The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clare Boothe Luce papers, 1862-1997
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Literary File, 1919-1987 (continued)
Texts, 1919-1987 (continued)
Articles, Essays, Reviews, and Commentary, 1928-1986 (continued)
"The Catholic Mind and the Protestant Heart," for Catholic World, 1952
BOX 299 "The Challenge to Labor Leadership," Connecticut State Journal, Sept. 1943
[China at war], Mar. 10, 1941
[China Policy], circa 1950
"China to the Mountains," by Henry Robinson Luce, photographs by Clare Boothe Luce, Life, June 30, 1941
"Chungking's Broadway," Vogue, Sept. 1, 1941
"CIA Problem: A Question of Faith," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, July 28, 1975
"Clare Boothe Luce: On Carter and Kissinger, An Interview with America's Woman for All Seasons," Conservative Digest, Mar. 1977
"Clare Boothe Luce Pays Tribute to Dr. Carver," Service, Mar. 1947
"The Class on Watergate," 1974
[Coal shortage], for Greenwich Time (Conn.), Oct. 11, 1943
"Coalition in Italy?" National Review, Nov. 7, 1975
[ Common Cause letter], circa July 4, 1950
"Communism Ends at Home," for Today's Woman, 1946
"The Communist Challenge to a Christian World," New York Herald Tribune, Nov. 24, 1946
"Confessions of a Trojan Horse," Stage, Nov. 1938
"Converts and the Blessed Sacrament," part 1, Nov. 1950; part 2, Dec. 1950
"Courage and Catholicism," undated
"Crime and Liberal Popcorn," One Woman's Voice, release copy, Oct. 19, 1974
"Crime Rate and Television," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 11, 1975
"Crisis in Soviet-Chinese Relations," Vital Speeches of the Day, July 15, 1964
"Crisis in the United Nations," Vital Speeches of the Day, Feb. 1, 1965
"Critique on Cuba," New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 1, 1962
"Cruel Thoughts about the Vanderbilts," 1934
"Cuba--and the Unfaced Truth: Our Global Double Blind," Life, Oct. 5, 1962
"Cuba, The Bone in the President's Throat," New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 1, 1962; and Life, Oct. 5, 1962
(3 folders)
BOX 300 "Cuban Crisis and Nuclear Arms--Why de Gaulle Goes His Own Way," U.S. News & World Report, Feb. 18, 1963
"The Cuban Missile Mystery," for North American News Alliance, Feb. 11, 1963
"The Cyprus Question," 1964[?]
[Declining American economy], for One Woman's Voice, July 28, 1978
"A Deed without a Name: Clare Boothe Luce Lifts the Curtain on Her Childhood," Harper's Bazaar, Feb. 1942 See also Container 286, "Lady MacBeth" suit
"De Gaulle Upheld on Nuclear Stand," part 1, Washington Star, Feb. 3, 1963; inserted in Congressional Recordby Barry M. Goldwater, Feb. 4, 1963; part 2, "De Gaulle Is Not Mad Napoleon," Arizona Republic, Feb. 7, 1963; reprint, "Cuba Crisis Cited as Showing de Gaulle Stood with U.S.," Feb. 12, 1963
"Democratic Strategy and Watergate," New York Times, June 3, 1973
"Destiny Crosses the Dateline," Life, Nov. 3, 1941
"Detente in Italy," 1975[?]
"Diplomat Scores U.S. `Messiahs,'" Arizona Republic, Sept. 27, 1964
"Do Mothers Need to Work?" 1943
"Do We Deserve Them?" (tribute to Douglas MacArthur and soldiers in the Philippines), Our America, Treasury Department publication, 1942
"Do Women Loyally Support Other Women in Politics? Yes," New York News, Sept. 14, 1952
"Doctrine of Communism," Reader's Digest, 1946
"Education Film 16 Years Out of Date," New York Herald Tribune, May 24, 1964
"Elections in Italy," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, June 23, 1976
"Energy Crisis Calls for Action," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Dec. 7, 1977
[England and war], circa Sept. 1940
"Enough Punishment for Mr. Nixon," New York Times, Aug. 31, 1974
"Epigrams of a Customer's Man," by Julian Jerome (CBL), circa 1932
"Equality Begins at Home," Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 1977
"The Erosion of the Two Party System," 1964
[Espionage], circa 1975
"An Evaluation of the Foreign Service," Foreign Service Journal, May 1953
"Ever Hear of Homer Lea?" part 1, Saturday Evening Post, Mar. 7, 1942; part 2, Mar. 14, 1942
"Extremism," New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 2, 1964
"Extremism in Defense of the Democratic Party," National Review, Aug. 25, 1964
"Factionalism and Political Parties," for California State Republican Monthly Magazine (1944 convention edition)
"Failed Invasion of Cuba--Second Chapter," Oct. 13, 1962
"Fair Employment Practices Committee," New Leader, 1946
"Faith," 1963
[Farmers--American and Russian], 1944
"FCC vs. God," Plain Talk, Dec. 1949
[Fifth Army on the Italian Front], circa 1944
"The Filipino Nut," circa 1941
"Flaw in Johnson's Shining Image: He Doesn't Speak Up on Asian War," New York Herald Tribune, June 28, 1964
"For Men Only," circa 1934
"Ford: Skipper of a Sinking Ship," Conservative Digest, Aug. 1975
Foreword to Italy. New York: Life Books, 1961
Foreword to MacArthur and Wainright, by John Beck. Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1974
Foreword to The Vatican, the Papacy, Church and State, by Anne O'Hare McCormick. New York: Farrar, Strauss & Cudahy, 1957
"The Forgotten Front: Italian Campaigns," for Life, May 14, 1945
"Free Trade Unions and Italian Democracy," 1957
"Freedom and Catholicism," circa 1947
"Frogs and Freudians: The Uses of Enchantment, by Bruno Bettleheim," National Review, Aug. 20, 1976
"From the '20s On," New York Herald Tribune Book Review, Oct. 12, 1952
[Full employment and private enterprise], California State Republican, 1943
"Future Alliance with Great Britain and the Commonwealth," Daily Mail, 1943
BOX 301 "General Homer Lea," circa 1942
"The Gift of Giving," circa 1934
"The Gift of Imagination. An Interview with Clare Boothe Luce," Rodelle Weintraub, The Shaw Review, Jan. 1974
"Gods Little Underwater Acre--of Eels and Seals and a Bobby Pin," part 1, Sports Illustrated, Sept. 9, 1957; part 2, "God's Little Underwater Acre--the Reef and Its Treasure," Sept. 16, 1957
(8 folders)
"Goldwater, Europe and the Press," New York Herald Tribune, July 26, 1964
"Great Britain's Economic Position," London Mirror, 1944
"Great Ideas: An NBC Radio Discussion by Clare Boothe Luce and Mortimer J. Adler," University of Chicago Roundtable, June 11, 1950
"The Greater Problem--Population Explosion or Population Annihilation?" 1961 National War College speech adapted for McCall's, May 1962
"Greetings," Ladies Home Journal, Dec. 1979
"Growing Old Beautifully," Ladies Home Journal, Jan. 1973
BOX 302 "Half a Worm: A Confession of Weakness," Current History & Forum, 1940
"Happy New Year to the American People!" part 1, One Woman's Voice, release copies, Jan 4, 1975; part 2, Jan. 11, 1975
"Have You Discovered Wonder?" New York Herald Tribune Magazine, Feb. 2, 1958
"Hawaii," Travel and Leisure Magazine, Jan. 1971
"The Heaven Below," part 1, Sports Illustrated, Aug. 11, 1958; part 2, "The Heaven Below--Adventures on the Reef," Aug. 18, 1958
(3 folders)
"Her Egg Society with No Bottom" New York Herald Tribune, Feb. 23, 1964
"The High Human Price of Detente," National Review, Jan. 11, 1977
"Highway Traffic Accidents," Women Lawyers' Journal, circa 1946
"His `Absolute Sovereignty' Concept," New York Herald Tribune, May 31, 1964
"Hollywood to Hong Kong," Vogue, 1941
"How Do You Acquire the Qualities of Greatness? A Message from Clare Boothe Luce," McCall's, Feb. 1961
"How to Deal with the Russians: the Basics of Negotiation," Air Force Magazine, Apr. 1979; inserted by Rep. James Abdnor in the Congressional Record, Apr. 5, 1979
"The Ideal Wife: Virtuous Woman--Model 1960," fragment, 1960
"If Mrs. Kennedy Should Nominate Bobby for V.P.," New York Herald Tribune, May 17, 1964
Infantile Paralysis Fundraising Drive, 1940
"Inherent Defects of Communism Cited," Honolulu Advertiser, Aug. 28, 1978
"Instead of Blaming OPEC, Let's Apply the Lesson," Washington Star, May 6, 1979
"Intercultural Understanding," Journal of the College Alumnae Club, 1945
"International Women's Year--A Temporary Masculine Aberration?" One Woman's Voice, release copy, June 21, 1975
Introduction to Life book on Italy, 1960
Introduction to Lurie's Worlds 1970-1980, by Ranan R. Lurie. Honolulu: Univ. Press of Hawaii, 1980
Introduction to Philip C. Curtis, exhibition catalog. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Northland Press, circa 1970
Introduction to Religion and History, by Leslie Severinghaus. New York: Viking Press, 1986
"Iran & Afghanistan: Turning Points for America?--Excerpts from Interviews with . . . Clare Boothe Luce . . ." Public Opinion, Feb./Mar. 1980
"Is It Time for a New Party? The GOP Has Had It" Conservative Digest, Oct. 1975
"Is Italy Going Communist?" One Woman's Voice, release copy, Jan. 10, 1976
"Is the New Morality Destroying America?" Family Circle Magazine, Sept. 1976; expanded for 1978 speech to IBM Golden Circle; Human Life Review, Summer 1978
BOX 303 "Is the Republican Party Dead? Yes!" National Review, Mar. 18, 1977
"Is Vivisection Justifiable?" 1960
"Israel and the 'Lessons of Vietnam,'" Commentary, 1976
" The Italians, by Luigi Barzini, a Review," Chicago Tribune Books Today, Aug. 23, 1964
"Italy After 100 Years," Foreign Affairs, Jan. 1961
(6 folders)
"Italy and the City of the Poor," 1957
"Italy--As Mrs. Luce Sees It," U.S. News and World Report, Sept. 23, 1953
"It's about Time," Flair, Sept. 1950
"JFK Quits Race to Moon--Why?" part 1, New York Journal-American, Sept. 29, 1963; part 2, "Did JFK Reach for Moon to Cover Up Cuba Fiasco?" Sept. 30, 1963; part 3, "Did JFK Fall or Was He Pushed Into Moon Race Blunder?" Oct. 1, 1963; part 4, "It's Time to Cure Our Moon Madness," Oct. 2, 1963; reprinted as "Our Man on the Moon," Arizona Republic, Oct. 2, 1963
"Johnson's Job: Making the Man Match the Image," New York Times Herald Tribune, Apr. 12, 1964
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