The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Philip Hauge Abelson papers, 1924-2002
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Part II: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1924-1978 (continued)
Berl, Walter B. 1973
Biochemical Society, 1973-1975
Biochinica et Biophysica Acta, 1953
BOX II:14 Biographical data, 1953-1977
Biographical, miscellaneous, 1961-1970
Biographies, undated
American Chemical Society, 1972
American Chemical Society, symposium, undated
College of Physicians, undated
Current Biography, 1965
"Energy for Tomorrow," undated
Narative, undated
Saturday Review, 1962
Short, undated
Sketch, undated
Biophysical Society, 1972-1977
Block, Richard J., 1954-1960
Blood group antibodies, undated
Blum, Harold F., 1954-1956
BOX II:15 Board of Scientific Counselors, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1960-1967
Board on Mineral Resources, National Research Council, 1976
BOX II:16 Board of Mineral Resources, National Research Council, 1977
Boffey, Philip, undated
Bowen, Ira S., 1962
Boyd, F. R., 1957-1960
Boyd, F. R., and P. H. Nixon, 1973
Boyd, George, 1953-1959
Bramlette, Milton N., 1956
BOX II:17 Breger, Irving A., 1956-1957
Brode, Wallace R., 1954-1959
Bronk, Detlev W., 1955-1965
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y., 1963-1964
Brookings Institution, 1967-1971
Brown, Harrison, undated
Brown, Harrison S., 1954-1962
Budget Committee, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C,, 1968-1969
Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, 1972
Burk, Creighton, 1976
Burlingame, A. L., undated
BOX II:18 Bush, Vannevar, 1951-1973
(2 folders)
"C" miscellaneous, 1954-1977
(4 folders)
BOX II:19 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., 1968-1977
Calvin, Melvin, 1954-1963
Campbell, Ian, 1954
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1954-1955
Carpenter, Richard A., 1971
CARSO (Carnegie Southern Observatory), 1971
Chaney, Ralph W., 1954
Chave, Keith E., 1954
Chemical Engineering, 1974
Chemical Society of Washington, 1972
China, 1973-1974
Christian Science Monitor, 1967
Circum-Pacific Plutonism Project, 1974-1976
Clark, G. L., 1954
Cloud, Preston, 1972-1974
College Entrance Examination Board, 1967-1970
Colony Development Operation, Denver, Colo., 1974
Comfort, Alex, 1954
Commencement introduction, 1975
Commission of Editors of Biochemical Journals, 1970
Cooper, Frank S., 1955-1959
BOX II:20 Cooper, Joseph D., 1965-1966
Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.
Award, 1972-1976
Awards Committee, 1966-1970
Bulletins (Cosmos Club Bulletin), 1977
Business, 1970-1971
Carey, William D., 1976
Carpenter, Richard A., 1972
BOX II:21 Committees and board, 1967-1970
(3 folders)
Creutz proposal, 1970-1971
DuBridge proposal, 1969
Endowment Fund policy subcommittee, 1965-1966
BOX II:22 General notices, 1971-1978
Goddard, David R., 1976
Guest card application, undated
History Committee, 1947-1977
Koshland proposal, 1970-1971
Letters of support, 1971-1978
Miscellany, 1960-1965
BOX II:23 Miscellany, 1960-1965
Nominations Committee, 1973-1974
Pieper proposal, 1961-1964
Williams, Donald H., 1974
Council for the Advancement of Science Writing, 1967-1971
Council on Foreign Relations, 1976-1978
Council on Science and Technology for Development, 1978
BOX II:24 Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research, Canberra, Australia, 1976
Cummins, J. J., 1972-1974
(2 folders)
"D" miscellaneous, 1954-1978
(2 folders)
D'Etingny, Enrique L., 1976
Daddario, Emilio G., 1974-1976
Declerco, Wilfred F., 1974-1975
Demerec, M., 1954-1959
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1963-1971
BOX II:25 Dessler, Alexander J., 1971-1975
DeStevens, George, 1970
Dow Chemical Co., 1974
Drea, W. F. D., 1954
Drew, David E., 1974
Dunham, Kingsley, 1974
Durand, B., and J. Espitalie, 1975
"E" miscellaneous, 1950-1977
(2 folders)
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1974
Ebert, James D., 1955-1971
Educational technology, undated
Eglington, G., 1971-1972
Eglington, G., and M. T. J. Murphy, 1969
Ehrlichman, John, Henry Kissinger, and George P. Shultz in Who's Who in America, 1972-1973
Elliott, Osborne, undated
"Energy for Tomorrow," lecture series by Abelson
Drafts, 1974
BOX II:26 Drafts, 1974
(5 folders)
Figures, 1974
Lectures 1-3, undated
(3 folders)
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