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Russell Wheeler Davenport papers, 1866-1980

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Subject File, 1903-1972 (continued)
Atlantic Monthly Magazine, 1948
BOX 47 Automobiles, 1926-1932
(4 folders)
Balkans, 1943-1944
Banking and finance, 1928, undated
Bergdorf-Goodman, Inc., undated
Borax, undated
British empire, 1942-1944
Bundles for America, Inc., 1942
Business Collaborators, Inc., 1949-1951
Business profits taxes, 1942
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., undated
Cancer, undated
Carthage (Tunisia), 1942
Censorship, 1942-1943
China, 1943-1944
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1943
Christian community, 1954
Christmas traditions, 1942
Churchill, Winston, 1945
Cities, undated
BOX 48 Columbia Broadcasting System
American Veterans of World War II, 1947
General, 1946-1948
"Will of the People," 1947
Drafts of editorials
Labor, 1947
Universal military training, 1947
Veterans, 1946-1947
(4 folders)
World responsibility, 1947
(2 folders)
"Editorial Time," 1946-1948
(3 folders)
BOX 49 Editorials, 1947
Expense reports, 1946-1947
Memoranda, 1946-1947
(2 folders)
Radio scripts
"Leave It to Sam," 1947
(2 folders)
Murrow, Edward R., undated
Research reports
Food and relief, 1947
Greece and Turkey, 1947
Science, 1947
"Should We Let Russia Expand?" 1947
Teachers, 1947
Schedule, 1947
Taxes and budget, 1946
Communist activity, 1941
BOX 50 Contacts and mailing lists, 1943-1946
Corporations, undated
Corrigan-McKinney Steel Co., 1928-1931
Coughlin, Charles E., 1942
Cramp Shipbuilding Co., 1941
Cytosts, 1903-1923
Danaher Amendment, 1943
DeGaulle, Charles, 1943
Demand and supply, undated
Democracy, 1941
Dirksen, Everett, 1942
Displaced persons, 1949-1953
(5 folders)
Domestic issues, 1942-1944
Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C., 1944-1945
Dunkirk to Dunkerque Day, 1946-1948
BOX 51 Economics, 1931
Education, 1919, 1951
Elizabethan Club, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1938
Erie, Pa., undated
European economic recovery, 1951
European trip, 1937, 1951
(2 folders)
Extreme values, undated
Farm labor research, 1942
Farm policy, 1942, 1950
Federal union plan, 1949
Film industry, 1931
Food stamp plan, 1942
Foreign policy, 1943, 1950
Foreign trade, 1943
Fort McHenry, Md., battle of (1814), 1942
Anti-Semitism, 1939
Automobiles, 1931-1932
Aviation, 1936-1937
Business and government
General, 1935-1938
Housing, 1939
Production, 1938
BOX 52 1938
Business survey, 1938-1939
California trip, 1935
Chemical warfare, 1942
Chronology, 1931-1942
Coal, 1931
Del Monte story, 1939
DuPont story, 1939-1940
Economic program, 1940
Germany story, 1939-1940
Government compensatory spending, 1939
Incentive taxation, 1939
Labor, 1941, undated
(2 folders)
Nanking story, 1935
National income, 1939
"New Economic Republic," 1941
(2 folders)
BOX 53 (3 folders)
New York City issue, 1937-1939
"Off the Record," 1935
Pension plan, 1950
Proposed articles, 1937-1940
Research material, 1938-1940, undated
South America, 1937-1938
Surveys, 1935-1939
Upton, T. Gradon, 1941
Albee, George, 1937
Baruch, Bernard, 1938-1939
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