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Russell Wheeler Davenport papers, 1866-1980

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Some or all content stored offsite.
Political File, 1934-1955 (continued)
Liberal Party platform, 1944
List of manuscripts, undated
National health bill, 1949-1950
National Republican Club, 1948-1952
New Leader, 1950
New York, N.Y., voting district, undated
Newspaper clippings, 1941-1950
Nominees for Congress, 1950
Political Group, undated
Republican Advance
Elbert, George A., 1950
MacVeagh, Charlton, 1950
Miscellany, 1950-1952, undated
(3 folders)
Poor, Henry, 1950
Executive committee minutes, 1950-1951
Financial papers
Budget, 1950-1951
Funds, 1950-1951
BOX 30 Luckey, Charles P., 1950-1951
Office supplies, 1950-1951
Statements and vouchers, 1950
Law committee, circa 1950
Memberships and contacts
Applications, 1950
(2 folders)
Lists of names, 1950
Organizing committee, 1950
United States Congress, 1950
Organizational papers
Articles of incorporation, 1950
(2 folders)
Board of elections, 1950
Bylaws, 1950
Certificate of incorporation, 1950
Convention, 1950
Declaration of Republican principles, 1949-1950
BOX 31 Drafting committee, 1949
Framework, 1950
Organizational dinners, 1950
Policy statements
Basic documents, 1950
Health, 1950
Policy committee, 1949-1950
Principles, 1950
Publicity, 1950
(4 folders)
Regional organizations
Northern, 1950
Southern, 1950
Colorado, 1950
Connecticut, 1950
District of Columbia, 1950
Florida, 1950
Illinois, 1949-1951
Indiana, 1950
Iowa, 1950
Maine, 1950
Maryland, 1950
Massachusetts, 1949-1951
Michigan, 1950
Minnesota, 1949
BOX 32 Missouri, 1950-1951
Nebraska, 1950
Nevada, 1950
New Hampshire, 1950
New Jersey, 1950
New York, 1949-1951
(7 folders)
Ohio, 1950
Oregon, 1950
Pennsylvania, 1949-1950
Rhode Island, 1950
State chapters, 1950
South Dakota, 1950
Texas, 1950
BOX 33 Vermont, 1949-1950
Washington, 1950
Wisconsin, 1950
Republican liberals, 1948-1955
Republican manifesto, 1949
Republicans for Roosevelt, 1944-1946
Republican National Committee
Members, 1940-1941
Miscellany, 1940
New York, N.Y., 1940
Research division, 1940
Republican Party, 1943
Republican policies meeting, Jan. 1950
Republican policy group, 1948-1949
Republican Postwar Policy Association, 1943
Republican progressive movement, 1949-1950
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, campaign, 1944-1945
Third party
Lists, 1944-1954
New Jersey, 1945
BOX 34 Union Now
Anderson, Raymond W., 1939-1940
Loucheim, Dene, 1940
Miscellany, 1939-1940
Potts, R. Frazier, 1939
Streit, Clarence, 1939-1940, 1946
(2 folders)
Data, 1939-1940
Luncheons, 1939-1940
(4 folders)
Minutes, 1940
Rockefeller Center Luncheon Club, New York, N.Y., 1939-1940
Trust agreements, 1939
United States world policy, 1950
Willkie, Wendell, campaign
American Farm Bureau Federation, 1940
Applicants for jobs, 1940
Lists, circa 1940
BOX 35 Willkie, Wendell, clubs, 1940 (card file)
BOX 36 Correspondence index, 1940 (card file)
BOX 37 I-V
BOX 38 W-Z
Young Republicans Club, 1940 (card file)
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