The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  John Adams Kingsbury papers, 1841-1966
Some or all content stored offsite.
Part II: General Correspondence, 1852-1960 (continued)
Mitchell, Ruth, 1942-1943
Modern Age Books, 1938-1940
Monday Club, Yonkers, N.Y., 1934
Monroe, Paul, 1931-1933
Moore, Otis, 1933, 1954, undated
Morgenthau, Henry (1856-1946), 1913-1917
Morgenthau, Henry (1891-1967), 1954
Murphy, J. Prentice, 1932-1934
Murrill, William A., 1923, 1931, 1943-1956, undated
Myers, Barbara, 1952-1955
Myers, Frank Clayton, 1919
"M" miscellaneous, 1909-1919, 1926-1956, undated
Nation, 1936, undated
Nelbach, Philip E., 1942-1950
Nelson, Paul, 1933-1934
BOX II: 16 New Masses, 1940-1945
New Republic, 1937
New World Review See Container II:20, Smith, Jessica
New York Herald-Tribune, 1938, 1948
New York Times, 1937, 1955
Newsholme, Sir Arthur, 1920, 1928-1956, undated
(5 folders)
Nicholai, Bishop of Ochrida, 1921-1937, undated
"N" miscellaneous, 1918-1940, 1951-1955, undated
O'Casey, Sean, 1950
Olivier, Charles P., 1931-1933
Olney, Grace, 1931, 1953
Olney, Pansy, 1943, 1953, undated
BOX II: 17 Open Road, Inc., 1939
Ortiz, Philippe, 1919, 1948-1952
"O" miscellaneous, 1881, 1930, 1942, 1948
Pauling, Linus, 1950
Pearl, Raymond, 1935-1938
Pepper, Claude, 1945-1947
Perkins, Frances D., 1922-1938
Pickett, Clarence E., 1939-1940, 1949-1956
Pinchot, Gifford, 1922, 1929, 1940
Plunkett, Robert E., 1942, 1954
Polk, Frank L., 1919, 1931-1935
Pope, Arthur Upham, 1954-1955
Potter, Nathaniel Bowditch, 1918-1919
Powers, Lizzie, 1852, 1880-1982, 1890, undated
Preston, Frances Folsom Cleveland, 1922
Prosser, William T., Margaret, and Genevieve, 1918-1919, 1926-1949
Pupin, Michael I., 1929-1933
"P" miscellaneous, 1911, 1919-1923, 1930-1955, undated
Quackenbush, May R., 1947
Radin, George, 1929-1941, 1953-1955, undated
(2 folders)
Rajchman, Ludwik and Jean, 1933-1935, 1950-1951
Randall, Ollie A., 1919
Redman, Elizabeth, 1939
Reed, Louis S., 1937
Reed, Lowell J., 1955
BOX II: 18 Reiland, Karl, 1919-1955, undated
Remsberg, C. E., 1908, 1914-1923, 1932-1947, 1954, undated
(2 folders)
Reynolds, Ralph Arthur, 1934
Rice, Stuart, 1914
Riis, Jacob A. and Mary, 1911-1913, undated
Robison, C. H., 1902, 1908, 1928-1955
Rockefeller, John D. (1874-1960), 1930-1933
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1933, 1955
Rones, Benjamin, 1936-1941, 1947, 1954
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1933-1938, undated
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1912-1913, 1929
Root, Elihu, 1923, 1929-1932
Rorty, James, 1933-1937
Rose, Clyde B., 1916-1919, 1930-1931, 1938-1945
Rosett, Joshua, 1922-1925
Ross, C. Ben, 1936
Ross, E. A., 1906, 1949
Roubakine, Aleksandre and Boris, 1919, 1932-1947, undated
Rugg, Harold, 1943-1944
Russell, Bertrand, 1953
"R" miscellaneous, 1869, 1909, 1919-1923, 1933-1955, undated
BOX II: 19 Salmon, Thomas W., 1926
Sand, René, 1930-1953, undated
Sands, Clifford, 1936-1937
Sanger, Margaret, 1933-1956, undated See also Container II:20, Slee, J. Noah H.
(2 folders)
Saunders, Richardson, 1917-1919, 1925, 1933-1938
Scandrett, Richard B., Jr., 1944, 1955
Schilcher, Hermann, 1935
Seelye, Walter Bale, 1934-1955, undated
Shapley, Harlow, 1947-1949, 1955
Shardlow, Jennie, 1923-1935, undated
Shaw, Albert, 1919, 1936-1939, 1946
Sherman, C. C., 1953
Shipler, Guy Emery, 1954-1955
Shotwell, James T. and Margaret, 1931-1947
Shriver, Alfred Jenkins, 1930-1935
Siebert, Julius H., 1940-1945
Sigerist, Henry E., 1933-1956, undated
BOX II: 20 Sigsbee, Charles D. and Elija R., 1907
Simovitch, D. T., 1941-1942
Sinclair, Upton, 1938
Slee, J. Noah H., and Margaret Sanger, 1928-1934, 1940-1946, undated See also Container II:19, Sanger, Margaret
Smith, Alfred E., 1919, 1932
Smith, Jessica, 1939-1955, undated See also same container, Soviet Russia Today
Smith, Roland H., 1919-1921
Smith, Theobald, 1932-1933
Social Work Today, 1937-1941
Somerville, John, 1953-1954
Soviet Russia Today, 1933-1934 See also same container, Smith, Jessica
Spence, Kenneth M., 1953-1955
Sperry, Mamie, 1941, 1948
Splawn, Homer B. and Mary Vee, 1947-1955
Sprunt, Thomas P., 1943-1944
Stair, Dixon H., 1937-1938
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1938, 1955
Stephenson, George, 1935-1938
Stern, Bernhard J., 1938, 1945, 1951
Stewart, Caroline, 1915-1918, 1934, 1945-1954, undated
Stimson, Henry L., 1911, 1932, 1945
Stokes, John H., 1932-1937
Stone, I. F., 1949
Stonorov, Oscar G., 1939-1946, undated
Strand, Paul and Hazel, 1952-1954, undated
Strauss, Manny, 1932-1937
Street, Jessie M. G., 1952-1955
Stuart, John, 1943
Sundwall, John, 1933
Sung, Ch'ing-ling, 1949
Sydenstricker, Edgar and Phyllis, 1932-1936
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