The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Adams Kingsbury papers, 1841-1966
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Part II: General Correspondence, 1852-1960 (continued)
Bellamy Association See Container II:9, Edward Bellamy Association of New York
Bigelow, Poultney, 1930
Biggs, Herman M., 1921-1929, undated
Biltmore Industries, 1940-1944
Binns, John H., 1938-1939
Bliss, Cornelius N., Jr., 1920-1923
Bliss, Tasker H., 1924-1927
Bliven, Bruce, 1932-1933
Bloodgood, Joseph Colt and Edith Holt, 1935-1937
Bogdanov, Peter A., 1934
Borah, William E., 1932-1933
Boudreau, Frank G., 1932-1937
Bradley, Phillips, 1933
Brown, Helen Hillyer, 1934
BOX II: 6 Browne, Frank J., 1900-1901
Bruere, Henry and Robert, 1932-1955, undated
Brussel, Eleanor, 1954-1955
Buck, Pearl S., 1932-1936
Bull, Nina, 1951-1952, undated
Bun-Varilla, Philippe Jean, 1919-1920
Burlingham, Charles C., 1924-1958, undated
(5 folders)
BOX II: 7 Burlingham, Robert, 1937
Burnam, Curtis F., 1935-1947
Burritt, Bailey B. and Ruth, 1911-1953
Butterfield, Kenyon Y., 1919, 1929
"B" miscellaneous, 1905, 1917-1956, undated
Campbell, Florence, George, Donald, and Eugene, 1911, 1936-1948, 1959
Carrel, Alexis, 1924, 1932, undated
Carter, Alice, 1916, 1931-1942
Carter, E. C., 1918, 1932, 1949-1951
Cecil, Robert, 1923
Chadbourne, William M., 1931-1943, 1955
China, 1952-1956, undated
Churchman Associates, 1954
Clark, Grenville, 1951
Cole, William H., 1919, 1930
Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, Calif., 1934
Connor, Hilary G., 1931, undated
Consumers' Research, 1936
Cooper, Frank B., 1906-1922
Cooper, Hugh L., 1933
Cornell, Katherine, 1940, 1948
Council of Social Agencies of Los Angeles, Calif., 1934-1936
Coville, Frederick V., 1935
BOX II: 8 Crane, John O. and Sylvia E., 1952-1953
Crawford, Stuart, 1933
Curie, Marie, 1911
Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1938
Cutting, R. Fulton, 1911, 1918-1920, undated
"C" miscellaneous, 1919-1956, undated
Davies, Rhys J., 1937
Davis, Michael M., 1935-1939, 1949
De Boerderij, Sylvia, 1946, undated
De Kruif, Paul and Rhea, 1936-1947, undated
Dent, Hawthorne K., 1946-1953
Desmond, Thomas C., 1954
Deutsch, Albert, 1940-1950
Devine, Edward T., 1936-1937
Dewey, John, 1923-1934, undated
Dix, John A., 1911
Doherty, William J., 1919
Doran, Catherine A. ("Cassie"), 1934-1941, undated
Douglas, William O., 1951
Douglass, Stephen A., 1926, 1937
Downes, Olin, 1949-1955
Dreier, Mary E., 1931, 1945, 1954-1956, undated
Du Bois, W. E. B., 1954-1955
Dublin, Louis I., 1935-1937, 1948
Dubrowsky, D. H., 1932-1933
Duggan, Stephen F., 1932-1935
Durant, Will, 1931-1937
Duranty, Walter, 1932-1934, 1941, 1950
Dury, Lou, 1882-1888
"D" miscellaneous, 1916-1956, undated
BOX II: 9 Earp, Rosslyn, 1931-1937
Eddy, Harriet G., 1934-1935, 1951-1954, undated
Edward Bellamy Association of New York, 1934, 1950
Einstein, Albert, 1947-1948
Ellis, William J., 1937-1942
Elwood, Everett S. and Alice, 1931-1956, undated
(2 folders)
"E" miscellaneous, 1894-1954
Faggi, Alfeo and John A., 1931-1937, 1945-1949, undated
Fairchild, Henry Pratt, 1950-1954
Fairchild, Mildred, 1937-1939
Falk, I. S., 1935-1944, undated
(2 folders)
Farrand, Livingston, 1911, 1921, 1931
Festy, Octave, 1930-1952, undated
Field, William Osgood B., Jr., and Alice Withrow, 1932-1935
Fischer, Mary Ellen Sigsbee, 1923, 1949
BOX II: 10 Fisher, Galen, 1931-1954
Fite, Harvey, 1955-1956
Flexner, Abraham and Simon, 1934-1935, 1943, 1955, undated
Florinsky, Michael, 1934
Folks, Homer, 1907, 1918-1921, 1931-1955
(2 folders)
Fosdick, Raymond B., 1944, 1956
Frankfurter, Felix, 1939
Freeman, Miller, 1933-1955
(2 folders)
French, J. Rollin, 1933-1934
Frocht, Maurice, 1934
Fuess, Claude M., 1932-1935
Futterman, M. J., 1933-1934
"F" miscellaneous, 1900-1956, undated
BOX II: 11 Gardner, Alexander and Mary, 1934-1937, undated
Gavit, John Palmer, 1921-1942, 1955
Glass, Rose, 1931, 1958, undated
Goudy, Frederic W., 1936-1938, undated
Goueé, R., 1919
Graves, Frank Pierrepont, 1921-1923, 1933-1938
Graves, Henry B., 1933-1937, 1945-1954
Greene, Frederick D., 1948-1949
Greist, Annie C., 1930-1932, 1946-1954, undated
"G" miscellaneous, 1921-1941, 1949-1955
Haber, William, 1937-1938
Hale, Ruth A., 1935, 1945
Hamilton, Alice, 1955
Hanna, Rose Laddon, 1932-1933
Hanotte, Maurice, 1930, 1947-1953
Harbord, J. G., 1940
Harmati, Sandor, 1931-1939, undated
Harris, P. E., and Darline Fravel, 1919, 1942-1952
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