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Clare Boothe Luce papers, 1862-1997

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Subject File, 1931-1987 (continued)
Association for Diplomatic Studies, 1987
Council of American Ambassadors, 1983-1987
(2 folders)
Council on Foreign Relations, 1983-1987
Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1978-1987
Rome Memorial Committee, 1983-1984
Furniture to Archdiocese of New York, 1969-1970
"Hoopla" Auction, Hawaii School for Girls, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1972-1982
Miscellaneous, 1982
BOX 707 Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisenhower World Affairs Institute, Washington, D.C., 1983-1987
Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y., Third Annual Presidential Conference in Honor of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1983-1984
Miscellany, 1945-1984
Presidential election campaign, 1952
Presidential inauguration, 1953
Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
Annals of America, extracts, undated
Board of editors, 1974-1987
Great books, 1949-1950
Chávez, Carlos, symphony in memory of Ann Brokaw, 1955-1956
Fair, Joyce, 1955
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 1940
Laval, Pierre, 1983
Lea, Homer
BOX 708 1977-1987, undated
(2 folders)
Luce, Claire, 1951
McGranery, James P., 1952
Morton, Joseph R., 1953
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 1978-1982
Murphy, Robert D. (1894- ), 1977
O'Hara, Constance Marie, 1950-1959
(4 folders)
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 1962-1967, 1975
Schlamm, William Siegmund, circa 1940s
Thompson, Dorothy (1893-1961), 1940
BOX 709 Willoughby, Charles Andrew
Clippings and photographs, 1940
Literary manuscripts
"Bailen and the Spanish Bridgehead: 1808-1948"
(2 folders)
Untitled history of war in the Pacific, with maps, circa 1945
(7 folders)
BOX 710 Intelligence and security
American Security Council, 1969, 1975, 1982-1987
(2 folders)
Association of Former Intelligence Officers, 1977-1987
Atlantic Council of the United States, 1983-1984
Business Executives for National Security, Education Fund, 1985-1986
Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1979-1987
Citizen's Legal Defense Fund for the F.B.I., 1977-1980
Committee for a Free World, 1983-1987
BOX 711 Committee on the Present Danger, 1976-1987
(2 folders)
Congress for World Security, circa 1948
Consortium for the Study of Intelligence, 1982-1984
Espionage magazine, 1986
European Council for World Freedom/World Anti-Communist League, 1983
Hale Foundation, 1981-1987
Hill and Knowlton Public Affairs Worldwide Co., 1987
Kissinger Commission, Report on Central America, 1984
National Intelligence Study Center, Washington, D.C., 1977-1987
National Strategy Information Center, New York, N.Y., 1976-1987
Organization of American States, 1983
President's Commission on White House Fellowships, 1983-1984
Pumpkin Papers Irregulars, 1979-1986
BOX 712 Security Affairs Support Association, 1985-1987
Security and Intelligence Fund, 1982
Third European Parliamentary Union, 1949
United Nations Association of the USA, National Council, 1979-1983
United States Global Strategy Council, 1982-1987
United States Institute for Peace, 1987
United States Strategic Institute, 1979-1987
(3 folders)
International relations For additional material see Container 704, China, and Container 724, USSR
American Relief for Poland, 1947
Jerusalem Women's Seminars, 1982-1983
"Voice of Fighting Zion," radio broadcasts, 1947
Weizmann Institute, banquet, 1975
Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons, 1950
International Rescue Committee, 1965-1969, 1982-1987
BOX 713 Reports
Africa, 1949
Germany, 1940-1941
Hungary, 1957
India, 1949
Spanish Civil War, 1937
Terrorism, 1979-1986
(3 folders)
Queen Sirikit's gala bicentennial celebration, 1981-1984
World Republic Organization, 1947
Accuracy in Media, 1979
First Amendment Fund, 1978
National Review tribute dinner, 1965
Overseas Press Club, Chairman's Annual Awards Dinner, 1970
BOX 714 "Politics and the Media," panel, Friday Club, Chicago, Ill., 1984
Radio America, 1987
Corcoran vs. Time, Inc., 1942
Time-Life Multimedia, 1979-1986
U.S. News and World Report, 1985
Washington Times, 1982-1987
(2 folders)
Judging panels
American Heritage Dictionary, usage panel, 1976-1983
Gimbel award nominations, 1962
Ten outstanding young men contest, 1962
Essay contests
Miscellaneous, 1948, undated
Verbatim magazine, 1984-1986
Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963)
Anti-Catholic campaign literature, 1960
Cuba, memorandum of conversation, 1962
Presidential inauguration, 1960-1961
Library of Congress
Center for the Book, 1977-1987, undated
(3 folders)
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