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Literary File, 1919-1987 (continued)
Texts, 1919-1987 (continued)
Articles, Essays, Reviews, and Commentary, 1928-1986 (continued)
"Have You Discovered Wonder?" New York Herald Tribune Magazine, Feb. 2, 1958
"Hawaii," Travel and Leisure Magazine, Jan. 1971
"The Heaven Below," part 1, Sports Illustrated, Aug. 11, 1958; part 2, "The Heaven Below--Adventures on the Reef," Aug. 18, 1958
(3 folders)
"Her Egg Society with No Bottom" New York Herald Tribune, Feb. 23, 1964
"The High Human Price of Detente," National Review, Jan. 11, 1977
"Highway Traffic Accidents," Women Lawyers' Journal, circa 1946
"His `Absolute Sovereignty' Concept," New York Herald Tribune, May 31, 1964
"Hollywood to Hong Kong," Vogue, 1941
"How Do You Acquire the Qualities of Greatness? A Message from Clare Boothe Luce," McCall's, Feb. 1961
"How to Deal with the Russians: the Basics of Negotiation," Air Force Magazine, Apr. 1979; inserted by Rep. James Abdnor in the Congressional Record, Apr. 5, 1979
"The Ideal Wife: Virtuous Woman--Model 1960," fragment, 1960
"If Mrs. Kennedy Should Nominate Bobby for V.P.," New York Herald Tribune, May 17, 1964
Infantile Paralysis Fundraising Drive, 1940
"Inherent Defects of Communism Cited," Honolulu Advertiser, Aug. 28, 1978
"Instead of Blaming OPEC, Let's Apply the Lesson," Washington Star, May 6, 1979
"Intercultural Understanding," Journal of the College Alumnae Club, 1945
"International Women's Year--A Temporary Masculine Aberration?" One Woman's Voice, release copy, June 21, 1975
Introduction to Life book on Italy, 1960
Introduction to Lurie's Worlds 1970-1980, by Ranan R. Lurie. Honolulu: Univ. Press of Hawaii, 1980
Introduction to Philip C. Curtis, exhibition catalog. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Northland Press, circa 1970
Introduction to Religion and History, by Leslie Severinghaus. New York: Viking Press, 1986
"Iran & Afghanistan: Turning Points for America?--Excerpts from Interviews with . . . Clare Boothe Luce . . ." Public Opinion, Feb./Mar. 1980
"Is It Time for a New Party? The GOP Has Had It" Conservative Digest, Oct. 1975
"Is Italy Going Communist?" One Woman's Voice, release copy, Jan. 10, 1976
"Is the New Morality Destroying America?" Family Circle Magazine, Sept. 1976; expanded for 1978 speech to IBM Golden Circle; Human Life Review, Summer 1978
BOX 303 "Is the Republican Party Dead? Yes!" National Review, Mar. 18, 1977
"Is Vivisection Justifiable?" 1960
"Israel and the 'Lessons of Vietnam,'" Commentary, 1976
" The Italians, by Luigi Barzini, a Review," Chicago Tribune Books Today, Aug. 23, 1964
"Italy After 100 Years," Foreign Affairs, Jan. 1961
(6 folders)
"Italy and the City of the Poor," 1957
"Italy--As Mrs. Luce Sees It," U.S. News and World Report, Sept. 23, 1953
"It's about Time," Flair, Sept. 1950
"JFK Quits Race to Moon--Why?" part 1, New York Journal-American, Sept. 29, 1963; part 2, "Did JFK Reach for Moon to Cover Up Cuba Fiasco?" Sept. 30, 1963; part 3, "Did JFK Fall or Was He Pushed Into Moon Race Blunder?" Oct. 1, 1963; part 4, "It's Time to Cure Our Moon Madness," Oct. 2, 1963; reprinted as "Our Man on the Moon," Arizona Republic, Oct. 2, 1963
"Johnson's Job: Making the Man Match the Image," New York Times Herald Tribune, Apr. 12, 1964
[Kennedy assassination], Reader's Digest, 1982
"The Kennedy Connection," Honolulu Advertiser, Sept. 1972
"`Kennedy's Demands'--What Did He Really Say?" Arizona Republic, May 21, 1961
"Kennedy on the Hustings," 1962
"Kennedy Plays Strange Music," Arizona Republic, May 31, 1961
"The `Kilpatrick Position,'" Human Life Review, Winter, circa 1980
"Kremlin Dreams of War Between U.S. and China," New York Herald Tribune, May 10, 1964
"Kruschchev's Goal Is Berlin," Los Angeles Times, Feb. 17, 1963; reprint, "Kruschchev Knew What He Was Doing in Cuba," Chattanooga Times, Feb. 18, 1963
"Kruschchev's Motives Analyzed, Human Events, May 18, 1963
"Labor and the War Effort, for officers and men of the 47th Infantry," circa 1945
BOX 304 "Ladies of Vogue," Horizon, 1963
"The Lady Is for Burning: The Seven Deadly Sins of Madame Nhu," National Review, May 11, 1963
"Land of the Dark Madonna," circa 1950 See also Container 311, "Thoughts on Mexico"
"A Latin American 'NATO'?" Oct. 5, 1962
"Lessons of Defeat," New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 18, 1957
"Lets Face the Facts," (employment of veterans), circa 1945
"Letter on Freedom of the Press," Honolulu Advertiser, Oct. 17, 1975
"A Letter to Curtis Freshel," Vivisection Investigation League President, Aug. 17, 1960
"Letter to Senator Beall," Congressional Record, Feb. 4, 1963
"Letter to the Women's Lobby," Human Life Review, Spring 1978
[Letters to the editor], 1939, 1945, 1957, 1961-1962, 1975-1976
(6 folders)
"Letters of a Last Nighter," Stage, Nov. 1940
"Life Begins at 40--Feet Under," Family Circle, Apr. 1958
"Life, Liberty, Happiness--and Money," circa 1970s
"The Light at the End of the Tunnel of Love: Jimmy Carter's Christian Socialism," National Review, Nov. 12, 1976
"A Little Pig's Tale," 1934
"Little Rock and the Muscovite Moon," Double Day Headline Publications, 1958
"Lodge the Kingmaker, or King," New York Herald Tribune, July 5, 1964
"The Long Munich," 1978
BOX 305 "Luce Forecast for a Luce Lifetime," 1942
"Lyndon Johnson's Strike at Viet Nam (Shooting from the Hip)," New York Herald Tribune, Aug. 16, 1964; unidentified reprint, "LBJ's Tonkin Strike Clears Air"
"MacArthur," Daily News, Dec. 18, 1941
"MacArthur," for Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1943
(3 folders)
"MacArthur," Parade Magazine, 1942
"MacArthur of the Far East," Life, Dec. 8, 1941
(3 folders)
" The Making of a New Majority Party, by William Rusher," review for Conservative Digest, 1975
BOX 306 "Man Must Also Conquer Inner Space--the Ocean," Arizona Republic, July 5, 1963; reprinted as "We Race to the Moon . . . Why Not to the Ocean Floor?" New York Journal American, July 7, 1963
"The Man Who Has Almost Everything," New York Herald Tribune, 1964
"Marines and the American Spirit," for New York Detachment of the Marine Corps League, 1943
[Marine Corps 170th anniversary], Nov. 4, 1945
"Marriage Is a Career," Today's Woman, 1946
"Mass in English?" Catholic World, undated
"The Mavericks of Western Politics," Los Angeles Times WEST Magazine, June 4, 1967
"Meandering Memo on Women in Business," circa 1934
"Media Hypocritical on South Vietnam," Honolulu Advertiser, May 15, 1975
"Memo on Sex and the Adversary Culture," circa 1977
"Message from France," Dec. 2, 1943
"The Message of the Fourth," Reader's Digest, July 1976
"Minority Leadership," Young Republican Magazine, circa 1944
"Mobilize Will," Washington Star, Feb. 10, 1980
"More about Majorca," circa 1934
"More Shot at Than Shooting: Mrs. Luce about Goldwater," New York Herald Tribune, July 12, 1964; unidentified reprint
"More Thoughts on the Bottomless Society," New York Herald Tribune, 1964
"Mormon's Negro Stand Would Hurt Romney," New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 1, 1963
"The Moscow Peace Package," Washington Report, Mar. 1977
"Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met," (revised from "Deed Without Name"), Reader's Digest, circa 1942
"Mrs. Luce Asks the Candidates Some Questions," New York Herald Tribune, Mar. 22, 1964
"Mrs. Luce Comes Out for Everything--The Presidential Prospect's Practically Perfect Platform," New York World Telegram, Mar. 4, 1964
"My Answer to the Question, `Where Do You Stand on the Negro Problem?'" Today's Woman, July 1946
"My India, My America," book review, circa 1941
"My Ten Favorite Plays," Theatre Arts, Sept. 1956
"Mystery of Our China Policy," Plain Talk, July 1945
[National Theater Conference], 1964
"The Need for Prayer," circa 1946
"Never Underestimate the Power of a Woman," (Robert F. Kennedy as possible vice presidential candidate), 1964
[New Left activism and college demonstrations], Nov. 10, 1970
"The Next 25 Years: Predictions for 1987," Look, Jan. 16, 1962
"No Pay, No Vote?" New York Herald Tribune[?], Aug. 9, 1964
"Notes from a Diver's Diary," Jubilee, Oct. 1957
"Now Time Grows Short for U.S. Following Invasion of Afghanistan," Washington Star, Feb. 27, 1980
"Nuclear War--comments on a paper by Dr. Osgood," for Sidney Cohen [1910- ], 1961
BOX 307 "Of Men and Monuments," North American News Alliance, 1963
"Oil and Grain as Weapons," Honolulu Star-Bulletin, May 24, 1979
"The Oil Crisis," 1973
"On Hawaii," unidentified magazine clipping, Jan./Feb. 1966
"On Israel's Case: What The Times Thought Unfit for Paper to Print," Jewish Week - American Examiner, Feb. 1979[?]
"Only Women Have Babies," National Review, July 7, 1978; "One Woman's Voice," release, Aug. 26, 1978
"Our Atomic Homework," Today's Woman, 1946
"Our Films Back French View of Unreliable U.S.," New York Herald Tribune, Apr. 26, 1964
"Our Future Relations with Russia," Catholic Courier, 1945
"Our Women Have Courage to Face Realities," Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct. 18, 1942
"The Pacific Century," introductory essay for first issue of Pacific Century, circa 1946
"Pagan Street Scenes in America," New York Herald Tribune, 1964
"Pastor and Patriot," Francis Cardinal Spellman: Twenty Five Years, Archbishop of New York, [commemorative booklet], 1964
"Peace in Our Time," unidentified clipping, June 18, 1945
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