The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clare Boothe Luce papers, 1862-1997
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Congressional Papers, 1942-1947 (continued)
Correspondence, 1942-1947 (continued)
BOX 431 "Lanh-Lic" (includes Roy E. Larsen)
(14 folders)
BOX 432 "Lid-Luce" (includes Henry Cabot Lodge [1902- ], Daniel Longwell)
(14 folders)
BOX 433 "Luck-Mam"
(12 folders)
BOX 434 "Man-Mayd" (includes Edward Martin [1879-1967])
(16 folders)
BOX 435 "Maye-McKen" (includes Carson McCullers, James H. McGraw)
(16 folders)
BOX 436 "McKeo-Millea" (includes George McLachlan, Paul V. McNutt)
(18 folders)
BOX 437 "Miller-Mord"
(15 folders)
BOX 438 "More-Mu" (includes Cecelia Murray)
(14 folders)
BOX 439 "My-Ob"
(17 folders)
BOX 440 "Oc-Pag" (includes John R. O'Donnell, Walter O'Keefe, Redvers Opie)
(16 folders)
BOX 441 "Pai-Perry, J" (includes Dorothy Paley, Norman Vincent Peale, Westbrook Pegler)
(19 folders)
BOX 442 "Perry, L-Potte"
(18 folders)
BOX 443 "Potti-Red" (includes A. Philip Randolph)
(20 folders)
BOX 444 "Ree-Roberts" (includes Helen Rogers Reid, Edward V. J. Richmond)
(18 folders)
BOX 445 "Robertson-Ru" (includes Eleanor Roosevelt)
(19 folders)
BOX 446 "Ry-Schm"
(20 folders)
BOX 447 "Schn-Shanl"
(17 folders)
BOX 448 "Shann-Sj"
(15 folders)
BOX 449 "Sk-Sn"
(17 folders)
BOX 450 "So-Sterl" (includes Harrison E. Spangler, Francis Spellman)
(17 folders)
BOX 451 "Stern-Sty"
(14 folders)
BOX 452 "Su-Ter" (includes Jessie Sumner, John Taber [1880-1965], Henry J. Taylor [1902-1984], Myron Charles Taylor)
(11 folders)
BOX 453 "Tes-Tro" (includes Dorothy Thompson [1893-1961], South Trimble)
(16 folders)
BOX 454 "Tru-Verd"
(14 folders)
BOX 455 "Verg-Watr" (includes Earl Warren [1891-1974])
(18 folders)
BOX 456 "Wats-Whitf" (includes Thomas John Watson [1874-1956], Creighton Webb, Orson Welles, Theodore Harold White, Walter Francis White)
(23 folders)
BOX 457 "Whiti-Wins" (includes James L. Wick)
(17 folders)
BOX 458 "Wint-Y"
(18 folders)
BOX 459 "Z"
(6 folders)
(5 folders)
BOX 460 (7 folders)
Bailey, Wesley
Baldwin, Raymond E.
Beaman, Niver William
BOX 461 Bernays, Edward L.
(3 folders)
Bodine, Alfred VanSant
Bowles, Chester
Bradley, J. Kenneth
Clifford, Arthur
Curtis, Mrs. Louis J.
Emmet, Christopher
Heller, Clarence Edward
Kafaroff, Bruce
Keleman, Eugene
Kohlberg, Arthur
BOX 462 Kolborg, Henrietta
(2 folders)
Kronick, Rita
Mandigo, Pauline
Martin, Marion E.
Morano, Albert P.
Outland, George
Pearson, William F.
Reed, James
Seeley, W. Parker
Senior, Harold
Singh, Sardar Jaga Jita
Taylor, Blair
White, Walter Francis
BOX 463 "Ach-Ang" (includes Walter Gresham Andrews)
(12 folders)
BOX 464 "Ann-Baker, H"
(13 folders)
BOX 465 "Baker, J-Bav"
(14 folders)
BOX 466 "Bax-Berr"
(14 folders)
BOX 467 "Bert-Bolo"
(12 folders)
BOX 468 "Bolt-Bre" (includes Omar Nelson Bradley)
(15 folders)
BOX 469 "Bri-Bud" (includes Pearl S. Buck)
(14 folders)
BOX 470 "Bue-Can" (includes Raymond Leslie Buell, Prescott Sheldon Bush)
(16 folders)
BOX 471 "Cap-Chamb"
(15 folders)
BOX 472 "Chami-Clark" (includes Chiang Kai-Shek, May-ling Soong Chiang, Marquis William Childs, Jan M. Ciechanowski)
(16 folders)
BOX 473 "Clat-Cons"
(15 folders)
BOX 474 "Cont-Croo" (includes Norman Cousins, John Cowles [1898-1983])
(16 folders)
BOX 475 "Cros-Davis, D" (includes Robert A. Crosby)
(13 folders)
BOX 476 "Davis, E-Dev" (includes Elmer Holmes Davis)
(13 folders)
BOX 477 "Dew-Dou" (includes Frank Dorn)
(14 folders)
BOX 478 "Dov-Ea"
(15 folders)
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