The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clare Boothe Luce papers, 1862-1997
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Congressional Papers, 1942-1947 (continued)
Correspondence, 1942-1947 (continued)
"Gel-Goode" (continued)
(21 folders)
BOX 547 "Goodm-Gun"
(22 folders)
BOX 548 "Gur-Harrison, H"
(20 folders)
BOX 549 "Harrison, J-Her" (includes Thomas Charles Hart, Ben Hecht, F. Peavey Heffelfinger, Christian Archibald Herter [1895-1966])
(20 folders)
BOX 550 "Hes-Horg" (includes Stanley High, Otis Halbert Holmes, Herbert Hoover)
(18 folders)
BOX 551 "Horn-If" (includes Sol Hurok, Zora Neale Hurston)
(22 folders)
BOX 552 "Ij-Jol"
(22 folders)
BOX 553 "Jon-Kel" (includes Henry J. Kaiser)
(18 folders)
BOX 554 "Ken-Kra" (includes Paul W. Kendall, Freda Kirchwey, Victor Kravchenko [1905-1966])
(24 folders)
BOX 555 "Kre-La" (includes Charles Marion La Follette)
(22 folders)
BOX 556 "Le-Log" (includes Helen R. Leonardi, Walter Lippmann, John Davis Lodge, William Loeb [1905- ])
(23 folders)
BOX 557 "Loh-Malk" (includes Douglas MacArthur, Lee MacPhail)
(23 folders)
BOX 558 "Mall-McCaf" (includes Marion E. Martin)
(21 folders)
BOX 559 "McCai-Meli" (includes John W. McCormack [1891- ], John Reagan McCrary)
(21 folders)
BOX 560 "Mell-Mon"
(19 folders)
BOX 561 "Moo-Mur" (includes John G. Moore, James M. Moore, Felix Morley, Frank Murphy [1890-1949], Cecelia Murray)
(17 folders)
BOX 562 "Mus-N" (includes Reinhold Niebuhr)
(10 folders)
BOX 563 "O-Pari" (includes William Aylott Orton)
(18 folders)
BOX 564 "Park-Phe"
(19 folders)
BOX 565 "Phi-Prio" (includes Alfred N. Phillips, Paul Aldermandt Porter)
(20 folders)
BOX 566 "Prit-Rein" (includes Samuel F. Pryor, A. Philip Randolph)
(21 folders)
BOX 567 "Rein-Roj" (includes Walter Reuther [1907-1970], Richard Rodgers [1902- ])
(23 folders)
BOX 568 "Rol-San"
(20 folders)
BOX 569 "Sap-Se"
(20 folders)
BOX 570 "Sh-Sl" (includes Richard L. Simon)
(19 folders)
BOX 571 "Sm-Spe" (includes Dorothy Smith, Josephine Smith, Cecilia Small, George E. Sokolsky, Francis Spellman)
(12 folders)
BOX 572 "Spi-Sti" (includes Harold Edward Stassen)
(13 folders)
BOX 573 "Sto-Tak" (includes Herbert J. Stoeckl, Clarence K. Streit, Otis Peabody Swift)
(15 folders)
BOX 574 "Tal-Tom"
(18 folders)
BOX 575 "Ton-Vand" (includes Bess Wallace Truman, Harry S. Truman, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mark Van Doren)
(17 folders)
BOX 576 "Vane-Ward, H" (includes Oswald Garrison Villard, Carl Vinson, Fred M. Vinson, George Waldo, Carol Wall)
(18 folders)
BOX 577 "Ward, J-Wer" (includes James D. Washington)
(20 folders)
BOX 578 "Wes-Wilm" (includes Walter Francis White)
(18 folders)
BOX 579 "Wils-Ya" (includes Stephen S. Wise, Walt Woodward [1910- ])
(20 folders)
BOX 580 "Ye-Z"
(11 folders)
(9 folders)
BOX 581 1947
(2 folders)
BOX 581-594 Office File, 1942-1947
Campaign and committee records, legislative files, statements and press releases, indexes for various mailing lists, political cartoons, press reports, and miscellaneous files.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 581 Campaigns
Financial records
Luce, Henry Robinson
Narrative record by Wesley Bailey
Press releases
Voters, delegates, and well-wishers list
BOX 582 1944
Connors, Margaret (Democratic opponent)
Financial records
Memoranda and correspondence
Press releases
Speeches supporting Luce
Candida performance, correspondence, 1945
"Cassandra in Congress"
(3 folders)
BOX 583 (2 folders)
Atomic energy, 1945-1947
(4 folders)
Miscellaneous, 1943-1946
Polish language newspapers, 1945-1946
Committee on Military Affairs
Battlefront tours, 1944-1945
Briefing reports, 1945
Clippings, 1945
Correspondence, 1945
Diary, notes, and sketches, 1945
Itinerary, 1945, Mar. 19-22
Maps and graphs, 1945 See also Oversize
Mementos, 1945
Nurses, 1945
BOX 584 Photographs, 1944-1945
(2 folders)
Press releases, 1945
Printed material, 1945 See also Oversize
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