The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Clare Boothe Luce papers, 1862-1997
Access restrictions apply.
Formerly Closed, 1914-1986 (continued)
Literary File, 1930-1977 (continued)
(3 folders)
BOX 779 Apr.-Dec.
(11 folders)
(7 folders)
BOX 780 1962
(11 folders)
(5 folders)
BOX 781 Oct.-Dec.
(6 folders)
(7 folders)
BOX 782 1965
(9 folders)
(4 folders)
BOX 783 Aug.-Dec.
(3 folders)
(4 folders)
Notes, 1965-1966
[Women astronauts], 1963
"World-Weary," 1934
Book of quotes, circa 1950s
"The Children," circa 1930s
Nonfiction books and pamphlets
"The Quality of Greatness," 1951-1953
(3 folders)
BOX 784 "Saving the White Man's Soul," 1951
(3 folders)
Novels and short stories
"The Return," typescript, undated (note attributes story to Anna Snyder Boothe Austin)
Child of the Morning
1951, drafts
(6 folders)
1958, drafts
Blackfriar's Guild, New York, N.Y.
BOX 785 Feast Day of St. Maria Goretti
(2 folders)
1959-1960, drafts, Phoenix Little Theater, Phoenix, Ariz.
(5 folders)
Come to the Stable (working title, "Bethlehem--Ring 3," in collaboration with Oscar Millard), 1948
(4 folders)
BOX 786 (3 folders)
"The Romance," undated
The Women
Notebook, undated
Script, Paper Mill Playhouse, Millburn, N.J., 1966
Drafts, undated
Notes and fragments
Diplomacy and war, notes, circa 1960s
(2 folders)
Opinions, 1950-1966
(3 folders)
BOX 787-789 Ambassador to Italy, 1953-1956
Correspondence arranged chronologically and subject files arranged alphabetically by topic or type of material and therein chronologically.
BOX 787 Correspondence, 1953-1956
(6 folders)
Subject file
Briefing reports, "American Public Opinion on International Issues," 1955
(3 folders)
BOX 788 1956
Speeches, 1953-1955
Press file
Clippings, 1953-1956
Projects, Assisi trip, 1953
Appointment books, 1954-1956
(3 vols.)
BOX 789 Calendar, New York, 1953
Engagement books, 1953-1956
(3 folders)
Notes, 1954-1955
Villa Taverna (chancery)
Entertainment file
Guest and reception lists, 1953-1956
Household inventory, 1955
Incoming gifts and books log, 1955
BOX 789-790 Subject File, 1933-1973
Correspondence and other records of activities.
Arranged alphabetically by topic and therein chronologically.
BOX 789 Arizona Costume Institute, Phoenix, Ariz., 1967-1968
Godchildren, circa 1960-1969
Inaugural programs, 1933, 1953, 1969, 1973
BOX 790 Library of Congress, circa 1962, undated
(2 folders)
Lists, 1942, 1957-1959, undated
Memberships, 1968-1969
Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies, Monterey, Calif., 1969-1970
Relic authentications, 1950-1959
Requests, 1968-1969
(2 folders)
Ribeiro, Anthony, 1961-1964
Ribeiro, Barbara, 1961-1962
Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management, Phoenix, Ariz., 1969
UNESCO, New York, N.Y., 1968-1969
BOX 791-796 Formerly Restricted, 1914-1969
BOX 791-794 Family and Personal Papers, 1914-1966
Boothe and Luce family correspondence with Clare Boothe Luce, records pertaining to other family members, and Luce's diaries, journals, personal writings, and passport.
Arranged alphabetically and therein chronologically.
BOX 791 Boothe and Luce family papers
Correspondence with CBL
Austin, Albert E. ("Cicero"), 1933-1934
Austin, Anna Snyder Boothe, 1914-1915, 1923-1936, undated
(4 folders)
Luce, Henry Robinson
1934, Dec.-1935, July
(5 folders)
BOX 792 1935, Aug.-circa 1962, undated
(9 folders)
Luce, Henry, III, 1965
Papers pertaining to other family members
Austin, Anna Snyder Boothe
Correspondence, 1916, 1922, 1928, 1936, undated
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