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James Rudolph Garfield papers, 1879-1950

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Office Files, 1902-1911 (continued)
Western Federation of Miners, 1904 (continued)
28 Western Federation of Miners, 1904
29 Interstate Commerce Commission investigation, 1907-1909
30 Claim of James Rudolph Garfield, 1905
31 “Honestly Conducted Elections Directly by the People,” report by Thomas D. Ingram, undated
32 Government telegraphers, 1906
33 National Departmento f Health, 1906-1908
34 Government Printing Office, 1905-1908
35 Roosevelt, Theodore, letter, 1904
BOX 128
36 Departmental organization, 1903
37 Colgate, Sarah R., will, 1906
38 Forest Service, 1907
39 U. S. vs. Standard Oil Co., undated
40 (not received)
41 National incorporation, 1907
42 Inheritance tax, 1907
43 Proposed Treasury order to all depository banks, 1908
44 Parcel post, 1908
45 Amendment to the Sherman Law, 1908
46 Proposed treaty of arbitration, U. S. and Great Britain, 1908
47 Employers' liability, 1908
48 Issue of securities by transportation companies, 1908
49 (not received)
50 Seventy-seventh general assembly of Ohio, 1908
51 Moseley investigation, 1908
52 Planting site, farm of Lucretia R. Garfield, undated
53 North American Conservation Conference, 1909
Memorandum given to Walter L. Fisher, 1911
BOX 129-133 Speeches, 1894-1944
Handwritten and typewritten drafts with notes and a few printed copies of speeches and other writings.
Arranged alphabetically by title, subject, or place the speech was given.
BOX 129 A-Lin, 1895-1942
BOX 130 Lin-Not, 1894-1936
BOX 131 Per-Rel, 1896-1937
BOX 132 Rel-You, 1897-1944
BOX 133 Unidentified
BOX 134-154 Subject File, 1893-1949
Correspondence and related papers.
Arranged alphabetically by subject
BOX 134 Academy of Political Science, 1911-1912
Alpha Delta Phi, 1920-1925
American Express Co., 1919-1921
American Red Cross, 1918-1919
Associated Charities, 1914-1924
Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio, 1913-1917
Bureau of Reclamation, annual reports, 1901-1914
BOX 135 Cleveland Association for the Deaf, 1924
Cleveland Automobile Club, 1919-1922
Cleveland Bar Association, 1911-1925
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1911-1925 See also Container 149, Public Utilities Committee
BOX 136 Cleveland Community Fund
BOX 137 1920-1923
BOX 138 1923-1924
BOX 139 1924-1926
BOX 140 1926-1928
BOX 141 1928-1929
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., 1911-1921
Cleveland Humane Society
BOX 142 1914-1925
Cleveland, Painesville, and Eastern Railroad Co., 1911-1917
Cleveland Peace Society, 1911-1914
Cleveland Telephone Co., 1913-1920
Cleveland Trust Co., 1913-1920
Court of Nisi Prius, 1911-1925
Crippled children, 1913-1915
Department of Commerce and Labor, 1913
Department of the Interior
BOX 143 1907-1924
BOX 144 Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1923-1924 See also Container 149, Reclamation, Department of the Interior
Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1912-1925
BOX 145 General Committee on Conditions of Streets, 1914
Goodrich Social Settlement, 1912-1922
Hospital survey, 1919-1920
Jefferson Coal Co., 1912-1925
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, 1909-1915
Mayflower Society of Massachusetts, 1919-1924
Mentor Telephone Co., 1911, 1926
Mentor Village Library, Mentor, Ohio, 1912-1917
Mexican and Ohio business interests
BOX 146 1894-1902
Mexican situation
BOX 147 1916-1918
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1911
Missouri land, 1911
Municipal Association of Cleveland, 1911-1917
Muscle Shoals, Ala., 1921-1924
National Civic Federation, 1911-1914
National Conference of Charities and Correction, 1911-1915
BOX 148 National Conservation Association, 1913-1921
National Economic League, 1911-1913
National Information Bureau, 1924-1925
National Progressive Republican League, 1911-1912
National Security League, Inc., 1915-1917
New England Society of Cleveland, 1919-1925
Ohio Civil Service Association, 1914-1917
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