The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clare Boothe Luce papers, 1862-1997
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Literary File, 1919-1987 (continued)
Business Records, 1926-1987 (continued)
Honolulu Community Theater production, 1966
London, England, Gilbert Miller production
Contract, correspondence, clippings, 1938-1939
Photographs, 1939 See Oversize
Programs, 1939
Lowry Field Players, 1942
Miscellaneous international productions, 1938-1941
Moving pictures and television, 1950-1955
Musical version, proposed, 1962-1964
BOX 293 New York, N.Y., Max Gordon production, Ethel Barrymore Theater and road company, 1936-1937
Phoenix Little Theater, Phoenix, Ariz., benefit performance, 1965
(3 folders)
Photographs, miscellaneous productions, circa 1940-1970
Production history, by Doris Kinney, 1964
Published editions, 1937-1939, 1962
46th Street Theatre, New York, N.Y., 1972-1973
(2 folders)
Old Vic Theatre, London, England
Correspondence, 1986-1987
(2 folders)
Financial records, 1986-1987
Program and review clippings, 1986
BOX 294 Tokyo Amateur Dramatists Club, Tokyo, Japan, 1958
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, film screening and discussion, 1976
Virginia Museum, Richmond, Va., 1967
World Video, Inc., 1950
"Yucatan," rejection notice, Inspiration Pictures, 1926, A. C. Boothe (CBL), Sound Beach, Conn.
Vanity Fair
Article suggestions and notes, 1931, undated
Backgammon book, contract, 1930
Correspondence, 1930-1934
Alajalov, Constantin, undated
Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia (?), 1930-1931
Ballot, Jeanne, 1933-1934
Crowninshield, Frank, 1933-1934
Gallico, Paul, 1932-1933
Krock, Arthur, 1931-1933
Kühlmann, Richard von
Correspondence, 1932-1933
Memoir prospectus, 1932
Lawrenson, Helen (1907- ), 1934-1935
Lyon, Sylvia, 1931-1933
Morton, Ruth and Joseph, 1932-1933
Norden, Helen Brown (1907- ) See same Container, Lawrenson, Helen
Nast, Condé, 1931-1934
Sokolsky, George E., 1932-1933
Sullivan, Frank [1892-1976], 1933
Ulreich, Nura Woodson, 1930-1933
BOX 295 Miscellaneous
"A-S" (includes Sir Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton, Irving Berlin, Bennett Cerf, René de Chambrun, Ilka Chase, Maurice Chevalier, Buffy and Irvin S. Cobb, Miguel Covarrubias, Noel Coward, William Gaston, George Gershwin, Wolcott Gibbs [1902-1958], Samuel Goldwyn [1882-1974], Dorothy Hale, Harold Ickes, Otto Kahn, Alexander King, H. L. Mencken, Eugene Meyer, Nesta Obermer, Drew Pearson, Joseph Taylor Robinson, Maurice Sachs, Alfred Emanuel Smith, Herbert Bayard Swope)
(9 folders)
BOX 296 "T-Z" (includes Deems Taylor, Carl Van Vechten)
(2 folders)
Memoranda and reports
General, 1931-1934
Proposal for Life magazine, 1931
Staff meeting notes, 1932-1934
BOX 296-343 Texts, 1919-1987
BOX 296-315 Articles, Essays, Reviews, and Commentary, 1928-1986
Published and unpublished writings including handwritten or typed drafts with notes and research material.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
BOX 296 [Abigail Adams], 1975
"Abortion, Law, Choice and Morality, by David Callahan," review for National Review, 1970
"Admiral Thomas Charles Hart," report for Time on the Philippines, 1941
"Aid for the King Kong of all Tyrannies," One Woman's Voice, release copy, Feb. 1977
"Ambassadorial Issue: Professionals or Amateurs?" Foreign Affairs, Oct. 1957; edited copy for reprint as, "Ambassadors: Professionals or Amateurs?" in Modern Diplomacy: The Art and the Artisans, edited by Elmer Plischke, American Enterprise Institute, 1979
(5 folders)
BOX 297 "American Diplomacy at Work," speech for reprint in Our Wonderful World, 1958
[American Friends of Captive Nations], fund-raising letter, 1957
"American Leadership and the Cuban Crisis," for North American News Alliance, Feb. 2, 1963
"An American Letter: Europe," Fortune, circa 1939
"An American Mein Kampf," book review, circa 1940
"American Morality and Nuclear Diplomacy," Vital Speeches of the Day, Feb. 1962
"American Tricentennial in 2076?" for United Press International, 1976
"AVG [American Volunteer Group] Ends Its Famous Career," Life, July 20, 1942
"Americans in Quest of a Foreign Policy," Liberty, Nov. 6, 1943
"America's Image Abroad," Modern Age, Winter 1960-1961
"And No Birds Sing: The Coming of Age by Simone de Beauvoir," National Review, Sept. 1, 1972
"Anglo-American Teamwork," five article series, circa 1944
[Anti-Stalin editorial], for Commonsense, June 7, 1945
"Anybody's Blue Hawaii," Vogue, May 5, 1938
"The Apologetical Approach to the Non-Catholic Mind," Alter Christus, Mar. 1947
[Archbishop Stepinac], [circa 1946]
"The Art of Dying," Paul Morand (CBL), for Vanity Fair, 1930
"As Manhattan Goes--So Goes the Nation," for Mademoiselle, 1935
"Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls," Honolulu Advertiser, Aug. 13, 1976; reprint, "Easy Does It Toward a `Perfect' Society," Alive, Nov. 1976
[Atheism in America], circa 1950
"Atlantic Leaders Greet Freedom & Union on 10th Birthday," Freedom and Union, Oct. 1956
"Bad Thing about Hawaii," Honolulu Advertiser, Oct. 20, 1979
"Battle for Egypt," Life, July 13, 1942
(6 folders)
BOX 298 "The Beautiful Girl Syndrome," Cosmopolitan, Sept. 1971
"Between War and Peace," 1945[?]
"Birth Control Called Danger to Our Society," New York Journal American, Sept. 8, 1963
"Books Considered: My Life, by Golda Meir," New Republic, Apr. 7, 1976
"Brereton," Life, June 1, 1942
"Brief Encounters," fragment, 1934
"Burma Mission," part 1, Life, June 15, 1942; "Burma Mission: Part II," Life, June 22, 1942
(6 folders)
"But Some People Simply Never Get the Message," (women astronauts) Life, June 28, 1963
"Buy Bonds!" for Connecticut State Journal, circa 1944
"By Clipper to the African Front," Life, Mar. 30, 1942
"A Call to Women: Have Confidence in America," Ladies Home Journal, Mar. 1974
"Camera Shy: We Smile and Glower at Wrong Time," New York American, July 30, 1934
"Campaign Rhetoric Points Out U.S. Foreign Policy Failures," One Woman's Voice, release copy, May 1, 1976
"Cardboard Bear or Plucked Eagle?" (Arthur M. Schlesinger), circa 1979
"Cardinal Mindszenty," Plain Talk, Oct. 1949
"Careers: Will Women be Superior to Men?" McCalls, Apr. 1976
"Carrots or Sticks and Dr. Kissinger," One Woman's Voice, release copy, Sept. 27, 1975
"The Carter Affair with Playboy," 1975
"Carter Says Love Is the Answer," July 16, 1976
"Carter's Foreign Policy: A New World for the Russians," The American Spectator, Oct. 1978
"The Catholic Mind and the Protestant Heart," for Catholic World, 1952
BOX 299 "The Challenge to Labor Leadership," Connecticut State Journal, Sept. 1943
[China at war], Mar. 10, 1941
[China Policy], circa 1950
"China to the Mountains," by Henry Robinson Luce, photographs by Clare Boothe Luce, Life, June 30, 1941
"Chungking's Broadway," Vogue, Sept. 1, 1941
"CIA Problem: A Question of Faith," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 28, 1975
"Clare Boothe Luce: On Carter and Kissinger, An Interview with America's Woman for All Seasons," Conservative Digest, Mar. 1977
"Clare Boothe Luce Pays Tribute to Dr. Carver," Service, Mar. 1947
"The Class on Watergate," 1974
[Coal shortage], for Greenwich Time (Conn.), Oct. 11, 1943
"Coalition in Italy?" National Review, Nov. 7, 1975
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