 |
50 |
Seventy-seventh general assembly of Ohio,
1908 |
51 |
Moseley investigation, 1908 |
52 |
Planting site, farm of Lucretia R. Garfield,
undated |
53 |
North American Conservation Conference,
1909 |
Memorandum given to Walter L. Fisher,
1911 |
BOX 129-133 |
Speeches, 1894-1944
Handwritten and typewritten drafts with notes and a few printed copies of speeches
and other writings. |
Arranged alphabetically by title, subject, or place the speech was given. |
BOX 129 |
A-Lin, 1895-1942 |
BOX 130 |
Lin-Not, 1894-1936 |
BOX 131 |
Per-Rel, 1896-1937 |
BOX 132 |
Rel-You, 1897-1944 |
BOX 133 |
Unidentified |
BOX 134-154 |
Subject File, 1893-1949
Correspondence and related papers. |
Arranged alphabetically by subject |
BOX 134 |
Academy of Political Science,
1911-1912 |
Alpha Delta Phi, 1920-1925 |
American Express Co., 1919-1921 |
American Red Cross, 1918-1919 |
Associated Charities, 1914-1924 |
Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio,
1913-1917 |
Bureau of Reclamation, annual reports,
1901-1914 |
BOX 135 |
Cleveland Association for the Deaf,
1924 |
Cleveland Automobile Club, 1919-1922 |
Cleveland Bar Association, 1911-1925 |
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce,
See also Container 149, Public Utilities
BOX 136 |
Cleveland Community Fund |
1913-1920 |
BOX 137 |
1920-1923 |
BOX 138 |
1923-1924 |
BOX 139 |
1924-1926 |
BOX 140 |
1926-1928 |
BOX 141 |
1928-1929 |
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.,
1911-1921 |
Cleveland Humane Society |
1908-1913 |
BOX 142 |
1914-1925 |
Cleveland, Painesville, and Eastern Railroad
Co., 1911-1917 |
Cleveland Peace Society, 1911-1914 |
Cleveland Telephone Co., 1913-1920 |
Cleveland Trust Co., 1913-1920 |
Court of Nisi
Prius, 1911-1925 |
Crippled children, 1913-1915 |
Department of Commerce and Labor,
1913 |
Department of the Interior |
1902 |
BOX 143 |
1907-1924 |
BOX 144 |
Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Reclamation, 1923-1924
See also Container 149, Reclamation, Department
of the Interior
Equitable Life Assurance Society,
1912-1925 |
BOX 145 |
General Committee on Conditions of Streets,
1914 |
Goodrich Social Settlement,
1912-1922 |
Hospital survey, 1919-1920 |
Jefferson Coal Co., 1912-1925 |
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland,
1909-1915 |
Mayflower Society of Massachusetts,
1919-1924 |
Mentor Telephone Co., 1911, 1926 |
Mentor Village Library, Mentor, Ohio,
1912-1917 |
Mexican and Ohio business interests |
1893 |
BOX 146 |
1894-1902 |
Mexican situation |
1914-1915 |
BOX 147 |
1916-1918 |
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1911 |
Missouri land, 1911 |
Municipal Association of Cleveland,
1911-1917 |
Muscle Shoals, Ala., 1921-1924 |
National Civic Federation, 1911-1914 |
National Conference of Charities and Correction,
1911-1915 |
BOX 148 |
National Conservation Association,
1913-1921 |
National Economic League, 1911-1913 |
National Information Bureau,
1924-1925 |
National Progressive Republican League,
1911-1912 |
National Security League, Inc.,
1915-1917 |
New England Society of Cleveland,
1919-1925 |
Ohio Civil Service Association,
1914-1917 |
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