| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Speeches and Writings, 1822-1878
(continued) |
"Regret at Defeat for Re-election to Senate
of Thomas H. Benton" |
Digital content available
"Remarks on Political Affairs," 1858
Digital content available
"Remarks on the Opinion of Henry Stanbery on
Reconstruction," 1867
Digital content available
"Reminiscence of a Quiet Place in
Connecticut" |
Digital content available
"Reminiscences of Hartford" |
Digital content available
"Resolutions on States' Rights" |
Digital content available
"Resolutions Opposing Congress' Right to
Legislate on Slavery" |
Digital content available
"Review of Political History of U.S. and
Presidential Contests" |
Digital content available
"Review of William H. Seward's Speech at
Rochester" |
Digital content available
"Scathing Denunciation of
Know-Nothingism" |
Digital content available
"Silas Wright" |
Digital content available
"Sketch and Criticism of Mr. Buchanan's
Public Career" |
Digital content available
"Sketch of Early Parties, States' Rights and
Centralization" |
Digital content available
"Sketch of Public Life of Thomas H. Benton,
in the References to Mr. Clay" |
Digital content available
"A Sketch of Uncle Seth" |
Digital content available
"Slave Dealing in the City of
Washington" |
Digital content available
"Slavery Local
and Not National" |
Digital content available
"The Slavery Question" |
Digital content available
"Some Views concerning the Charleston
Convention," 1857
Digital content available
"Southern Unionism" |
Digital content available
"States' Rights Versus
Centralization" |
Digital content available
"Territorial History of the Extension of
Slavery" |
Digital content available
"To Hon. Isaac Toucey, a Senator from
Connecticut," 1854
Digital content available
"The Utah Polygamy Question" |
Digital content available
"The Vote on Speaker" |
Digital content available
"Wendell Phillips" |
Digital content available
"What Is a National Democrat?" |
Digital content available
"The Whig Party" |
Digital content available
BOX 35 REEL 31 |
Notebooks |
Biographical and historical
notebook |
Digital content available
Literary notebook, including poems, fiction,
and partial Fourth of July speech by Welles, 1822
Digital content available
Speeches |
Address, 22 July
Digital content available
Address at Glastonbury, Conn.,
undated |
Digital content available
BOX 35-38 REEL 31-33 |
Scrapbooks, 1834-1900
Newspaper clippings and copies of published articles by Welles. |
Arranged chronologically. |
BOX 35 REEL 31 |
Vol. 1, 1834-1899
Digital content available
Vol. 2, 1842,
Feb.-1860, June
See Oversize
BOX 36 REEL 32 |
Vol. 3, 1861,
Feb.-1862, Aug.
Digital content available
Vol. 4, 1862,
Oct.-1863, Dec.
Digital content available
BOX 37 REEL 32 |
Vol. 5, 1864,
Jan.-1865, Jan.
Digital content available
Vol. 6, 1865,
Jan.-1868, Dec.
Digital content available
BOX 38 REEL 33 |
Vol. 7, 1869,
Feb.-1872, Nov.
Digital content available
Vol. 8, 1873,
Apr.-1900, Jan.
Digital content available
BOX 39-41 REEL 33-35 |
Miscellany, 1777-1911
Correspondence, financial and legal documents, printed matter, cards and
invitations, collected speeches and writings by others, and notes. |
Arranged alphabetically by type of material. |
BOX 39 REEL 33 |
Biographical material |
Digital content available
Cards and invitations |
Digital content available
Correspondents other than Welles |
1777, Nov.-1861, Apr.
Digital content available
1861, May-1885, Dec., undated |
Digital content available
Executive and legislative chronologies, 1866-1868
Digital content available
Facsimiles and transcripts |
Digital content available
Financial, government, and legal documents,
1787-1865, undated |
Digital content available
BOX 39 REEL 34 |
Niles, John M. |
Correspondence |
1820, Aug.-1836, Apr.
Digital content available
BOX 40 REEL 34 |
1836, May-1856, Apr., undated |
Digital content available
Miscellany, 1825-1853, undated |
Digital content available
Notes and other items |
Digital content available
Passport of Samuel Welles, 1864
Digital content available
Printed matter, 1839-1889, undated |
Digital content available
Speeches and writings collected by Welles, 1821-1871, undated |
Digital content available
Welles, Edgar T., correspondence |
1861, Mar.-1868, June
Digital content available
1868, July-1911, Jan., undated |
Digital content available
BOX 41 REEL 35 |
Welles, Mary Hale, correspondence, 1859-1883, undated |
Digital content available
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